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Comment Re:The cost is too high (Score 1) 286

The artist is an art-producing AI, who was compiled from source code that is open.

Why did this get modded funny? Am I seriously the only weeabee in a thread about Japan? Are you guys not aware of Hatsune Miku? The computer doesn't compose the music on its own but it's a publicly available application that allows you to synthesize voice. Some of the music they play at her concerts were composed by fans (who weren't paid to do so). Here's an example that would be disturbing even if it wasn't still crawling out of the uncanny valley: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DTXO7KGHtjI

Comment Re:What's the point? (Score 1, Flamebait) 221

Because the average patient doesn't have the background to understand what they're getting themselves into. Without laws to the contrary snake oil salesman can claim whatever they want about a treatment or medication. Do you really want to live in the 19th century?

You're right, laws to protect citizens from "snake oil salesmen" were indeed important in the 19th century since no one could google "snake oil" and realize that this wasn't going to cure their cancer. Now you can. Welcome to the 21st century.


Google Give Searchers 'Instant Previews' of Result Pages 252

First pressing 'Enter' was to much work... now actually clicking on the links and visiting the sites is to much, too... Google is testing instant previews, where you can see a miniature rendered view of the landing page without requiring you to click through and back-arrow.

Comment Re:Worthless summary (Score 2, Interesting) 631

I agree completely. Frankly I think these idiots have done a lot to help the gay community. I remember back when they were picketing the funerals of dead soldiers, ranting about how they went to hell since they defended an allegedly gay-loving country. The best part was seeing marines going up to them and just glaring at them with pure hatred, clearly on the verge of beating the shit out of them. I have a lot of respect for our soldiers (regardless of what our leaders are telling them to do) and that just really struck me as a symbol of patriotism standing up against these people. It's because of stuff like that that no one takes them seriously. We all know they're total scum so we don't need to talk about it every time these people stage yet another silly protest.

In short, they've essentially made it fun and cool to hate people who hate gays. Keep up the good work Westboro!

Comment Re:scary thought (Score 5, Informative) 249

Radiant: we're a little short on staff -- think you could raise the penalty for jaywalking?

Congressman: can do!

This exact sort of thing is already happening in the U.S. except rather than keeping people in prison to make them work, the prison lobby wants to keep people in prison for the sake of needing to build more prisons. We've got both the prisons' investors and prison guard unions constantly lobbying for harsher punishments for lesser offenses. It's a scary to think that it's profitable for anyone to lock people up and throw away the key...

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