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Submission + - Carlson Sues IBM for Outsourcing Fraud (informationweek.com)

An anonymous reader writes: Cutting off a deal at the halfway point, Carlson is suing Big Blue for not living up to the outsourcing hype. IBM is denying any wrongdoing. It would be a huge black eye for IBM if Carlson wins the suit. It could also start a wave of lawsuits for disgruntled companies paying more for outsourcing than they bargained for.

Comment Re:New Definition of Human Rights (Score 4, Informative) 331


(But Eka and the other judges concluded that simply endorsing the principles of copyright law was no grounds for disqualification in a trial; copyright was written into Swedish law, and judges can't be called "biased" simply because they support existing laws.
"The Court of Appeal has come to the conclusion that none of the circumstances set out, individually or taken together, means that there are legitimate doubts about the judge's impartiality in this case. There has not been any bias," concluded the court. The decision cannot be appealed")

Imagine the hideous analogies we can come up with. Judge A belongs to the bar association. Can he rule on lawyer misconduct? I am playing devil's advocate here and like I said I don't agree with the decision. I hope they win their appeal but I think human rights violation is a tad overboard. They still have their appeal.

Comment Re:LMAO @ "Liberal Fascists" (Score 1) 319

I think you need to look up fascism in a dictionary.

1: A political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

What is conservative or right wing about that? I don't like the republicans either but you may want to know what you're talking about before telling other people to read more.

For the record, I'm a libertarian. That should give you something to rant about.

Comment Re:I haven't seen details... (Score 1) 206

copy tftp flash
boot system flash:/blahblah

Yeah it's a fucking nightmare. How hard is it to call Cisco and ask, "is this supported?" There are routers that are up for years without being reloaded. Bugs hit you in certain circumstances but ususally it's when you are changing things.

Oh wait... You are a Juniper fan. I get it. Good luck with that.

Comment Re:What makes DDOS hard to stop? (Score 1) 83

Super-network-nerd here. Do you own any fiber? Who are you peering with for your magical internet access? Sorry, I don't mean to be a dick but people forget that you actually have to connect to the network at some point. The choke points you speak of are peering points and I have to say if you DDOS them it won't last very long. This is why groups like NANOG exist.

Comment Re:Militarization? (Score 2, Informative) 83

I used to live in the west side of Chicago. It needs a conceal/carry law that allows citizens to protect themselves. The criminals there already have AK-47 battles in Humboldt Park. Nice logic with the hole in the ground though. How much more gun control can you get in a city that absolutely bans handguns? At what point will you admit that it isn't working? How does your "more gun control" argument work when the law can't be taken any further? I could get an illegal gun in 10 minutes in Chicago.

Comment Re:Win-Win? Really? (Score 1) 208

Their "how much you can save calculator" is hilarious. They estimate that you will spend one quarter of your work hours maintaining an exchange server for 150 people. Show me that idiot and I'll show you someone that could really benefit from enterprise gmail. Great marketing strategy. Reminds me of "Get the Facts." I like Google but blindly trusting them is ridiculous. No matter how much you hate Microsoft.

Comment Re:How do you think it should work then? (Score 1) 793

How did that democracy work when over 80% of the population opposed the credit bailout bill? I understand what you are saying but think about the fundamentals of how our democracy works. We trust you to vote for us every once in a while when we can pump the media full of bullshit to get you fired up. We do not trust your opinion once we get to Washington. I don't know the solution to the problem but I wouldn't call that representation.

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