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Submission + - Canadian teenager arrested for photographing Mall takedown (

blackfrancis75 writes: The erosion of civil rights is on the rise, as well documented on Slashdot. It seems that the picture north of the US border is also getting more bleak. This time an aspiring teenage journalist in B.C who witnessed a Mall takedown and decided to photograph it (using a real-film camera), was told to 'delete' the photo by Security guards. He (quite legally) refused to do so, and when local police arrived they assisted Mall security in pushing him to the ground, handcuffing him, cutting off his backpack with a utility knife and searching it. Whoever thought Canada was less likely to become a Police State than their U.S. counterparts will be disillusioned by this story.

Comment TCO? (Score 3, Interesting) 117

I'm sure this kind of scheme would give the owner some warm fuzzy feelings, knowing that they did it themselves, and that in principle they're 'saving the planet' by growing without pesticides...
But really, you'd have to voluntarily ignore the total financial AND environmental costs.
How many veggies do you need to grow and eat before you break-even on the cost of the setup?
How many to grow & eat before the reduced pesticide use makes up for the energy-costs and pollution associated with fabrication, distribution and eventual safe disposal of the hardware?

I know that's not 'the' point, but it does need to be considered int eh context of the 'cool' factor

Comment didn't do their homework? (Score 2) 290

Why would a billion dollar company bet on anything in this manner?
If there was technical uncertainty before they embarked on the HTML5 route - why wouldn't they have done extensive feasibility testing before commencing? Lord knows they have the resources.
FB isn't developed by dumb or naive people - unless there's a realistic answer to this, I guess we can only assume he's bad-mouthing HTML5 for his own (nefarious) purposes.

Comment It's a TRAP! (Score 1) 487

These days, sadly, /. is increasingly regurgitating any bullshit article they know is going to get developers/IT staff/geeks 'inflamed' with righteous indignation.
It's perfect because they get all the site traffic without being seen to be agreeing with the opinions of the author.
Feel free to Reply with your righteously indignant refutal of the BS article.

Comment Re:Degree (Score 1) 190

Massively online open courses aren't just YouTube videos. They are far more interactive. As people like myself who took part in the Standford courses can testify; it's no joke to understand and complete the tests and exercises that accompany the video content. Sure, it may be easier to cheat online than in a real classroom, but implying that all you have to show after these courses for your comprehension is a 'video history' is naive and/or ignorant.

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