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Comment Re:What are jails for? (Score 1) 138

Maybe those particularly violent should be in jail?

That may be possible now that we know who they are. I'm concerned about my privacy as well but head out to Hindley St, Adelaide on a Saturday night and you'll start to see why these measures are necessary. Too many people walk around looking for a fight, too many bloody assaults and too many people getting away with it. Having said all that I do think taking your fingerprints is going a little too far; Let's just limit it to scanning patrons' drivers licenses.

Comment Re:First Union? (Score 1) 576

I seriously doubt you didn't just make that up. As annoying as it is to be +1 Troll, my experience tells me that people who make outlandish claims like you just did are usually full of shit. To be fair, you might actually have had an incident where you felt your union rep was telling you off for working too hard, but more than likely you misunderstood the whole situation or deliberately misinterpreted it through your anti-union prejudices. Interestingly enough you do go on to make a rather reasonable point about working for a meritocracy, but it was completely unnecessary to start with such a unbelievable cliche.

Comment Re: doesn't always work (Score 2, Informative) 509

The beauty is that you don't really have to trust PayPal. I usually transfer money out of my PayPal account within minutes of it arriving there, and I have made sure never to authorize PayPal to withdraw from any bank account I have.

Just make sure you have a backup plan so that if / when PayPal suspends your account for some stupid reason you have somewhere else for customers to go.

My sister sold some concert tickets on ebay paid for in full on PayPal. The guy came to her house & picked up the tickets and my sister withdrew the much needed money from PayPal.

About 4 weeks later my sister started receiving many e-mails from PayPal which, as she had no further business with PayPal, she assumed was spam and just ignored them. About 2 weeks ago she received a letter informing her PayPal has listed her with a credit reporting agency (yes, that means no credit cards, phone plans, mortgages for 5+ years) because she failed to pay them back $500 --- the guy had collected the tickets from my sister and saw the concert but then the bastard called PayPal to say he never received the tickets! PayPal simply put my sisters account into negative and started collections proceedings. When my sister finally figured out what had happened she explained the situation to PayPal & they just said too bad she didn't have proof that she gave him the tickets.

So yes, if you withdraw your money it makes it harder for PayPal to take it away from you, but that doesn't mean they can't screw you financially just for using their services

Comment Re:They now need a "pee fee" - not what you think (Score 1) 888

Hah well honestly if you cant hold it in for *one hour* then maybe you shouldn't be flying anyway.

Yeah, lets see you try that. I'm not talking about a little squirt either. You try holding in a good piss for even 30 minutes confined to your chair with nothing to do but fidget.

You must be the worst person to go to the cinema with!

And even if it that were possible, telling people who couldn't do it that they don't deserve to fly? Man that horse must be at least 20 hands tall.

Didn't your mother ever tell you that you'd better go to the bathroom before you leave the house because she aint stopping on the way? Is it impossible for you to go to the bathroom before you're making that final hour-long descent?

Your solution is for the entire contingent of passengers to use the bathroom on the plane one hour out from landing just in case they have to urinate in half an hour? Yeah, that's some good goosesteppin right there.

Some can go 65 minutes before, some can go 70, some can go 75, etc. Most of us don't need to piss every hour...

Comment Re:They now need a "pee fee" - not what you think (Score 1) 888

No, you can punish the big faceless organisation by not purchasing tickets from them in the first place, but urinating on the floor of the plane will only punish the FAs who already have a very hard and sometimes dangerous job, and might not be in a position to "look for a new job".

Gee, does your high horse come with a urinary catheter? Because I'm not seeing you giving any alternative to the person who really has to go but isn't permitted to do it in the bathroom.

Hah well honestly if you cant hold it in for *one hour* then maybe you shouldn't be flying anyway. Didn't your mother ever tell you that you'd better go to the bathroom before you leave the house because she aint stopping on the way? Is it impossible for you to go to the bathroom before you're making that final hour-long descent?

Unless your are literally medically incontinent, with a doctor's note to boot, then I'd take great pleasure in watching you pay the cleaning bill & probably be banned from that airline for life.

Comment Re:As the parent of a 1 year old. I say good luck (Score 1) 888

I have trouble keeping my son in his high chair with his hands in plain site in a high chair. Good luck getting infants to sit still.

I don't know who's stupider: The idiots at the TSA who come up with the rules, the politicians that give them this power, or the dickheads that allow the politicians to be elected.

I'll stay well out of your country. I only wish your fucked up rules didn't get copied by our own government and idiotic organisations. We just had some ridiculous security restrictions lifted in Australia. What's the bet that all gets reversed thanks to you crazy as fuck yanks?

Not likely:

The Australian government relaxed airplane security measures, which came into affect on Friday.

Items including nail clippers and knitting needles are no longer prohibited.

Mr Albanese said those changes would remain in effect for good reason.

“To take security personnel away from worrying about whether nail clippers are on board or not and worry about firearms and high-risk dangerous items,” he said.

Comment Re:They now need a "pee fee" - not what you think (Score 1) 888

I can understand where you're coming from but it's neither the fault of the flight attendants nor the cleaning crew that your country has such shitty regulations, but they're the only people who will suffer from your protest...

That's the "they are just doing their job" cop-out. If they aren't happy with the consequences of working for an organization that denies people their basic human dignities, then they should be looking for a new job. To give them a pass because they are just little people in the machinery of a big faceless organization is to give the big faceless organization a pass.

No, you can punish the big faceless organisation by not purchasing tickets from them in the first place, but urinating on the floor of the plane will only punish the FAs who already have a very hard and sometimes dangerous job, and might not be in a position to "look for a new job".

The cop-out is you claiming that you can treat people in such a disgusting manner because of your assumption that they're able find a less degrading job at their whim.

Furthermore, the "consequences" you're advocating fail on both a moral and a pragmatic level. Morally for the reasons I've stated above, but pragmatically too since it wont change the TSA regulations, it won't make the airlines fight on your side & the only real result will be pissing off your fellow passengers as well as making life a harder for some people trying to make a living. If you want to complain then complain to your government, rather than take out your frustration on some low-level employee who has very little decision making power in the organisation they work for.

Comment Re:They now need a "pee fee" - not what you think (Score 2, Insightful) 888

I can understand where you're coming from but it's neither the fault of the flight attendants nor the cleaning crew that your country has such shitty regulations, but they're the only people who will suffer from your protest...

That's the "they are just doing their job" cop-out. If they aren't happy with the consequences of working for an organization that denies people their basic human dignities, then they should be looking for a new job. To give them a pass because they are just little people in the machinery of a big faceless organization is to give the big faceless organization a pass.

No, you can punish the big faceless organisation by not purchasing tickets from them in the first place, but urinating on the floor of the plane will only punish the FAs who already have a very hard and sometimes dangerous job, and might not be in a position to "look for a new job".

The cop-out is you claiming that you can treat people in such a disgusting manner because of your assumption that they're able find a less degrading job at their whim.

Comment Re:They now need a "pee fee" - not what you think (Score 1) 888

Once could argue though that the FAs have a choice in exercising common sense... which dictates that when a guy/gal [or a baby/toddler] has to go, you let them go.

I very much doubt that FAs have any choice when it comes to application of TSA regulations. More likely they'd be punished or even fired if they did.

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