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Comment Re:Not just infected PCs... (Score 2) 206

The Native Americans believed land couldn't be owned. It's a fine ideal. But the other guys had guns, and it didn't matter who was right, only who was left.

That's a pretty compelling case for accepting the idea of intellectual property. If the good guys don't assert ownership and control then the bad guys certainly will. The thing is, not everyone agrees on who the good guys are...

Comment Re:Or, ssh? (Score 0, Flamebait) 247

Do you really think someone is going to intercept the screen drawing compressed bitmap traffic during some ad-hoc session?

While we're at it, let's forgo backups. Do you really think a hard drive is going to die? And insurance. What are the chances your house will burn down? And seat belts. And safety harnesses. Because if it's not likely, it's not worth the trouble of protecting against, right?

Comment Re:Right...just change the "acceptable level"! (Score 2) 536

The 'hot spots' in Japan that frightened many people showed radiation at the level of .1 rem, a number quite small compared with the average excess dose that people happily live with in Denver. What explains the disparity?

I think you can not compare radiation that easily

Exactly. There's a time component left out of the 0.1 rem figure. I probably took Tylenol every week last year. 400 milligrams per dose * 52 weeks = 20,800 mg. That doesn't mean I'd take 104 Tylenol in a day.

Comment Re:Look at it this way... (Score 1) 312

Some do, apparently. See

The reports also reveal a sometimes uneasy partnership with law enforcement agencies, with the carriers frequently rejecting demands that they considered legally questionable or unjustified. At least one carrier even referred some inappropriate requests to the F.B.I.

Comment Re:Line Item (Score 1) 275

How many new substantial business ventures do you think got off the ground or went public in the last several decades without a loan? I'm talking about those large enough to have a national or even regional impact. Many businesses that provide the products we now use in our daily lives and the profits we have in our retirement portfolios simply wouldn't exist without bankers extending the loans. Whether the bankers benefit themselves or not is irrelevant (I can anticipate someone making the point that they were motivated by their own profit) -- the point is that these successful businesses are considered "good things" by a large segment of the population.

Comment Re:If it takes 20 million lines of code (Score 4, Insightful) 304

I'd be willing to bet... that a competent group of people could implement QB in under a quarter of the lines of code

Agreed. But then the business aspect comes into play: can they market it well enough to displace the market leader? There's plenty of crap out there that makes money despite the fact that better options exist. If it was as easy as just competent programming, someone would have done it already.

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