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Comment Re:Please help me understand this (Score 1) 368

Thank you for taking the trouble to try and explain this to me. I had looked at the original study, that's where the 5-9% number comes from. Apparently 324 out of 6328 people (5%) in the vaccinated group and 89 out of 1020 people (9%) of the (not vaccinated) prior infection group tested positive on Covid-19.

I have understood the conclusion of the study. My question is, how does one get there? Shouldn't the conclusion be: vaccinated people are more likely to develop an illness with Covid-19 like symptoms? That, when tested, doesn't appear to be Covid19 after all? Or, as you suggest, does not develop into a full blown case?

How can one, by only investigating people that are hospitalized with Covid-19-like symptoms, extend a conclusion to the general population?

Comment Please help me understand this (Score 1) 368

Could someone help me out? I'm trying to better understand this study.

Patients that were hospitalized with 'COVID-19–like illness' were investigated. Of that group only a small percentage, about 5-9% appears to truly have COVID-19. This percentage is higher in (not vaccinated) patients with a prior infection than in vaccinated patients. How does one get from there to 'vaccination protects better against COVID-19 than a prior infection'?

Comment Re:From Lockdown to Locked Up (Score 2) 124

And now you're averaging over 500 covid dead each day
What a great idea that was...

The big fallacy here is that you are led to believe that death can be prevented. People have always died and will always die. And there will always be fluctuations in the numbers of deaths. It's not that half the population is dying. And yes, since spaces get more crowded the fluctuations might increase. But it's up to you, do you want a happy free life with a natural death? Or do you want to live in constant fear, restricted by a government that puts 'disease and virus control above all human rights? Since I'm locked up I'm afraid having to tell you in Europe we're headed for the latter.

Comment From Lockdown to Locked Up (Score 1) 124

Living in Europe here. It all started all too reasonable: in order to prevent hospitals not being able to take care of the flood of patients the people were asked to help spread the Corona virus. Gruesome images of dying elderly spread a fear faster than even the virus could keep up with. Now, not one year later I'm locked up in my own appartment with many collegues and friends saying it's for our own good.

If you haven't already, I sincerely hope you don't fall for the trap. They only way out of this is accepting that someday life will end.

Comment Human rights (Score 1) 524

If we give the government the mandate to forcefully inject our bodies with vaccines against measles, then why not against an arbitrary flu. Having the flu causes economic damage, since you will not show up at work.

And, why not have a chip implanted that permanently measures your health, so medical attention can be sought immediately when necessary? Surely you wouldn't want your children to risk being late for cancer treatment?

Oh well, now we have a chip, why not add some more features that are useful for running society more smoothly?

It's a slippery slope and it's bodily integrity that is at stake here.

Submission + - Dutch Tax Authority requires purchase of Microsoft or Apple products

HeadOffice writes: Yesterday The Dutch Tax Authority announced that Linux will no longer be supported as a platform for declaring payroll and corporate income tax, two obligatory taxes for any 'B.V.' (Ltd.) operating in the Netherlands. As of next year, software necessary for declaring these taxes will no longer be made available for Linux. As an alternative, the use of versions of this software that will (continue to) be made available for 'Windows' or Apple is dictated. As a reason for their decision it is stated that the Linux version is hardly being used.

The text of the announcement, as published by the Authority (in Dutch, AFAIK only visible after logging in on their site as an entrepreneur):

"Geen nieuwe Linux-versies meer van aangiften LH en Vpb

Getoond sinds: 21-12-2018 Categorie: Informatief

Gebruikt u voor het doen van de aangifte loonheffingen of vennootschapsbelasting de Linux-versie? Met ingang van volgend jaar kan dat niet meer. We hebben besloten geen Linux-versies meer te maken, omdat deze bijna niet gebruikt worden. Er komt dus geen Linux-versie van de aangifte loonheffingen 2019 en de aangifte vennootschapsbelasting 2018. U kunt gebruikmaken van de versies voor Windows of Apple. De Linux-versies voor eerdere jaren van de aangifte loonheffingen (2018 en eerder), vennootschapsbelasting (2017 en eerder) en inkomstenbelasting (2013 en 2014) kunt u nog wel gebruiken."

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