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Comment Re:Mr Cynic here (Score 1) 126

So, libraries having limited resources will buy titles in one maybe two formats. And considering the popularity of ereaders, I'm guessing that Kindle versions of titles will be purchased with the books on tape version - no expensive printed books. Which means, if I want to read some of those titles, I'll have to buy a Kindle. It's not like they'll buy Kindles for patrons use and if they do, they'll have to be kept on the premises.

So, this is just a way for Amazon to sell more Kindles.

None of you thought they were doing this for the public good, did you?

Except that isn't what's happening. That one copy (or two, or however many for popular novels) the library buys will, as I understand it, be available in any format, but only one of them checked out at a time, of course. If the book's in, you can choose your format and go. There's no "I'll have to buy a kindle" or "I'll have to buy X e-reader".

Comment Re:What about 1984? (Score 4, Informative) 126

Considering it's just Overdrive, which has been around for a while now, yes, libraries have set lending periods. Mine is a choice of 7, 14, or 21 days. Yes, they do automatically get "deleted" (actually they just stop working, at least for ePub titles), but you can re-borrow them if you'd like. The bigger issue is with publishers imposing artificial scarcity on digital titles, forcing libraries to purchase a new copy after it's been borrowed a certain number of times (in order to maintain the same revenue stream they have with dead-tree books, which actually degrade).

Comment Re:I like your style! (Score 1) 306

Here's the thing, she isn't real. This is a common BS comment, I'm really disappointed that no one recognized this for what it was, since it had no bearing on the article whatsoever. See here for more examples of this idiocy that people are, for some reason, taking as fact just because it says "From the article".

Comment Re:But they don't have cars. (Score 2) 395

I'm still scared-- stockpiling on water and going to bunker down in my basement, as the projected path of the 'cane brings the eye with a near-direct hit over my residence. Just gotta tough it out and hope they can restore power in a reasonable period of time and damage to life and proprety is minimal.

I know what you mean; I'm in the same boat. I plan to stay safe in the basement until the worst of this storm is over. Of course it's not likely to help much, since I'm in Iowa. Still, better safe than sorry, right?

Seriously though, I don't mean to make light of your predicament, and here's hoping the thing dissipates at least some before pounding the city.

Comment Re:Easy solution (Score 1) 221

I specifically didn't mention the Kindle. Mobi is atrocious, and Amazon cares more about the bottom line than presenting an acceptable reading experience. You're right, not everyone uses the same algorithms to determine hyphenation and line-breaking, but in my experience, ePub and the readers that use ePub (at least the Nook - I really can't speak for others such as the Kobo or iRiver readers, not having used them) do a better job than the atrocity in that article. Of course, none of it matters if the publishers don't bother putting a little bit of care into their e-books. I may have come on a little strong, but I believe e-readers are not all as bad as you and the article you linked are making them out to be. is at least an improvement on the look of the Kindle's page, however I agree, it's not perfect.

Comment Re:Easy solution (Score 2) 221

Congratulations, you've just earned the "I don't know what I'm talking about!" achievement! All modern e-readers, when using their proper formats (generally ePub for pretty much anything worth using) handle line-breaking and hyphenation just fine, and unless you're reading from some badly OCRed plaintext copy, will look as good as the paper version. PDF is a bad format for e-readers, and you're a bad person for suggesting it.

Comment Re:Would a standard for loudness help? (Score 1) 294

Thank you for the clarification. I can see a "new loudness" button emerging, and as someone else said, portable players can do this automatically, it seems. It makes more sense to do the compression on the fly without damaging the original track than it does to master it in a way that makes one's ears bleed, so here's hoping the loudness war truly is over.

Comment Re:Would a standard for loudness help? (Score 1) 294

I don't see why this could not also be applied to music. Just have a setting on the player to turn on the compression (or even better - adjust how much compression to use).

Correct me if I'm mistaken, but hasn't this been around for quite some time: the "Loudness" or "Loudness compensation" button on stereos/equalizers/amps from the 70s and 80s? Perhaps it's a concept whose time has come around again.

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