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Comment Re:Pft (Score 5, Informative) 962

I invite you to visit any developer's forum. Particularly for multiplayer games that get frequent patching.

Then tell me that they don't face harassment, irregardless of gender. People pick on whatever sticks out. Is the developer Russian? Russian insults. Are they of Chinese descent, and he comments? Expect some variation of "ching chong chow chee ho lee fuk sum ting wong chang chong ching wang chinky chong" in response.

If it's women, they get picked on for being women.

Comment Re:Pft (Score 4, Interesting) 962

I'll grant you all your points. Women are singled out.

Until there are too many women to single out.

The same thing happened when women went to work, when they went to medical school, when they went into politics, as you said. And eventually, they become accepted by their peers, and any hate they get from the public is just like the hate that their male counterparts get from the public. Except that instead of "Go fucking smoke some pole, you Kenyan Muslim faggot", they hear "Get your bitch-ass in the kitchen, you stupid cunt."

Comment Re:Pft (Score 0, Troll) 962

It isn't only women who dance around issues when socializing with the other sex. Men gets very soft around women. If you think they have a harassing attitude you should see how men treat other men.

Pretty much that.

And her quote "But because our very survival can depend on it" ... really? Really?! Melodramatic, much? When's the last time a female developer was ever assaulted at work? And no, "nice ass" doesn't count as a threat to your life, though it is a crude remark (unless you're Tom Brady).

Comment Re:Such harassment (Score 1) 362

And just out of curiosity, why is it only men who make women uncomfortable? Why can't men feel uncomfortable around women?

Women and men are not that different. If you're constantly watching your tounge aroung women then you're likely pissing off men too unless you only hang around with your friends.

Men and women are quite different.

I work construction, and the atmosphere is night and day when it's an all-male vs mixed crew. If you deal with female workers the way you deal with male, you're asking for trouble.

Comment Re:Such harassment (Score 4, Insightful) 362

Whether it does or doe not contribute to a healthy work environment, is it sexual harassment?

I say no.

Who gives a shit about the semantics. If your making your female workmates uncomfortable, you deserve to be rapidly ejected out the door with "DO NOT HIRE AGAIN" stamped on your file.

I'm curious, have you ever had a job? I don't mean a summer job or your coding job surrounded by fellow nerdlings. I'm talking about a job in a larger company where you have to deal with all sorts of people.

Because here's a hint: you're going to make people uncomfortable. People who overhear your in-jokes you make with your friends. People who come into the middle of a conversation and take things out of context. People who are naturally touchy. People who are having a bad day (and this happens pretty regularly for many women, about 4-5 days out of every 30). People who simply don't like you for one reason or another, because maybe they decided you look funny, or are the wrong race, or whatever, and they're either looking for an excuse to complain or they'll make one up.

And just out of curiosity, why is it only men who make women uncomfortable? Why can't men feel uncomfortable around women? Why isn't the need to constantly watch my tongue, to be on edge, always hyper-sensitive to their sensitivities a definition of uncomfortable? Why can Tom Brady honk their tits and tell them they should fuck, while I can't say hello without being a creep? (K, that's obviously an exaggeration, but you understand what I'm getting at).

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