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Comment Re:The questions developers ask (Score 1) 249

Are you fucking retarded? Do you realize that mods like DOTA have contributed more to WC3 and TFT sales than anything Blizzard could have done, for ONE example? Do you think people would want a goddamn Doom 4 if Doom didn't had such an awesome and long lasting modding community? Do you have any idea of what you're talking about or are you a console baby trying to sound smart?

Comment Re:Excellent News! (Score 2) 504

* Device drivers for Win7 is a pain in the neck with the signing and the x64/32-bit. I have to hack in certain drivers and some manufacturers still haven't released a driver and XP drivers although they use the same model and similar kernel simply can't be used for some reason.

This is funny because Win7 drivers have been lengendary for me. Stable and spot on, even for that webcam that's like 15 years old.

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