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Comment More accurately: (Score 3, Insightful) 248

Dude left Google to hatch his own scheme.

Dude stayed on after AOL bought his gimmick company.

Dude lashed out because he's still stuck holding the bag.

Not that the guy with the camera was being in any way professional, but if this guy wants to make sports analogies, his scull has split down the keel and he just tossed one of the rowers overboard.

Comment Problem: I'm smarter than a User Agent. (Score 1) 158

This is why I've been using Duckduckgo instead of going straight to Google. This is why I fucking hate going to Amazon: I don't need a website second-guessing what I'm looking for! I have disparate interests; I follow links to weird shit put up by friends and acquaintances; I am perfectly capable of navigating a web page and using CTRL+F to home in on what I'm looking for. Your 'helpful' user agent GETS IN MY FUCKING WAY.

I don't need my results pre-pruned to flatter my politics. If someone links me to the reviews for Tuscany whole milk on Amazon, that doesn't mean I want to buy dairy products over the Internet! 'Suggested' content is computerized guesswork with a signal-to-noise ratio that gets worse and worse because I keep poking around and following links because (holy shit, and god forbid!) I'm curious!

Comment Re:Summary, someone? (Score 1) 1029

The Lone Ranger: Hollywood wants the western back. Badly. They were one of the big tickets for decades, and names like Eastwood and Wayne still linger in the cultural consciousness. They don't need fifty foot robots, or giant space cruisers, or enormous special effects budgets, but they're still full of good 'ol fashioned gunplay and man-on-man violence.

A decently written and produced Lone Ranger could introduce a new generation to the character, in the same way that superhero movies wag the slowly collapsing comic book industry and (re)introduce people to characters like Superman, or Tony Stark.

Comment Re:Summary, someone? (Score 1) 1029

No. No, it wouldn't. Remember: you're trying to sell a movie to the general public. The general public has no need, nor desire to remember which of the Houses and Clans is which, how a PPC is different from an ER Large Laser, or any of the other bits of minutiate that fanboys baste themselves in. Miss a beat, or cut a corner, and those same fans will scream and throw poop like enraged monkeys.

It's not like Lord of the Rings, or Game of Thrones, where virtually everyone in the western hemisphere has either read it, or knows someone who has. Geek properties like Battletech are a tiny niche, spread out over dozens of borderline pulp paperbacks and fluff from scads of rulebooks and boxes. They simply aren't worth the effort for J. Q. Public to immerse themselves in.

Comment Best part is the handwringing (Score 1) 101

Because you know, I could give a shit about spammers. It's the otherwise legitimate companies that drag their feet taking me off mailing lists I never signed up for, or make it an ordeal to find the unsubscribe information on their page or in the e-mail-- in the latter case, that shit sometimes doesn't even show up in the plaintext version.

Christ on a crutch. Just today, I got an e-mail from OnLive because some bot or idiot used one of my addresses to sign up with. I went to their opt-out page, and among other things was given the option to reroute their fucking newsletter to someone else's inbox without verification. In retrospect, I should have looked one of their executive e-mail addresses up and given it that.

Comment When all you have is a hammer... (Score 2) 445

It sounds to me like Dropbox is hitting a subscriber wall, and they're desperate for anything that will make them look attractive to the money people again.

Personally, I'm never dealing with these dumbfucks again. This is the company that turned passwords off for every goddamn client and 'box' in their hands for several hours before the blunder was caught. I'm not going to trust them with my goddamn grocery lists.

Comment Nothing to do with goals (Score 2) 168

Everything to do with Tim Schafer being constitutionally incapable of reining himself in. And you know, that's fine when you've got a publisher holding the purse strings, and ultimately able to put their foot down when things get out of hand, especially when it results in titles like Psychonauts and the other amazing adventure stories he's helmed. It's a lot less okay when you can't go to the publisher and ask for another million bucks to see things through.

Actually, there is a problem with goals here-- specifically, that there wasn't one set in the first place. The Doublefine Kickstarter was an experiment that asked for money to finance the creation of a game, and a documentary film of the whole thing. Nobody knew what it was at first, certainly nobody expected it to get out of hand, and then Tim decided to make something Totally Amazingly New and proceeded to torpedo the budget.

What he has now is a fantastic idea, but it's the kind of fantastic idea that wants a whole lot more money than the KS brought in, because it's going to require a lot of artists working their hands down to the wrists.

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