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Comment Apple's Future (Score 0, Troll) 263

I hate to speak ill of the man so soon after death but I always felt Apple was always too restrained by him. Every thing they do is so closed and exclusive. They never extended a hand to the open source community. Yes, the same could have been said of Microsoft but Apple seemed off the deep end. This did offer some of the benefits of Job's vision but I think Apple may be poised in a better position now. Time will tell.

Comment Occupy Everywhere (Score 1) 594

The difficulty with the Occupy movement as I see it is that it lacks cohesion and direction. I don't think anyone including the protesters know what it is about. It is both national and international which seems to indicate it represents the general discontent of the protesters rather than opposition to specific policy. At least I have not seen specific meaning other than opposition to corporate greed (whatever that is perceived to be). The word "occupy" is suggestive of anti-war sentiment but the gist appears to be ecconimic discontent. I see the movement as just a bunch of people enjoying the mayhem of it all rather than a serious opposition movement.

Comment Re:Inflationary theory (Score 1) 163

I tend to agree. It seems to be an ugly amendment to currently accepted theories. But current models cannot explain the uniform temperature of the universe without it. Einstein's model superseded Newton's because as a model it explained gravity, space, and time and makes better predictions on larger scales. We still rely on Newton for most practical purposes. It might likewise be that something more fundamental may be gleaned from the overthrow of inflation. At some level though I think we may have to accept the fact we may never know. We simply cannot reproduce the heat and pressure needed to make direct observations.

Comment Re:It's all about (Score 1) 390

I was being a little facetious. My point is similar to yours. Generally, when I am unarmed I think it wise to agree with those who are though. Based, on your signature, I take it you are very adamant about gun control and safety issues. I was not suggesting that common sense and PR would not be at issue.

Comment Re:It's all about (Score 3, Interesting) 390

I disagree. Civilians can read what they choose. The military could stop it. They have the weapons to do so if they choose. They have not. In a very structured and disciplined environment such sacrifices are to be expected. The military has its own courts and no draft is in effect. I am normally very adamant about free speech issues and I have contributed to organizations that promote these views but the military should be granted some latitude.

Comment Re:blah (Score 1) 615

I agree that the phrase "survival of the fittest" is too often misinterpreted. If we accept the observations of Darwin and others, "fitness" must mean the successfulness in the perpetuation of a species (and those traits that result in successful perpetuation). In that sense fruit flies, ants and bacteria are far more fit than man.

Comment Re:IE or Firefox (Score 1) 347

Agreed. IE probably has the most consistent (and most available) documentation. Since I often use client side JS I usually start with FF. Everything should be tested in FF and IE. You may also want to be aware of cellphone users. If presentation is that critical write separate scripts server side for each browser. If not, you may get away with much less scripting.

Comment Re:What a schmuck. (Score 1) 680

In some small towns it is doubtful whether such capitalistic niceties exist to the context that political pressure from politicians and or aversion by local newspapers to on-line competition may exist. This presure may not only be specific to domain names. If such political pressure or threats of of such presure is exerted i.e. disturbing the peace or other trumped up information from the internet haves to those familiar to the process of on-line publishing is utilized. This becomes significant where there is a large relative population internet have-nots. I think and hope this may change as the internet becomes more homogenous. If politicians, newspapers, banks, judges etc. in a small town or rural area assume and actually believe they are the internet little can be done (at least within that rural area). It will be interesting to see how long the guy in the story actually does keep the domain name.

Comment Re:Here's a silly question (Score 1) 111

That theory (whatever it may have been called if it ever formally was) has been largly discounted by many. Dark matter is surmised to exist because spiral galaxies seem to spin faster along their outer edge than would be expected were extra mass not there. On the other hand were there black holes along the outer edge of those galaxies one would expect to observe visible orbiting bodies around them.

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