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Comment Re:Enough (Score 1) 224

What makes you think this administration has any interest in following the law? Why do you think the media would call them on it if they pulled out his fingernails on live TV during prime time? So far Obama does anything he wants and creates new laws at press conferences with a wave of his hand, with impunity. Snowden better make sure he doesn't get caught, he embarrassed too many people and we always need a new distraction from the Obamacare debacle.

Comment No cogent thought allowed. (Score 2) 312

I used to have ambition to form cogent thoughts. I used to use my logic and education to say things like, "Obamacare as a model can never be as good as what they are saying, economics doesn't work like that" and, "Maybe we shouldn't be using drones to kill people willy nilly," and "Maybe this administration should use its power to curb the abuses the American people are suffering at the hands of the TSA."

After you get called "racist" enough times for saying these things, you no longer care to try to fix the problems we face as a country. You almost start to dislike the people who call you a racist, and you almost wish bad things for them, like getting everything they claim to want from their elected officials.

Comment Subsidies are not difficult to understand. (Score 3, Insightful) 302

Before grants and guaranteed college loans, colleges could only charge what the students could afford. I myself graduated from a big 4-year state college in the 80's for a total cost of $21k, and I was an on-campus student.

Now we have grants and the ability to take out tens of thousands of dollars... per year... for tuition. All an adult student has to do is sign his or her name, and it is like free unlimited money for all the education you can eat.

How can anyone be confused by the idea that colleges will adjust their cost by the amount their customers can afford to pay? This is econ 101, here. When these stupid adult children can afford $50k to get their art history degree, why do you think a college won't increase their price to accommodate the sucker windfall?

Want to watch the price of college plummet? Remove all loans. We'll return to the days of "only the rich can afford college/not fair!", but at least the stupid will not be graduating under a mountain of debt from which they will never be free. The truly academically gifted and motivated will get scholarships no matter how poor they are.

Comment Trade ya. (Score 1) 217

I'd gladly give up the Mars skycrane if it meant an end of humiliation before I got on a plane. I am mildly handicapped, for me it is humiliating getting searched by those TSA scum.

Now I only fly when I absolutely must (exactly once since the Rape Scans/groping procedures went in), instead of frequently and for pleasure. The world has gotten smaller, for me. I hate this road we are traveling.

Comment I'm going to see it. (Score 2) 1448

He wasn't anti-gay rights because he is EVIL, it was because it was his honest opinion that it was wrong for the society, and he had the arguments to back up his point of view. I never agreed with his arguments, but I saw where he was coming from.

I'll take an honest bigot over a devious do-gooder any day of the week.

Comment What about.... THE CHILDREN? (Score 1) 344

Not their safety, but the fact that 3d printers WILL be in every home one of these days, my guess is within 10 years, and kids will be able to print a weapon whenever they want to.

I am a Marine. I have no problem with responsible adults owning firearms. Bit I DO have a problem with moody teens or curious children being able to produce one whenever they want.

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