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Comment Re:the way to go (Score 1) 743

To be honest, A & B, no one wants. It doesn't matter what the field is, those two groups are undesirable and interview process usually weeds them out, but sometimes, the testing can expose them easier. C and D are desirable, but D is optimal as you have said. But in this economy, I would assume you would want C over any others, once the economy gets back on track, D will jump ship because they can, C will be where you will want them to really be, while A and B shouldn't have ever touched day one of job. It is all a matter of what the company is needed and what the learning curve is.

I have applied to quite a few jobs where I have been C, not because I want the job, but I know that I want to grow into the position and work with the company for a while. usually if I feel that i am in the D, I will get bored and search elsewhere. To grow from C to D is optimal for this time period. By the time the economy is better, if you have grown into D from C, you are more likely to stay because of your hard work. That isn't always the case though.

Comment Re:the way to go (Score 1) 743

Switching from language to language is easy in our minds, but to change the code from one to another isn't so easily translated. I do print out the code or put it aside in a different place before I edit it into a new language (IE: vb -> c# or c# -> vb). I have done this before and it isn't a one day project but takes some time to change from one to another cleanly.

Comment Re:the way to go (Score 1) 743

I have lost out on many many jobs due to improper practices like this. It wasn't the fact that I couldn't do the job, but they expected a complex code issue to be resolved in a half hour. 5% of the jobs may have been life and death, but the majority of these extreme tests expected high quality coding in such a short time by entry level employees.

I am not saying they shouldn't expect the best out of their employees, but if you are where I live (Indiana, US), the pickings aren't as good as, lets say, Silicon Valley, CA. The code ideas they never give in advance or allow one to ponder over, just here is a problem, solve it now or your fired ideology by those who pursue the testing in this manner. It isn't really the best of coding but "can you make the code faster than our competition?" Better code is well thought out and created over time. A stable version of Windows wasn't made over night, but made over time, tested, beta tested, user tested, and they are still working out the kinks.

Comment Re:the way to go (Score 1) 743

that is better than the Will to work laws of Indiana. In indy, If a manager wants to fire someone, they can do so without reason or explanation. If employee feels there was discrimination, they can fight it, but they would have to provide evidence and it is hard to come by if there is not information to base it on.

Comment Re:So? (Score 2) 298

Java.... Java... Do you mean the drink? The drink will never die. The Software will go the way of Cobol and Fortran... Used in legacy format but not use much longer for new or future coding.

Now, for OpenOffice, it will go the way of WordPerfect. We still will have the need for an alternative to MSFT Office, but OpenOffice won't build to the full effect.

Comment Re:Definitely not the case in the US (Score 1) 349

once I lost my job in march of 2009, I threw out my resume an hour after job was lost, found my first interview by hour two of no job. This was during the worst time of the Recession and Stock market at its lowest. In the US, it isn't hard to find a job, even in the worst of times, if you are in IT, you can find interviews and jobs easily. Just throw a dart at the board and an interview can be found.

Comment Re:Gave up too quickly (Score 1) 394

as long as corporations have a need for Desktops workstations, laptops, and other devices like that, we will not see an end to the hardware format. Some people will purchase their personal computer based on what they will use @ work. Others will do the other way around, make tech decisions based on what they use at home. Heck, I learned program languages based what i can afford the hardware and software (based on what I am willing to spend @ home).

HP has been a decent company for me for 12 years and it would be a shame if they try to shed the market that I purchase out of. Many companies die due to the fact that they ignore their customer base in which makes them the most money. When Apple decided to focus on Audio, Video, and Images and created iPod and iTunes, they were smart, because they focused on the market they knew best and had a good customer base on. When a company leaves their main market without replacing it (with a proper transition), they alienate their market and not just shoot themselves in the foot, but aim the gun directly at their own temple.

Hopefully, they will not walk too thin of a line.

Comment Re:"May cost"?? (Score 1) 591

would be nice, but it is not going to happen, like Java running a whole house. It is a pipe dream which will never be.

On the other hand, I can see Linux, in the kernel sense running more than just phones. I know a few linux nerds are squirming over that and want to Down Mod my comment for that, but lets face it, Yes, Linux (as we know it on Desktops) has certain standards, and the Android (with linux kernel) is technically the more successful cousin of the Desktop, so to speak, and we need to focus on how we can spread the concept of Linux (as a kernel) to all devices. The "Desktop Linux" is like Communism (on paper), Great idea, but won't take off to the full extent we would like without people looking down on it as an inferior product of our work in terms of desktop (by the populous).

In short, lets take the Java dream in running everything with one tool and use that dream for Linux. (kernel based).

Comment Re:Already did this study a long time ago (Score 2) 185

My thoughts about it at the time were that people who choose to use IE at the time don't really think about their choices much and just go with what is given to them.

If you have paid attention to the past 10 years of browsers wars (from when FF 1.0 hit the market on) and the lawsuits in the 90's against the very company which gave Internet Explorer (as we all know is M$FT), you will see this trend to hold up true. People (buyers) tend to not invest in new things when "Experts" pre-package a set of tools together when the buyers just buy and not look deep into maximizing their purchases. The majority of the buyers just don't care. They hope someone else will think for them on set concept. This goes not just for computers, but also for the medical field, food industry, or anything else where it is "too complected" for set people to really give a care. It is a shame, but Society prides on people being an expert in one set thing and not care about the rest of the world outside of expecting others to know everything about it all. (ie: expecting a sales clerk @ your local Walmart or equivalent doesn't know enough to decide for you on the purchases you make @ set store, they are overworked and under paid to care).

Those who take the time to investigate in such products (ie: Netscape, FF, Chrome, Safari, etc), they are more likely to display a well informed and well organized letter of complaint towards the lack of development towards their browser over others. When I develop websites and web tools for the company I work for, I do all the functionality testing in my browser of choice (non IE version whatever) and than worry about ascetics in IE due to the fact that the majority of my users use IE. It is the IT departments request that everyone uses IE, especially for working with the tools IT gives everyone. If you are a business catering to the audience at large (populous), it makes sense to worry about all browsers or posting on your site that you design for set browser(s), but if you are internal coder, you or your department can set the standard at what will be accessed and used (like my department in my company).

If anyone has points, Mod up this parent comment by suso.

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