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Comment At a cocktail robotics festival (Score 1) 310

I teach 3D graphics, programming and compositing & postproduction at a university of applied sciences. Every year, our students build machines for the annual Roboexotica cocktail robotics festival. I usually accompany the students at the event and fix their machines on the exhibition floor - with soldering irons, lots of tape and a notebook. Since most of the student machines are created in a hurry, their Processing and Arduino code usually has errors. Sometimes I find myself sitting on the floor between alcohol canisters, pumps and wires, debugging stuff while drunk people stumble around. :-)

Comment Student's Project (Score 1) 186

I'm teaching at a university of applied sciences and one of my students is currently creating a website using PHP/HTML5 and WebM/Vorbis media to remember her recently deceased dad, using interviews of relatives and friends, video snippets, photos and stories about his life, all chronologically linked together, categorized and tagged. The site will be password-protected and every friend or relative will receive an account. Apparently the man had a whole lot of friends all around the world, easily justifying this amount of work.

Comment Correlation, implication, causation etc. (Score 5, Interesting) 292

They say they can identify a single person by a typing profile that they've previously generated, but you certainly cannot deduct from a typing profile that any given person is a pedophile! I agree with the author's comment.

[rant]On a side note, TFA has pictures of a murderer and a 17 y/o girl next to each other. I refuse to call someone a "pedophile" who is attracted to 17-year-old girls, because becoming an adult is not a matter of some age number increasing by one digit. 17-year-olds are certainly not KIDS! I'm sick of the misuse of the word "pedophile". What they actually mean is "ephebophile", but since that one is - to some degree - accepted by society, they cannot polarize people enough to enact more stupid laws. [/rant]

Comment Re:It's fuzzy math (Score 1) 311

I totally agree on this: Buy cheap, buy twice.

I've been practicing this for the last couple of years and have spent significantly less money on gadgets and computer stuff than any of my friends. They still wonder how I can afford yet another Xbox 360 game but don't take into account that I don't buy a new mobile phone every 6 months. Related: I also have a phone plan that costs me only 0.04€ per minute without termination fee or, in fact, any other fee, apart from actual calls (@ Austrian provider bob). I have a monthly phone bill of ~10€ in total.

Comment Re:Similar work for Canon cameras... (Score 1) 167

My Canon EOS 450D puts all files (JPEG and CR2) into one directory per 10.000 files. Actually, I dislike this behaviour very much, so I wrote a script that moves all files into directories named after the file creation date (YYYY-MM-DD). All I need to do afterwards, is to add a short description to the directory name. The script has a context menu entry for directories, so it's as easy to use as it gets.

By the way: when you connect the 450D via USB, Canon's driver only shows JPEGs on the cam, even if you shot in RAW mode. For RAWs, you'll just get the 6MP JPEG previews, that are embedded in the .cr2 files. If you want the actual .cr2 files, you have to use a card reader. Great, isn't it?

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"It says he made us all to be just like him. So if we're dumb, then god is dumb, and maybe even a little ugly on the side." -- Frank Zappa
