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Comment Re:Logic (Score 2, Interesting) 167

"In either case dark matter may not be necessary at all"

I agree dark matter may not be the correct answer, but more like, the current best fit answer, given current available evidence. One concept that could explain what is going on, without the need for dark matter, is the idea of Dark Flow.

If Dark Flow can be proven, (big if?! ... Instant Nobel Prize winningly big if?!), but joking aside, if Dark Flow can be totally proven, then it would mean our idea of the universe, is simply only based on our visible part of the universe. (Due to the limit of how far we can see, because light can only travel so far, in the time the universe has existed). If Dark Flow really exists, then it means we are like a fish in a fish bowl, trying to make sense of the fish bowl, but unable to see beyond the bowl. (So unaware of just how much could be outside the fish bowl).

If Dark Flow really exists?, I think that would give us an awesome insight into the universe, but also an awe inspiring glimpse of just how limited our understanding of the universe may actually be?.

Comment Re:Inspiration..Star Wars robot C3-PO? (Score 1) 469

You know I am telling the truth. Its you who doesn't want to accept facts. Read your own post ... Your words, not mine. i.e.
"Oh, now it looks like youre targetting me specifically for down mods because you're a pissy little kid who's been shown to be quite incorrect in a subject which he's implied expertise. Between systematically modding you down and referencing material and statistics that expose you as a fake, I don't think this will take very long."

So funny how you use the word comprehension, when you forget what you said and fail totally to comprehend what I mean (or is that just another part of your tiresome game). Ok, as simple as I can say it.

* You trolled my comments, for weeks.

* You threatened multiple times to "systematically mod me down" due to your misguided paranoia.

* You use condescending phrases, combined with misinformation to wrongly imply discredit at my forum comments.

* You also use straw man arguments, to again wrongly imply discredit at my forum comments.

Still don't get it? ... I bet not. (I don't care if you don't call it a game or think of it as a game, its still your need to compete or whatever you call it).

Its you who doesn't want to accept facts. So as you fail to accept facts, your words are misinformation, because they are not based on the facts.

Comment Re:What about competition? (Score 1) 158

It would definitely have something to do with it. Publicly undermining a government position on anything, is a bad move (politically speaking, as far as that government is concerned. It is however necessary to provide opposition, otherwise you end up with a dictatorship), but any attempt to oppose a government, is something a government will act against, to undermine anyone who opposes them.

Governments even treat their own members the same way, so they have no problem treating complete opponents like this. For example, they use the concept of the politic whips against even their own party members. So they have no trouble using similar tactics against complete opponents.

For example, "Whip is a role in party-based politics whose primary purpose is to ensure control of the formal decision-making process in a parliamentary legislature. Whips are party 'enforcers', who typically offer both inducements and punishments to party members."

Comment Re:What about competition? (Score 2, Informative) 158

"Their proposal was 12 pages long, compared to serious proposals of hundreds of pages"

I doubt this is only about the proposals. 6 weeks ago, Telstra criticized the government over Internet Filtering. This action to kick Telstra out of the $15bn Broadband Project, is the government's reaction to that criticism.

For example,
"Australia's ISPs Speak Out Against Filtering"
"The leaders of three of Australia's largest internet service providers -- Telstra Media's Justin Milne, iiNet's Michael Malone and Internode's Simon Hackett -- have, in video interviews with over the past few months, detailed technical, legal and ethical reasons why ISP-level filtering won't work."

... Like the old say, "Don't bite the hand that feeds you" ... and governments are very good at knowing how to manipulate, exactly like this.

Comment Re:Inspiration..Star Wars robot C3-PO? (Score 1) 469

I am not trying to teach you this, its a statement of fact.

In that first discussion thread, (about personality disorders) you tried to manipulate my comments down. (thats simple a fact). However, I wasn't going to let you bully my words down. So in response to *your actions*, in that thread, I *then* (i.e. after) started to highlight profile warning signs in your actions. Before that thread, I wasn't even aware of your existence.

But then your paranoia took over. Fact. ... I AM *NOT* VOTING DOWN YOU COMMENTS. I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR COMMENTS, OTHER THAN WHEN YOU ANNOY ME WITH YOUR TROLLING *MY COMMENTS AND ONLY MY COMMENTS* ... You can troll as many other people as you like. I don't care about your games there.

But I am not stupid. I can see when you or anyone tries to manipulate down and undermine my comments. (I know I don't know everything, so I am willing to learn, but I can see when someone isn't trying to teach me and is instead, playing straw man games etc.. against my comments).

I would say however, due to the amount of effort you spend in this task, not surprisingly, you have got very good at it. Thats simply a fact. Therefore, in this respect, you are clearly intelligent, in this role of bullying words down. However, outside of that activity, you are evidently a very narrow minded paranoid fool. Fool because of your paranoia in that you think others are like you. Frankly very few are like you. But thats your choice and I don't care, as I'm not interested ... *I AM ONLY INTERESTED WHEN YOU KEEP TROLLING ME* ... *Then I react and only *after* your actions against me*.

You can troll as many other people as you like. I don't care about your games there.

