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Comment Re:I still found it amusing; harmless and humorous (Score 1) 387

Actually I watched it last night... Streisand Effect and all. Only occurred to me this morning that the one big thing I hadn't heard before from all of this mess aside from specific details was that Manning was gay. So... that definitely leaves me with a less than stellar impression of the lulz crowd, not that I had one to begin with. The lulz crowd (all of them, not just that group) is just a very slight evolutionary step up from the script kiddies of a few years ago.

Comment Re:Streisand Effect (Score 1) 387

My first thought was "Script kiddies censored something? WTF? Now I'm curious..." Next thought was "Hello, Streisand Effect."

The documentary gets one thing stupidly wrong, considering who all they were talking to. They don't really bother to define "hacker" and they're pretty free with the term. Leads the average viewer to think there are organized, known clubs at universities structured around breaking into other people's computer systems.

Comment Re:Wrong question (Score 1) 442

I'm in complete agreement about this being the wrong question. Many companies have spent a ridiculous amount of money on telling the general public that The Cloud is a solution. It isn't. It's a tool, nothing more. It has it's upsides and it's downsides. But neither of those will matter when you're talking about a complex setup (millions of users, version control and virtualization are all somewhat involved to setup and maintain).

I've done work for hosting companies before. I've bailed people out after they got in over their heads on a daily basis. But I wasn't their system administrator. You need to realize that tech support at your hosting company isn't the same thing as having a sysadmin who is proactively setting your system up to handle the demands you place on it. The best question you can ask (and answer) right now is: Who is my system administrator? If it's you and you've guaged your admin abilities accurately you'll be lucky if you get the system setup. Even if you do, the first time you run into problems of any kind your customers are going to have a very bad experience and that pretty much makes your proposal a non-starter. Sorry to say something like that but honestly you're better off hearing it now while you can do something about it than later.

Comment "Security" Service? Really? (Score 4, Interesting) 125

I love how they settled on the soft target of "identity theft protection" too. This is just a non-starter.

Let's see if we can boil down what a truthful ad for their spyware would look like.

"Hi! I want to provide you with a service we're going to say protects you from someone pretending to be you. Most likely we'll make sure you can't possibly sue us if someone does steal your identity or we'll just claim someone got your info offline or from a computer not covered by the service.

In return, you let is spy on you and use this to send ads to you. We promise not to look at certain types of info but this won't be transparent to you in any way. And realistically speaking, we can't possibly keep up with every site of the type we're saying we don't look at but we'll lie to you and say we won't look at email or sites with medical information anyway. By the way did we mention our EULA will immunize us from prosecution for doing it anyway?

In summary: We onwzorz your infos and you oggle our ads. We'll also make gratuitous statements about protecting your info but you won't be able to hold us to any of it. Have a good day! Big Brother is watching and he wants you (and your little wallet too)!

Comment Re:I wonder... (Score 1) 1135

What would happen if there was a suicide bomber that was caught with a child, and the child was the one with the bomb... Would we willingly subject our children to being searched after an incident like this?

Maybe... It's hard to say. You'd have a bit of a conundrum going on there. You see your "For the Children" groups and your "Security Through Endless Harassment" groups are generally on the same side, appealing to the same people. So who would win? I think it would come down to how often people in that demographic fly on commercial airplane flights.

Comment Re:LibreOffice relies heavily on Java, (Score 1) 510

if oracle takes legal action against distributors of software written in java, they may as well close down and close up their database business while they are at it, nobody would trust working with oracle owned properties for anything of any consequence

Not certain what their take on events looks like but recently that seems to be a high priority secondary objective (money is always the primary objective with any corporation). Based on their activities or lack thereof in regards to the open source community surrounding java and OpenOffice they don't seem to think very highly of the standard slashdot crowd. Based on their recent high profile lawsuits, they don't seem to think much of other businesses either. I'm not sure who that leaves but whoever it is better have deep pockets or they're screwed.

Comment It's a Process (Score 1) 375

If you really want to handle three different OSes then yeah, do so. You really haven't mentioned a single bit of information on how you want them to interoperate however and that's generally the part that's the real pain in the butt. If everyone can be migrated to an OSS office suite then you're good for tossing documents around. Email is an old enough standard that hardly anyone is stupid enough to really break it (even AOL has kind of figured this out). The difficulty there comes in with the scheduling and calendar stuff in Exchange/Outlook. I haven't looked in ages but last I heard there were attempts to replace this with a fully functioning OSS system but it didn't interest me enough to track whether the projects succeeded or not. Samba worked fine with XP, haven't tried it with Windows 7.

