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Comment Re:Sanctioning NSA/FBI for spying all? (Score 0) 78

So I think the point the US is making is that rather than descend quite to their level, it'd rather punish them. The alternative is that the US expands it's programs to steal more Chinese/Russian corporate data, and to generally make life miserable for their citizens by stealing and releasing all their personal data, or DDoSing their bank websites and such.

Have a rather high/delusional opinion of USA, don't you?

USA will never use cyberattacks against enemy/rival nations?

Comment Re:Terrorists steal registered SIMs (Score 3, Informative) 134

Indeed it is. If you actually thought about it, if getting a new sim card mandatorily required biometric authentication, there will be a fool-proof system that the said terrorists cannot get SIM card using someone else's name. And since now I cannot blame a flawed system, I will take more care to report a stolen/lost SIM card to authorities and get it disabled.

Comment Re:Toronto Municipal Gov't divided (Score 1) 169


What exactly is the problem here? Anyone who runs someone over, MUST be a taxi company employee? What do you do if you get hit by an individual car driver? As far as objections, go this is idiotic. "Oh, I wish the car that hit me, belonged to some multimillion dollar company so I could milk them for extra money". I repeat, what happens if the person causing the accident is a private individual?

Comment Re:Toronto Municipal Gov't divided (Score 1) 169

Sorry, but you are just dumb.

You seem to have a tendency of irrationally deciding that something is "evil"(TM), and THEN trying to assume supposed hypothetical flaws and then avoid even checking facts. Insurance policies are available for US, for uber.

You need to get therapy, mate. All this confirmation bias, and trying to grind an axe, just because you don't like something is just going to make you miserable in long term.

Comment Re:lol I did (Score 1) 237

Uh. You do realize that you can use more than ONE panel? You know? Generate as much power as you need, limited only by the area you can spare?
Initial installation is the only major cost. With no fuel being consumed and near negligible operations/maintenance cost, you can easily break even in 8-12 years.

For all your arguments, the model seems to have worked exceptionally well for Germany etc. where they are actually producing more than they can consume. Perhaps you might want to investigate how that "miracle" works, despite your "mathematics".

For the record, Germany gets very limited amount of sunlight. And they still produce enough to start considering selling excess power to other nations.

Comment Re:I don't buy it (Score 2) 265

Here is the biggest difference maker. Found a serious issue in your closed-source router? Wait for next 2 years for the vendor to fix it.

Open-source? There is at least a chance that you are not hostage to the whim of some mid-level manager deciding what goes in next dozen releases. Unlike in case of corporations like oracle/microsoft, you could reach out to the developers and argue the case of fixing the issue early or even(assuming you have the skill) come up with a fix yourself. Vendor of a popular product closes shop or kills off a much-needed feature? You don't have a prayer. Open-source? Project may just get forked, as happened in case of MySQL. Security? Truecrypt can be audited by a third-party, to confirm that it is actually secure *because* code is open-source. How does that even work for a closed-source proprietary encryption product?

Comment Re:Can we not have this political bullshit on /. ? (Score 1) 769

It is not "donations". In medieval ages, any ruler/rich person who hoarded things too much, had a very short life-expectancy. Things like french revolution etc. are a bummer. So today, you are allowed to get rich only to the extent, till public thinks you are not messing with the world too much. Numerous examples abound actually. I think the whining should be about evil billionaires buying the laws wholesale, irrespective of WHO they donated to.

Comment Re: Why the fuck do you want to live forever? (Score 1) 130

Considering that evolution essentially requires the gene pool to be constantly adapted to ever changing environment and circumstances, you sound even more suicidal on the species level. You will selfishly be hogging the resources, that your newer replacements(children) would need. And replacements there must be, since you yourself may not be best equipped to survive in a warmer planer or a world with more carbon mono-oxide. But there you will be, using artificial methods to hang on. As long as you live, you will be consuming resources, and therefore competing with and risking the survival of the children. That is not to say that your life has no value or that you should kill yourself at the earliest, but once you have raised your kids, once you are past your prime age to be an active contributor in general, it is time to let go. Medicine should be focusing on removing diseases and pain, not curing or postponing natural death. You should be enjoying a healthy life, not necessarily a very long one. If you really do actually love your children and their children that is.

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