Comment Re:Inspiration..Star Wars robot C3-PO? (Score 1) 469

Yttrstein, please take the time to read this, hopefully its the final post. By the way, nothing you have said, (in your previous post) shows you realize the extreme paranoia you have shown at me, (time and time again), at your mistaken belief I was modding you down. (I was NOT). Yet from your mistake belief, you have then inflicted on me, a sustained campaign of abusing my posts for weeks. Given the extent of your paranoid and wrongful belief in me, its no wonder I finally had enough of your behavior toward me.

If you treat others, as you have treated me (for weeks), then I suspect, given time, then sooner or later, you will encounter people, just like you, who will seek to bully you, as you bully them. If thats the game you lot want to waste your time on, then fine, its your choice, just leave me out of it. I have no interest in your games.

By the way, your cleverly condescending phrase "diagnosis by slashdot" is totally wrong (but then I very much suspect you know that). Its just another one of your attempted straw man arguments, aiming to imply discredit at me, to attempt to put an end to my point of view, so in effect, attempting to silence my point of view.

When profiling, there are common signs of behavior, which when taken together, indicate signs of personality disorders. It doesn't take long to pickup these warning signs, if you learn what to look for. (But it does take time to learn). But then I suspect you know all this. But many others don't, which is all part of your overall game.

Your condescending phrase is just another example of your need to twist words and imply other meanings. But you say it with such glee. I'm sure you pat yourself on your back, at the joy it gives you, thinking you can manipulate the views of others. You have shown this behavior, in a lot of your posts, but its very clearly shown from your comment here. "I like to think it takes a little more savvy than rushing into a thread" and this "Again, silencing you wouldn't exactly be rocket science, and would only require about as much energy as I've put into trolling you to date." ... You take such joy in knowing you can manipulate others. I know this behavior. Its yet another sign. Each sign pointing in the same direction.

Anyway, we originally got into this discussion, due to your need to manipulate my comments down, when I was talking about personality disorders weeks ago. I wasn't going to stand for that game, because the subject was too important and I could see your game, (as you so clearly illustrate in your own words).

I have no interest in profiling you or talking with you, as I've endured enough of your behavior towards me, thanks. I'm just sick of your paranoia directed at me. If someone is modding you down, then you need to look for someone else who is like you and would enjoy the trolling behaviors you enjoy. You need to look elsewhere, as I am not like you. I don't play your games, (but I am not stupid. I am mindful of the games. Some people are mindful of the games, without wishing to be a part of that game).

Or as an alternative, you could just learn to treat others with empathy?, but I guess that's unlikely, as all your current behavior has shown you are clearly too busy, thinking yourself clever, at attempting to manipulate perceptions of others. And credit where its due, for the most part, that methodology does work. Most people cannot see through attempts to manipulate them and the views of others around them. But then most people have a lot of trust in others and assume empathy in return. Most people are not mindful of the games some people attempt to play on them, but then most people spend their time learning other things. Its why I try to help some people understand the games that are possible to be played on them (and what patterns of behavior drive the need for someone to play these games). I'm trying to help people bring this manipulation to an end. I know its a futile goal, as there are more born every minute, that will never learn, but if I just help a few people learn, to even just glimpse some of the games, then hopefully I've helped to do some good in the world, no matter how small that end effect is. I guess that's why its resulted in us colliding. You want to play the games on others, to manipulate and at times undermine them and I want to bring the games to an end, to help people.

There are people in this world, who wish to help make it a slightly better world. I think its better to have that goal, than your current need to manipulate and at times undermine others. You are clearly very intelligent, but I think you are currently wasting your intelligence, when you could actually help make the world a better place, with your understand of the games that can be played on people (and the underlying reasons why these games are played). I would hope in time, you will learn to see its even more challenging (at the moment) to play the other side and try to help make the world a bit better place or at least, help others to learn to understand, so they can then help themselves. You clearly want to play it like its a mind game challenge. Maybe you should consider using your understanding, to learn how you can use it to help others.

Comment Re:won't somebody think of the mornings? (Score 1) 276

"something more useful -- like soil?"

:) ... I was hoping for something more useful, like alcohol or maybe hopefully something nearer to oil. I don't know if there is one bacteria that can convert all bio waste or if it needs sorting into different tanks?. If it can all be put into one tank, that should be cheap and easier. Maybe some kind of GM bacteria could be created that has oil as a waste product?. :)

Then again, as its near Christmas, alcohol would be more useful than oil ;)

Comment Its a PR Stunt, not about trademark (Score 5, Insightful) 213

"What lame-brain dummy would think that either :-( or ;-) are trademarkable symbols"

The kind of person who would think of trademarking these symbols, would be a businessman who wanted to use this cheap stunt, to get a lot of publicity for his business. Its not about the trademark. Its a stunt, to generate free publicity for his business.

Comment Re:Why Not? (Score 2, Insightful) 516

"Without it speech is not truly free, because whatever government is in charge can track down the author and silence him. Anonymity makes it possible to avoid arrest."

That's true, but then that conflicts with the first post, "Why not encourage anonymity? It doesn't affect anyone so why not encourage it?"

