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Comment Removing OS VPN protocols (Score 2) 83

My pixel stopped supporting IPSec after a system update. Had to switch to Wireguard. Using an OS built in VPN option seems problematic now since they are regularly removed from the OS without warning. Fortunately wireguard seems to work well on all the OS I have tried it on and solves the bandwidth limitations I've had with other protocols as a bonus.

Comment 8GB (Score 1) 465

The last system I built has: CORSAIR VENGEANCE DDR5 RAM 64GB (2x32GB)... Size: 64GB (2x32GB) Color: Black $159.99 Considering the pricing I simply bought far more than my use case required. This way lack of RAM won't be a limitation for the life of this system unless my use case changes drastically. If we consider this pricing per gig this MAC has $20 worth of RAM in it. It seems absurdly low to pair with the other expensive components especially considering the performance implications and cost of resolving them.

Comment Re:relatively good drivers? (Score 1) 127

If you replace the headline with: "Human Drivers Keep Hitting Things: A Cyclist, a Gate, and a Pickup Truck" It's entirely unremarkable. Looking at my local news in a small city a human driver struck and killed a pedestrian over the weekend. That's much more sensational and it happens all the time.

Comment Re:And that is why you wire security cameras... (Score 1) 174

I use a card and an NVR. On camera I have it set to record motion events to the card and then 24/7 on the NVR. Makes sense to me to have a backup in case the video doesn't make it to the NVR for whatever reason. Of course these are POE cams on a network with UPS backup power.
The problem with the SD card plan with wireless cameras is that the signal could be jammed and then the card or entire unit stolen, so then you don't get either recording.

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