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Comment Re:Where are you going to go? (Score 1) 303

There's nothing stopping you from setting the difficulty a bit lower and just using items you found yourself. The game has a 10 point difficulty scale, so if you find it too difficult without using AH items, just set the difficulty down. This is by design. People who want to use the auction house can set the difficulty high and bid for items. If you don't like that just set the monster power a bit lower so you can beat the game without resorting to auctioned items.

Comment Re:I Got It! (Score 1) 538

My preference is to mix a few languages and technical terms.

nekozuki catbus ibuprofen shutzpa

Even if you know how I generate these passphrases the number of combinations is staggering.
Since the majority of language can use latin script you easily have a million or more possibilities
for each word, giving more than 10^24 potential combinations, and that does not take into consideration
that I am more than happy to include things like "catbus", which is not a real english word.

Comment Re:Wonder how? (Score 1) 76

It was the other way around.

The companies that built the ovens for Auschwitz and the other concentration camps originally built crematoria ovens for disposing of livestock carcasses. When the Nazis needed to dispose off large numbers of bodies from the concentration camps they initially burned them on pyres, but eventually they contracted the company A.J. Topf & Sohne which had experience with building crematoria ovens for livestock carcasses.

This was fairly typical for the holocaust. German companies profiteered extensively from the camps. A subsidiary of IBM produced the machines which kept records of prisoners. IG Farben, which was part owned by Bayer, held the patent for Zyklon B, the Cyanide pesticide used in the gas chambers (the poison was actually produced by ther companies however ), and many other german companies profited from slave from the camp's inmates.

That's part of what made it one of the worst genocides in history. They did not simply kill millions of people. They turned mass murder into an industrialised business venture.

Comment Re:Yeah right... (Score 1) 308

You can do quite a bit more than that as Colbert showed.

Step1: Donate to charity controlled by your friend/uncle/misstress
Step2: Claim tax deduction
Step3: Charity buys service from shell company A
Step4: Shell company A donates to SuperPAC
Step5: Super pac spends a small fraction of acquired money on campaigning to seem legitimate
Step6: SuperPAC closes and sends the money to shell company B
Step7: Shell company B send money to shell company C, not even the IRS needs to know
Step8: Enjoy your tax free income.

Comment Re:Canada (Score 4, Informative) 219

Sweden has few effective laws for private citizens. It's explicitly codified into law that the authorities are allowed to snoop on your communications. It's a bit better than England ( where you can be jailed for not giving police your encryption keys ) , but there's really no good way to defend against a hostile government. If you truly want to avoid government meddling with your communication your best bet is probably hiding in plain sight. I.e, make sure you and your communication appear dull enough that your government can't be bothered to look at it.

Comment Re:Cannot Understand his Customers (Score 1) 208

5. Local regulatory agencies have treated doctors like drug dealers, making them reluctant to prescribe medicine to people who need it, forcing patients to turn to the black market simply because doctors are forced to care more about covering their own ass than treating the sick.

Oh yes I'm bitter. If you had been left to suffer and forced to buy medicines from shady sources you'd be pissed too. No, I'm not a hypocondriac, I eventually found a doctor with some spine, and now I can get help legally. No, she didn't just give me a prescription because I demanded it, she did so because offical guidelines say that is how people with condition should be treated.

I can go buy hundreds of cigarettes whenever I want and smoke my lungs to ash, but a comparably safe and non-adictive medicine is treated as if I were doing heroine.

Comment Re:Alternate interpretation (Score 1) 208

Transsexual here.

I was denied treatment for years due to the psych community having quite a few medieval-minded assholes in it ( no, I'm not just refusing to listen to them, we're talking about the kind of people who think there's something wrong with a girl who doesn't liek mascara ). As a consequence I basically had the choice between spending every night wishing I was dead or obtaining estrogen in alternative ways. Four years afterwards I finally managed to find a psych with a somewhat more sane attitude towards gender, and now I can get the medicines legally, but frankly I have a hard time blaming these people for filling a void that authorities have created with very little regard for those who get fucked over because of it.

Comment Re:Scientific review (Score 1) 244

Clue: No one was putting forth the theory that the Earth was warming due to mankind's actions 120 years ago, so unless you can post a paper stating otherwise, trot that troll elsewhere.

That's wrong. Arrhenius himself noted that human activities would likely prevent another ice-age from ever happening. He figured this was a positive thing, but did not considered the consequences of excessive warming.

Comment Re:utter pointlessness (Score 1) 1165

DNA evidence ought to be admissable, but it should not be presented as conclusive proof.

Basically people watch too much CSI where the whole case comes down to one amazing
science trick. In the real world cases frequently rest on several pieces of evidence, each
one of which may not be enough on its own to secure a conviction, but when taken together
make up damning amounts of evidence.

Comment Re:obligatory xkcd.... (Score 2) 454

My personal favourite is to translate some of the words into random languages after I have made the passphrase. It's not difficult to learn a few foreign words, but since the attacker doesn't know which languages you used he gets the fun task of trying ALL languages that use the latin script. Since there is more than 100 languages using latin characters in the world, even a moderate dictionary size of 10000 or so would give you a total of more than a million words, resulting in the generated passphrase having in excess of 10^24 possible combinations. If the attacker can try a billion passphrases per second, it would take 31.7 million years to try them all.

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What is wanted is not the will to believe, but the will to find out, which is the exact opposite. -- Bertrand Russell, "Skeptical Essays", 1928
