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Comment I interview and manage embedded projects (Score 1) 191

Embedded programming requires a certain mind set. Board support packages, memory organization, interrupt handling schemes, latency management, working around chip set bugs/oddities, reverse engineering, close collaboration with hardware designers for field programmable gate arrays or ASICs, bootstrapping, and system integration are NOT taught in any school I have discovered. The closest I have found is Computer Engineering programs that offer robotics or some other courses/projects that include interfaces to controllers and sensors.

Smart programmers can learn all of this, but it is a very different environment than the application level programming with "managed" languages that most students learn. Compilers often don't work seamlessly. A little machine language (let alone assembly language) is often needed to get development started. If you have never done any assembly language programming, that is a good skill to develop.

Comment I added the "chase Apple" zing to get accepted (Score 1) 345

I added the "chase Apple" zing in order to get the submission accepted by slashdot. There is a recipe. Deliberately omit important details from the summary, include something slightly inaccurate, and end with a zing.

It drives responses. People post to add the missing important detail. People post to correct or clarify the slight inacuracy. People post in response to the "zing." I have been doing this for years. Follow the recipe any your submissions will be accepted too.


Submission + - Sony adopts Objective-C and GNUstep frameworks ( 1

EMB Numbers writes: Sony has revealed that the new SNAP development environment for "consumer electronics" is based on Objective-C and the open source GNUstep implementation of Apple's Openstep spec. While Apple has continued to update their specification in the form of Cocoa and Mac OS X, GNUstep has preserved the original standard. Anyone familiar with Cocoa Touch and iOS will feel right at home developing for Sony. There may even be some source code compatibility between the platforms. The world continues to chase apple — probably for the better.

Comment Nokia most litigeous!!! (Score 1) 175

Nokia is suing 5 companies and is being sued by 2.
Kodak is suing 5 companies and is being sued by none.
Microsoft is suing 2 companies and is being sued by none.
Apple is suing 2 companies and is being sued by 3.
Motorola is suing nobody and is being sued by three companies.
Sharp is suing nobody and is being sued by 3 companies.
LG and HTC are being sued 2 times apiece.

So, is Nokia the worst offender as it watches its profits tank in response to fierce competition?
Is Kodak, the king of failed business models overtaken my new technology, the next worst offender?

When companies start suing, it seems to be because they have stopped competing.

Submission + - 7th Graders Find Large Cave on Mars (

EMB Numbers writes: Cnet news reports that "the science class from Evergreen Middle School in Cottonwood, Calif. found the opening while working on a research project with the Mars Space Flight Facility run out of Arizona State University in Tempe." "The students examined more than 200 images of Mars taken with the Thermal Emission Imaging System (Themis), an instrument on NASA's Mars Odyssey orbiter."

The only other similar opening near the volcano was found in 2007, when Glen Cushing, a scientist with the U.S. Geological Survey, published a research paper on the surface anomalies.

The opening is estimated to be 620 feet by 520 feet and the hole to be at least 380 feet deep.

Comment Fed. gov. already spends 40% percent of economy (Score 1) 618

Irrespective of military spending and the reduction of the progressive tax burden, the federal government now spends more than 40% of the US GDP every year. Back in the supposed heyday of science funding, the fed spent less than 30% of GDP. The REAL reason that science funding isn't higher is the entitlement state. Medicare alone costs more annually that the entire budget of NSF, NEA, DARPA, and DOE inception to date. NIH is funded in the Medicare budget.

"With an annual budget of about US $6.87 billion (fiscal year 2010), the NSF funds approximately 20 percent of all federally supported basic research" NSF budget is currently the highest it has ever been even adjusted for inflation.

Medicare cost under existing law are $489.3 billion; the figure for Medicaid is $264.5 billion. Both will raise $58 billion in 2011.

Comment Re:Bound to be a big win (Score 1) 280

There are real problems and objections to "code behind" a.k.a. click to code. In short, code behind encourages violation of "separation of concerns" and promotes placing application logic in the user interface. Cocoa uses the Model View Controller design by default, and Interface Builder reflects that.

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