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Comment Re:Please just die (Score 1) 201

I'll bite. BF3 is not a competitor to MW4. It's a completely different game. MW4 seems like Quake the way it's played online. BF3 seems like... Battlefield. No other game has that feeling.

There's some magical feeling in BF3 like you're actually in a _war_, when you bring your entire team (32 or 64 players) rushing towards the enemy with tanks, helicopters, jeeps, snipers, infantry etc. MW4 (which I haven't played yet, I did play all the previous releases though) seems more like a console oriented death match clone.

Comment HTPC with storage (Score 1) 364

Atom/Ion based HTPC with 6 2TB HDDs in RAID5 with mdadm, for a total of 10TB usable storage. (lvm then ext4 on top of that)

Works super. OS on a 60GB SSD, Corsair F60. The SSD has a firmware bug (Sandforce chip) which makes it reset itself whenever it's issued a SMART command of some sort. No data loss so far!


Sharks Seen Swimming Down Australian Streets Screenshot-sm 210

As if the flood waters weren't bad enough for the people of Queensland, it now appears that there are sharks swimming in the streets. Two bull sharks were spotted swimming past a McDonald’s in the city of Goodna, Butcher Steve Bateman saw another making its way past his shop on Williams street. Ipswich councillor for the Goodna region Paul Tully said: "It would have swam several kilometres in from the river, across Evan Marginson Park and the motorway. It’s definitely a first for Goodna, to have a shark in the main street."

John Carmack Not Enthused About Android Marketplace 163

An anonymous reader writes "During an in-depth and informative interview, Doom creator and id Software co-founder John Carmack opines on iOS game development, the economics of mobile development vs. console development, why mobile games lend themselves to more risk-taking and greater creativity, and finally, why he's not too keen on the Android Marketplace as a money-making machine. '...I'm honestly still a little scared of the support burden and the effort that it's going to take for our products, which are very graphics-intensive.'"

Google Launches Nexus S Phone In UK and US 202

siliconbits writes "Google has made its second bid for a slice of the mobile phone market, with the launch of its Nexus S phone. The Samsung-built device comes less than 12 months after the launch of the firm's Nexus One, built by HTC, which failed to win over many consumers. The Nexus S will initially be launched in the UK and US, and will be available 'from the end of the month'."

WikiLeaks Starts Mass Mirroring Effort 586

A beautiful mind writes "WikiLeaks is asking for hosting space on Unix-based servers. The replication is implemented by a rsync+ssh based push that copies static files to a known path, authenticated via the private half of this public key. The complete website is a few GB in size, making it feasible to replicate on a large scale. The mirror list will be published when the number of independent mirrors reaches 50." Note: wikileaks.ch seems to be down for the moment, but eventually the above links may require that instead of See also this WikiLeaks address finder. And for even more news, try this Twitter search.

Aussie Gov't Decides ISPs Aren't Responsible For Infected Computers 129

c0lo writes "In a sudden outburst of common sense, the Australian senate decided that it is not the government's responsibility to force ISPs to disconnect infected computers from the Internet. Peter Coroneos, chief of the Internet Industry Association, used a car analogy that actually makes sense: 'It would be like forcing car manufacturers to take responsibility for bad drivers.'"

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