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Comment Re:Ugh (Score 0) 597

Have you actually ever read anything about te FSF and its goals. The FSF explicitely states that Free Softwre is a social movement for the greater good. I'm pretty sure that spying on users and disrespecting their privacy is not for the greater good, even if they never explicitely state it.

The FSF can define free software however they want. They have no jurisdiction in forcing *their* definition onto others. They're a bunch of ideologues whose relevance is approaching zero.

Comment Re:I haven't read a bad review of it (Score 0) 375

The only review that matters in the end is what the market thinks. The market doesn't seem to be buying. Saying "the professional reviewers liked it!" is loser talk.

You act like people gravitate toward superior products, as opposed to the product with superior marketing. Microsoft is still fighting the deeply ingrained stigma that their products just aren't cool. People are more interested in fitting in than they are making objective decisions regarding the quality of the thing they will be consuming.

Comment Re:Is Microsoft the Great Satan? Betteridge says (Score -1, Troll) 573

When passing this question on to Mr. Stallman, try replacing "open source" with "free software".

And this is why RMS is no longer relevant -- his masturbatory pedantry. The only thing I'd ask RMS is to take his meds, he's clearly mentally ill and his paranoid ramblings do not deserve the platform they're given.

Comment Re:inpaired thinking = bad coding (Score 0) 878

I disagree. Anyone with enough experience can write code like riding a bike -- writing the code itself is largely automatic when you know what you're trying to accomplish. Programming in general is about decomposing problems and solving them. This is where drugs can have a positive influence, not in that they make one *better* at problem solving, but they allow the mind to see a problem differently, perhaps offering an angle that the sober mind hasn't considered. Having multiple perspectives is always a good thing, and sometimes drugs can help with that.

Comment Re:Gotta admit (Score 1) 183

The slashdot contingent still fails to see the value in a more closed, locked-down environment. I realize it butts heads with the ideology around here, but there is value to it, namely, a greater barrier to entry for malware. Wasn't there a story here on slashdot just a few days ago about a guy who can't go anywhere without his Android getting hacked into? Exactly.

Comment Re:Not charged (Score -1) 259

So a man is languishing in solitary confinement for years


they'll be sending him back to jail because he enabled people to download music and movies

No, he made millions of dollars allowing other people to download music/movies/games/software that other people made and own the rights to. Oh, he was a brazen prick while he did it, too. Karma is a bitch.

Does that seem right to you?

If he gets a fair trial, yes.

Comment Re:My god, slashdot editors are retarded (Score 2, Informative) 365

"Windows Runtime, or WinRT, is a cross-platform application architecture on the Windows 8 operating system. WinRT supports development in C++/CX (Component Extensions, a language based on C++) and the managed languages C# and VB.NET, as well as JavaScript. WinRT applications natively support both the x86 and ARM architectures, and also run inside a sandboxed environment to allow for greater security and stability."

I've never met a group of people so boastful with their ignorance. No wonder Rob Malda jumped ship, I'd be ashamed too.

Comment Re:What? This story isn't about Linux (Score 3, Informative) 159

The interesting thing is how the OSS allows Valve to tweak or examine the driver code on the fly to find out how to optimize performance.

Anyone who *actually* games wants to know who the fuck cares about underpowered Intel video card drivers. Oh, it will be able to play 5 year old Valve games? WHOOPTY-FUCKING-DOO.

Perhaps you forgot about the time, years ago, when the FOSS crowd courted ATI, saying "Release your specs! The FOSS community will do the rest!" What did ATI do? They released the specs. An opensource driver was born, and it's an unstable, slow piece of shit. When these FOSS folks realized they weren't technically competent enough to actually create a driver for a modern GPU architecture, they went back to demonizing ATI for not releasing their proprietary driver under a free license.

What's the moral of the story here? Just because something is open source doesn't mean "the community" is going to be able to do shit about it. Intel wants to point and say, "Look! Intel GPU can play 5 year old valve games!" Valve wants to say, "Look, Linux is a viable gaming platform!" At the end of the day, it's totally irrelevant to people who want to play new games on modern GPU's.

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