Ultimately though you generally do the whole replacement OS thing as a process. You start with the servers. If you're used to in-house mail you might be better off running a Linux or BSD mail server than going the Gmail route. Once you have all the servers done that you're going to do, then start planning out your app deployments and replacements. If you're thinking about swapping out MS Office for OpenOffice, try that before you shuffle OSes. It's free, it works on Windows and it's much easier to back out of if you change your mind (or have it changed for you by your users). Do that with every piece of software you conceivably can, one at a time and see what impact it has. If it all works and no gotchas pop up, you can go on to swap OSes, but I'd probably wait until there was a reason to get rid of Windows 7. When an Antivirus or some other piece of software requires a paid update, switching to Linux or whatever to avoid it will sound like a much better idea. This process will make an eventual OS replacement less painful for you and your users and you won't have to ask Slashdot how well it will work. You'll be seeing it yourself.

Comment What can you do..? (Score 1) 267

Just curious, but did the ruling happen to have any language that would keep you from doing the same sorts of web exposure for this case and all involved as you did to the original corporation? I mean, it pissed them off enough to engage in a stupid lawsuit, maybe it'll annoy the judge and the lawyers too.

Comment Re:orly? (Score 1) 120

Not only is it EASY to get harsh, but when companies flatly lie to customers, the price *should* be many times the amount of profit they made using the lie. Brushing it off as "only a marketing catch-phrase" is ignorant at best.

Hrm. You know, since they have the right to free speech now (THANK YOU, oh benevolent and wise US Supreme Court, next let's revive indentured servitude just for kicks), maybe you can sue them for slandering the 4G brand as well as false advertising? With new power comes new lawsuits. It's the American way.

Comment Easy Answer (Score 1) 158

When politicians start feeling like they need to kick back to their contributors, this sort of law seems like an easy win. They get told comparisons like the ISP is the get-away driver at a robbery, thrown the usual completely unverified "billions of dollars" figures about how much it "costs" and suddenly it sounds like a no brainer.

What to do to curb this sort of idiocy? Easy. Don't campaign against them passing it. Campaign hard to make sure the language isn't specific to ISPs and the digital world.

Suddenly when someone grabs a purse and runs down the sidewalk, the victim can sue the government.

When a bank is robbed, even before the police have suspects the bank can sue the government because the crooks drove away on a public road.

If you get slugged in a bar, sue! The other fellow must have walked on public sidewalks, drove on public roads or took the public tubes to get his thuggish arse there right?

One month of barking at the moon equals a lifetime of preventive advocacy.

Comment Feature?!? (Score 1) 580

If this is implemented as described I expect it to go over about as well as proposing a Wrist Slitting Barbie doll would. The simple fact is Microsoft has already tried something similar to this with their extortion masked as a security service that nags at the install when software isn't signed. It's not like launching an application from the Dock is terribly difficult now and a lot of apps have their own built-in check for updates anyway. Those two features simply won't matter. If anyone uses the app store it will be to distribute their app not to get features of questionable usefulness. And on top of that, this is just the sort of idiot move that would segment their userbase into people who think they need those features to use apps and those that are technical enough to do without.

Since segmenting their userbase wouldn't get them anything but less people using their new app store and providing new barriers to developers who might want otherwise consider porting their projects to the mac, I don't think they'll go that way. In both the long and short term it would just flat out be a bad move for them.

Comment Flying... really? (Score 1) 302

See, when you say "it can fly", the picture people have in their head is going to be "like a hawk" or at the very least pretty good gliding "like a buzzard." This thing though? I wouldn't be surprised if it flies like a chicken. Possibly of the frozen variety. Only it probably won't be as useful as the chicken, which can always double as catapult ammo if you're really bored.

Comment Re:Three words (Score 1) 328

You're correct, this is unprofessional.

However... professionalism is basically another word for respect. People talk about giving it out for free like it's this magical thing that makes everything better and exists in a vacuum. The reality check here is that respect and professionalism largely amount to the same thing in business dealings and while you can get some on loan, the interest if you default on it is going to be pretty steep. Think "rip off credit card" here not "bank loan".

You can never really force someone to respect you. Even trying to do so basically tells them you don't give a damn about what they may really think or feel about you and so denies them respect in return. And neglecting to respect someone else is the surest way to make certain they won't respect you in turn.

In the real world, corporate professionalism is a lot like a fad diet. It does nothing, goes nowhere, and if it's not full of bullshit to start with, it will be by the end. It's mostly about looking like part of the herd.

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