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Comment Re:GTA V - No PC version (Score 1) 280

It'd be funny if it weren't true.

I bought GTA4 on DVD, and had to make a "Games for Windows LIVE" account and "Rockstar Social Club" account and sign into both of those just to launch the game. At that point in time I hadn't gotten into Steam very much, but I remember thinking "Wow, it must really suck for the people that bought on Steam, that makes a 3rd account to sign into just to launch GTA4"

I don't know which was worse, that or buying non-Valve games on CD/DVD in store only to go home and it has to download 4GB from Steam...

Which all makes perfect sense now that I pretty much only buy games on Steam.

Comment Re:what !@#$% is the point??? (Score 1) 249

Exactly - they've had research group that does the exact same thing as this for the past 20 years.

It's coincidentally called "Microsoft Research" - and every cool thing that everybody from Microsoft's own OS engineers to *nix and BSD people think are a good ideas, which their management promptly kills, because "it doesn't push MS Office or Internet Explorer (basically insert other MS product here)" onto corporate IT and home users more.

Comment DeeDeeDee filter editor! (Score 1) 249

Because in this instance, it is not about being prude or politically correct. It is because as other people have pointed out, it's more "hip and "kickin" to use a curseword and censor it, particularly masking it with fake "L33T" characters.

If anybody involved in writing the article or submitting it to slashdot actually cared about "keeping those evil, satanic cursewords from the eyes of the children" they would have simply written it to not include them in the first place.

Also, retarded lameness filter is retarded. Here's sme more random crap to make this post go through...

Comment Re:Forced Upgrades? (Score 4, Insightful) 665

Seems like somebody should try and actually make their response to this... actually useful and constructive?

The separate processes for each tab is EXACTLY what makes Chrome superior.

While my desktop is a 4x core Phenom 2 w/ 4GB of RAM, my laptop that mostly sits around (as I have not needed to refresh it since I don't really need a laptop right now) is a Gateway ultra-light from 2006 - Core Solo ULV (1st gen Core series, single core, 1.3GHz) w/ 1GB of RAM.

I have a minimalist Debian installation on it running Openbox, WICD, and Chrome - not much else, so that it keeps resources free for actually using it. Chrome runs great, the only thing that chokes it up is if I try to load anything with Flash video (Youtube, etc) and generally I can open as many tabs as I want. And when it does freeze, the browser GUI is still useable to close whatever page does have a flash video loaded.

Firefox 3.x (that was the last time I had Firefox on that system, about 1.5 years ago?) would choke up just from loading 5 or more tabs - without flash on them. Whats worse, is that on Firefox, when it did freeze, it took the whole interface down with it. There are reasons that Firefox and everybody else is trying to play catch-up to Chrome and include process isolation.

Also, most web-browsers tend to access web-pages - on the internet... the HDD is really only used for caching pages (and images, etc on them) locally. Why would you think that

...all these processes are fighting with one another to get HDD access

need massive amounts of HDD I/O at all? And how did this even get marked "insightful"?

I see so many comments on articles about Chrome (not just on this one article either) about "I'm not going to switch just to jump on the Chrome bandwagon!" - its not about jumping on any bandwagon, its that at the moment (and for the past few years now) Chrome really is a better experience.


Is TV Over the 'Net Really Cheaper Than Cable? 285

jfruh writes "More and more people are joining the ranks of 'cord-cutters' — those who cancel their cable TV subscriptions and get their televisied entertainment either for free over the airwaves or over the Internet. But, assuming you're going to do things legally, is this really a cheaper option? It depends on what you watch. Brian Proffitt contemplated this move, and he walks you through the calculations he made to figure out the prices of cutting the cord. He weighed the costs of various a la carte and all-you-can-eat Internet streaming services, and took into account the fact that Internet service on its own is often pricier than it would be if bundled with cable TV."

Comment Re:Right (Score 1) 207

Which works right up until they tell the people they are preaching to "Look! See, I told you they would try to make us look stupid, its because they hate us!"

OTOH, I guess you've gotta try what you can - and if at least the semi-intelligent on up see that the recruiter was dumb enough to fall for a troll, they'll loose faith. As long as they don't use this to recruit, say 3 or 4 times the people who didn't join up...

Comment Re:What problem does this solve? (Score 1) 116

give-aways to entice people into an over-priced 2-year data contracts

It solves the problem of where carriers are required (due to their pockets) to 2x profits every year but claim huge net losses. It solves the problem of their networks being so utterly congested that they have to move to tiered data to make you use less data, so that they can push more VCast streaming video, crappy carrier branded GPS navigation (when you've got the already really good and free Google one), and now where the entire UI and home screen is constantly being re-downloaded.

Comment Re:For games? Or Educational content? (Score 1) 83

It doesn't have to be just games that it distributes.

Even the normal Steam client lets you view embedded video, or download video as its own "store" item. Also, since a game is just another type of program, you could deliver other applications as well, such as the training simulators used in MCSE books, custom testing programs that some classes insist on using, editor applications such as Notepad++, GIMP, etc.

I think the biggest benefit of this would be giving the teachers a trusted software repository where they can tell their students to just go download it through the SteamEDU client, and not have to worry about them going to an impostor site and getting a school computer infected with malware (because obviously nobody knows how to ask for a rebuild of that system from the school's IT dept).

Comment Re:KDE is not what I want. (Score 1) 818

While I do like KDE4, GNOME2, and XFCE - my personal secondary system is a Core Solo ULV with 1GB of RAM from 2006, and was barely fast enough for WinXP.

I've been using a relatively bare-bones Debian 6 with OpenBox install for a while now - install just the basic CLI and apt-get, then install X, OpenBox, Nitrogen (wallpaper configurator GUI), FBPanel (for taskbar), WICD (WiFi configurator), and I if I remember SlimDM (login manager). Chrome is generally really good for web-browsing since it seems the only thing that really brings it down is Flash on webpages.

Comment Re:kubuntu? (Score 1) 134

Disclaimer: I still haven't used Arch

The "bleeding" in part doesn't apply though if you can apply updates and it not break things or freak out because something requires newer libraries than the repos have (and thats with just the default repos) - all you have then is a distro thats on the edge, not the "bleeding, cut my wrists, edge"

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