Anonymity does affect someone. It prevents the people in power having more power to control and influence the people they seek to maintain power over. Therefore the people in power do not want their minions to have Anonymity. It means people who want power over others, see Anonymity as a problem, as it prevents them identifying and controlling everyone effectively.

Therefore people in power would welcome a Big Brother style level of control, as they are the ones who can gain vastly more power from such a system, of monitoring everyone they control.

Each step is simply driven by the need to gain and maintain power over others. Anonymity is an annoyance to the ones who seek to control others. It shows exactly how the power seekers think about their need to control others. It also shows how far they would take things, if they had their way and currently they are getting their way, far to much to clamp down and control everyone.

Comment Re:won't somebody think of the mornings? (Score 1) 276

"how much energy could be distilled from the millions(billions?) of tons of waste produced each year" and "Many SF authors etc.."

Yeah exactly. I was wondering how much fuel we could get, if it was possible to recycle all bio waste? ... It seems to make sense that things like almost all waste veg could be converted into fuel? ... (In theory it seems possible, but I don't know about costs involved). Shops and markets worldwide etc.. create a lot of this kind of waste on their own. (It could become another source of money for them). Add in the waste from restaurants and homes, it must add up to a huge amount of bio waste?

Maybe it could be put into fermentation tanks, using bacteria to part-process it, into something more useful? ... not sure how practical that is, cost wise, but it does seem like there must be a huge amount of bio fuel sources, currently going to waste.

Comment Re:Inspiration..Star Wars robot C3-PO? (Score -1, Flamebait) 469

yttrstein, you lie and manipulate with every post. You have trolled my posts. The evidence of your lies and extreme paranoia is there in the Slashdot logs.
For example, in your own words...
* "Hi Mindkata, I cant help but see that you've been chasing me all over slashdot again, modding down as much as possible because you have a vendetta against me. I think that's so sweet I put you on my friends list."

* "But it might be for nothing, since from the start of my newest slashdot persona has been doing 4s and 5s for the last three weeks, almost exclusively. I've been modding you down with that one, and will continue to forever."

* "is that you're the one who's been modding me down for no reason at all other than you're a pissy little bitch about me revealing to the world that you're not actually an expert at anything, and that your posts are in reality almost entirely hot air."

You show, in your own words, extreme paranoid in your posts, about what you think of me and your need to troll my posts.

Get this through you fucking thick skull. I HAVE NEVER VOTED ON ANY ONE OF YOUR POSTS ... If you are still so fucking paranoid, that you still don't believe me, then you contact Slashdot and get a full fucking log of every mod point I've ever awarded.

Now, finally, yttrstein, do you see why I've had to comment on you? ... I HAVE NEVER VOTED ON ANY OF YOUR POSTS!. Its all in your fucked up mind. I've never voted on your posts.

I don't give a fuck about what you do with your life. I'm not trying to counsel you. I simply tried to help you, see you need to seek help, but you are to closed minded to see that in yourself. Frankly I don't care what you do with your life. That is your choice. I simply tried to help, but I see now that's a waste of time. You are to closed minded, so you just throw my attempt to help back in my face. It was expected of you, but still I tried to help. End of story.

As for your behavior on Slashdot, your lying twisted thinking is evident in your own words. I don't give a fuck what other login names you have.

By the way, nothing you say is going to stop me discussion personality disorders, which is what you really wanted me to do. If anything, you are encouraging me to make an example of your behavior. But I have no interest in giving you attention.

Cluster B disorders are driven ultimately by fear, but you don't want to hear that. Fear is the last thing someone with a Cluster B disorder would want to admit. So yttrstein, if you don't believe that its ultimately by fear, then you try reading up on psychology and neuroscience.

But then you are too busy trolling people, being paranoid, and looking for ways to get attention. ... Whatever, yttrstein, I can't be bothered with you.

Then again, maybe you shouldn't read up on psychology and neuroscience, because the progress that is being made now, with growing understanding of personality disorders, would probably scare the hell out of you, about where the research is going. Frankly thats good. Because the more everyone else, learns to understand precisely the behavior of Cluster B disorders, the more they will stop Cluster B disorders causing such trouble in the world.

So yttrstein, you can troll my posts all you like on Slashdot, in a pointless attempt to silence my comments about Cluster B disorders, but nothing you say, will stop the rate of progress in areas of science researching brain functioning.

Comment Re:Inspiration..Star Wars robot C3-PO? (Score -1, Offtopic) 469

"Isaac Asimov came up with the exact joke in 1955"

[citation needed]

I have no idea about Asimov's joke. I doubt he said it. But thats me missing the point, isn't it Yttrstein. As your other part of your post shows.

Yttrstein, you have taken it upon yourself to troll most of my posts, ever since I discussed personality disorders. (Trolling me for about the past 3 weeks). Well, I've had enough of your trolling. I've tried to just ignore you, (each time you troll me), but now, I've had enough. All your posts together, have pushed it way too far to just ignore. So, Yttrstein, finally, here is the reply, you have been waiting for. I've created a journal entry, about you. So I can just link to it, each time you troll me again.

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