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Comment Re:Or they're terrified (Score 4, Insightful) 921

In my opinion, Agnosticism makes the most sense. I think what exists outside the bounds of our physical universe, and before (and after?) 'time', is unknown and unknowable. God, Zues, the Matrix, or a spontaneous generation, it's all the same to me. The Christian story is full of contradictions with the evidences of our origin which surround us, but that certainly doesn't rule out in my mind the existence of some sort of creator. I sincerely doubt it gives a shit who I am or am not having sex with in any more than an ant farm sort of way. Obviously, we are, rather than are not, but God only moves that question to "where did God come from?".

Comment Re:are you sure? (Score 1) 601

Admittedly, a big part of the problem with driving in New Jersey is road design. There are old highways with entrance and exit ramps that are too short and too sharp all over the place, and there are too many places where the entrance and exit merge lanes cross on high traffic roads. Traffic circles can't handle the volume they're often fed. The loose change tolls every county on the GS Parkway belong in the feudal age.

But Jersey drivers do have some problems - I can't count the number of times I've had to slam on the brakes from highway speed because people suddenly stopped to rubberneck a speeding ticket on the other side of a four lane highway. There are way too many people weaving in their lanes on cell phones. I've been rear ended three times in the last two years while stopping at red lights by people who either weren't looking (2) or overestimated their brakes on a downhill in the rain (1), and I most certainly do not stop short or stop at yellow lights. The floor it to a red light syndrome is common, too. There's probably some personal bias on my part because I keep getting hit, and maybe the overall volume just makes it seem worse than it is.

Comment Re:are you sure? (Score 4, Insightful) 601

The per mile death rate is lower, in general, in more urban states than more rural ones. My guess is that with everyone stuck together in traffic, most of the accidents happen with a relatively low closing speed so less people are killed. It's certainly not because New Jersey drivers spend more time paying attention to what's going on around them, at least in my experience.

It's not exactly the same point but it's certainly true that vehicle death totals are down significantly on a per mile basis over the last 40 years, at least in the US. So while there may be a false sense of security brought about by ABS, air bags, and traction control, it doesn't overcome the actual advances in safety.

Comment Re:Can we stop enabling these people? (Score 4, Insightful) 1134

That's not true. The guy is refusing to document code and skips work on a whim. He's not dependable but he tries to tie his coworkers to his capricious tendencies. He's arrogant and socially inept. Most of the most brilliant people I've worked with are very confident, but they're not all assholes. This "Josh" doesn't sound like someone I'd want on my team. The code doesn't need documenting? Seriously? Brooks thought that was outdated in 1970.

Comment Re:I'm Not Sure Why People Believe This (Score 2, Insightful) 1088

There are about 100 posts saying exactly this same thing in the thread, but it doesn't make any sense! It's already exactly what the candidates do. After the primaries, the candidates make only token appearances in the states that one side or another already has in the bag and spend most of the rest of their time in Ohio, Florida, and Pennsylvania. Why would a republican, or a democrat, presently campaign in New Jersey, Massachusetts, Montana, or Texas? If any of those states are a tossup, the election isn't going to be close. The electoral college is only one of several bad structural features in the US system of governance, but it's the easiest one to fix.

Malware Spreading Via ... Windshield Fliers? 207

wiedzmin writes "Another interesting article published by the SANS ISC Handler's Diary is describing a very unusual vector for malware distribution — windshield fliers and fake parking tickets. A website URL provided for "disputing a ticket" actually leads to a malicious website, and a "toolbar" required to find the photo of your violation is, you guessed it, a trojan posing as a fake antivirus. The best part is — according to the VirusTotal report, it doesn't look like most antiviruses have signatures for this one yet."

Comment Re:What a bunch of BS (Score 1) 439

Only because we've killed off most of the things that are dangerous.

Bears (brown moreso than black) will hunt you for food but their range is pretty limited now. Moose, bison, and even elk can be quite dangerous if startled or at the wrong time of the year, but we've killed most of them too.

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