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Comment Re:Not enough screen pixels (Score 0) 463

Uh...the new iPad has a 2048x1536 display. How is that not enough screen pixels? I know artists who are doing paid illustration work on their iPads. I think the bigger concern is ergonomics...typing on glass, things like that. Still, I have a software engineer friend who thinks I should get one, and he does more coding than I do by far.

Comment Looking at this another way... (Score 2) 136

JEEP used USAID funds to train students in the Philippines troubled Mindanao region, which has seen unrest by Muslim activists, to work in call centers and other industries. Feinstein said JEEP was initially conceived as a way to help students in the region integrate into Filipino society. "The intent of the program is to enable these youth to make productive contributions to society, and to reduce alienation and marginalization that may make them vulnerable to the influence of terrorism and extremism."

"LET'S PROTECT AMERICAN JOBS" is just fine, but remember that this is seen as a way toward 2 positives: 1) Offer the Filipinos something worthwhile and valuable to them and 2) reduce the power of extremists in their own territory.

So instead of jerking my knees around, I'd rather see numbers that show how much this costs vs. how many jobs it is "stealing" vs. how much protection the Filipinos and U.S. interests abroad / at home are benefiting from it. And if we cut those funds, where will they really go next?

Comment Typical GIMP questions from /.ers (Score 5, Funny) 312

"How do I draw a circle? I CAN'T DRAW A CIRCLE WITH IT YET AFTER LIKE 30 YEARS" --lowuserid1997

"Does it still suck at CMYK...because where I work we are focusing *so hard* on CMYK right now, it'd be ridiculous for GIMP not to support that" --a_complete_liar

"I noticed that the interface is still a series of 'windows' granddaughter's IPAD allows her to paint the entire mona lisa with her pinky finger, never even showing a single window. WHAT HAPPENED TO OPEN SOURCE???" --300baud

"Anybody know of an alternative to GIMP that lets you publish to ebook formats like Kindle? I need to be able to import a 1200 page scientific text, and I want to have drop shadows on the letters and a parchment background. Also something that exports to iBooks would be great but I can't pay any money for this, and I don't want to have to work for an hour to make it all just work." --cluelessphd

Comment Re:Simple Solution to Faster Web Pages (Score 1) 59

>1- do not serve ads from remote servers

Not everyone needs to do this, but many rely on ad revenue in order to keep running their websites. So good luck with that.

>2- do not associate with external sites like facebook, etc

Shouldn't this depend on your marketing plan and target audience, and the sites they like to use? Oh, I guess you just dislike it on principle? Good luck with that.

>3- do not use web bugs, beacons or other trackers

Rule out Analytics software? OK, so far you've whittled out an ideal strategy to create one of the worst-run websites on the web.

"Responsive Web Design" is not even mostly about making websites faster. It's about the way the entire experience scales on different types of devices. Is your website fixed-width or elastic? In either case you're not being Responsive. Does your website serve different imagery depending on the size of the visitor's screen (iPhone vs. 24" Dell monitor)? If not, then you're not being Responsive.

Comment Oh, you mean those people? (Score 1) 520

Book editors, journalists, video store clerks, musicians, novelists without tenure — they’re among the many groups struggling

Video store clerks. Go figure. Who really thought these types would be thriving in the new economy? They're failing and going back to school or pairing up with friends / family and trying again. Because they're mostly entry-level employees. Give them some time, they know how to enrich themselves and indeed have a natural instinct for it.

Comment Graphics weren't its weak point (Score 1) 70

Flightgear's weak point was always its usability. Weird proprietary interfaces, be it menus, keyboard inputs, or control system, with little help or even information scent to help you take off or let you explore common options. For example it has always been easier to adjust HUD configuration than it has been to even change to a different aircraft. Lots of tempting screenshots and videos around the net, but very little in the way of guidance as to how to get there.

Comment Not quite, have some tags (Score 1) 149

instead of instructions about how to “Make a bomb in the Kitchen of your Mom” by “The AQ Chef” they were greeted with garbled computer code. The code, which had been inserted into the original magazine by the British intelligence hackers, was actually a web page of recipes

So it sounds like this was an attempt at inserting recipes, and the result was actually raw HTML. Still accomplishes the DELETE PIPE BOMBS mission, but probably didn't get much more than an eyebrow-raise from the readership...

Comment Already out of date (Score 1) 26

Along with the missing Drupal 7 module, I see no mention of the DataZombies jQTouch fork, which has been a really popular alternative to jQTouch. Not to bash the book, but the mobile web story is being revised a bit every day. I purchased a mobile theme from a major theme vendor recently, and I was amazed at how obsolete it was, having only been put on the market a year ago. I stuck with it because I liked the stock graphics, but ended up wondering how long it'll be relevant.

Also I find it pretty funny that people are using Drupal, Wordpress, and Joomla! to power mobile sites. It's like using nuclear fuel to power a Mini. Drupal is probably the best match of the three, but then it sounds like 7 is missing some technology that could be helpful. I have a client who is in the middle of a move away from Joomla! (and Wordpress 2 years ago) because they realized that their business workflow can be very simply expressed within a web application, and the front end for that ideal application looks nothing like what you see when you log into Joomla! or Wordpress. For many, the budget just isn't there to afford something nicer than an off-the-shelf CMS though, so they get one of these monstrosities that was designed for someone else's workflow.

Comment Operation Yashima (Score 1) 265

However, websites such as “”Operation Yashima ” (the power conservation strategy depicted in the popular Japan Anime “Next Generation of Evangelion”) spread out the idea of power conservation and helped to keep the rolling blackout to a minimum.

Well, if that isn't the coolest thing I've read all day.

Comment is probably the way to go (Score 4, Insightful) 181

Shuttleworth suggests that building development around specs (as suggested by Aaron Seigo) is probably a good route to take, especially since Ubuntu is NOT just GNOME, but also KDE (Kubuntu), etc.

I heartily agree with that. I want to see Unity come out and kick butt, and it sounds like as good as GNOME Shell might be, GNOME people are forcing this into a you-vs.-us fight.

(It doesn't help to see Jeff Waugh being all complainy on Mark's blog, either.)

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