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Comment Re:Okay, I have to ask... (Score 1) 389

From how I see it (and from what I believe to know about the mechanics involved)...

When a woman orgasms, her cervix dips into (depending on the position) pool of seed the man released, sucking it in.

Wait, this is how you think sex works? The man orgasms, sex continues, then some time later, the female orgasms and becomes pregnant?!?

If pregnancy depended on the woman orgasming after the man, the accidental pregnancy rate would be close to zero

Actually a woman having an orgasm after the man has had one makes it more likely that she will be fertilized.
From the link

Through experiments conducted in his lab, Baker found that timing of female orgasm during or around the occurrence of vaginal intercourse further affects the likelihood of fertilization. During female orgasm the woman's cervix dips and the opening to the cervix gapes open, much like an elephant's trunk while taking in water. If a seminal pool is present in the vagina at that point, a significant number of sperm will be helped along by this "up-suck" phenomenon. So, to maximize conception, a woman should experience an orgasm immediately after a man ejaculates.

Comment Re:This guy needs to be quiet (Score 1) 973

First killer aliens that are going to kill us all and now this? He is starting to sound a lot like James Lovelock - once a useful scientist now just cashing in on his reputation before he retires or kicks the bucket. You can't just live your life in fear of what could go wrong. sure bad things will happen eventually but things like the sun burning out and nuclear warfare are not really on the agenda these days. If some ecological disaster comes along it will most likely be easier to fix than finding a whole new planet and terraforming it

We need to get off this planet for the same exact reason you don't put all your retirement money in a single investment. While you make a good point about the sun and nuclear warfare I think you are being far too simplistic. We live in a time where medical innovation, technology, and weapons are advancing at an amazing and ever increasing speed. We work on some of the most horrific viruses and diseases in history, mutating them and making them more and more potent. We are inventing bigger and faster ways to kill each other. The fact of the matter is that we have more ways than ever to wipe ourselves out. The fact is, that eventually, something horrific *will* get out, it is a fact of statistics. The question is if we can contain and handle it in time. If not, I for one would feel a lot better knowing that we have X other colonies that will survive.

This isn't a matter of *if* it is a matter of when. By setting up other colonies we are simply giving ourselves the greatest statistical probability of survival.

Comment Re:The untimely war on filesharing. (Score 2, Interesting) 290

This study actually correlates purchases and piracy:

The rest of these articles link back to the studies they quote. They are basically information that states how piracy has actually helped industries to make money.
Piracy is good:

Comment Re:The untimely war on filesharing. (Score 1) 290

the problem with this sentiment is that I have (many) friends who, because they can, allot 0 dollars for entertainment and download every movie, song and game they want from the torrents. They then use that 100-200 dollars that would otherwise have been entertainment funds to buy more pot, better brands of cigarettes or a better brand of beer/beer at a more expensive bar depending on their preferred method of intoxication.

While I can understand what you are saying, there is a counter point here. Studies have shown, time and again, that those that pirate music, movies, etc are typically the ones that spend the most on them as well.

Comment Re:How will they know when to cut it? (Score 2, Informative) 139

Will it continue to pulse while only attached to the placenta? For example, is it possible or beneficial for both the baby and placenta to be outside the mother for a while?

Yes, it only pulses while attached. Basically everything is still hooked in to the mothers circulatory system at that point, and the pulsing you are seeing is actually the mothers heart pumping blood through the cord. There is something called Wharton's jelly that exists within the umbilical cord which, if left alone, will cause the cord to "clamp" itself off anywhere from 5-20 minutes after the birth. Check it out:

Comment Re:Not completely bogus (Score 1) 182

The placebo effect is very real, but "Feeling better" is not "surviving incurable cancer." In fact, most real treatments for cancer will leave you feeling significantly worse, often for weeks after a treatment.

In fact there is very little medical evidence that most treatments for cancer actually *do* anything. Chemo operates on the fact that we know that cancer is caused by malignant white cells, so what do we do? We nuke all your white cells. In theory the practice is sound, in practice...who knows? What studies that have been done actually show that only around 3-5% of patients actually benefit from chemo. I find it very telling that people will quickly call a chiropractor a "quack" but they will buy into just about anything an MD tells them. I myself have seen the benefits of going to a chiropractor, is it the placebo effect? Maybe, but even if it is why does that offend you so much?

Comment This is a real problem (Score 1) 287

As someone who has done quite a bit of work in the genealogy line of software development I know what a problem this can be. The best alternatives we have currently for storing digital media last
There is however a company out there that is working on a project they call the "Millenium disc" apparently it can hold roughly as much data as a CD but it has an expected life of ~1000 years. It works by meshing the ideas of hieroglyphics and a traditional CD. This was an idea that was presented at the Family History Technology conference at BYU a few years back. I am not sure where the project is now, or even if it is still alive. But either way, we need a way to come up with a long term storage solution.

Comment Re:On The Other Hand (Score 1) 684

When you get into a corporate environment, "cheating" is actually preferred. No reason to re-invent the wheel when there is existing code that gets the job done.

Need a report that's "like this one except for..."? Take the code for that report and add some mods and there ya go. Your manager would consider you an idiot if you started each project from scratch, re-writing all the functions and methods that already exist in other applications and have perhaps already gone through rigorous QA.

Besides, how many ways can you write a QuickSort?

While I agree with you on the corporate environment, I think we miss a fundamental point here. People who understand these concepts, and have a basic handle on the language they probably should know by now have no need to cheat. If you understand what a quicksort is and how it works can replicate it fairly easily. People who don't understand it are going to be the ones cheating by copying off a site somewhere. I saw this a lot while I was in school getting my degree, and the people who cheated were the ones who eventually dropped out, or got to a point where they just *couldn't* cheat their way through anymore.

Comment Re:Steam and Electronic Arts (Score 1) 349

Just so we're clear: you're renting the ability to play. When, not if, they go belly up, you've just got a hard drive full of random bits.

Don't get me wrong, I use and love Steam (it even works well through Wine on Ubuntu) but I'm under no illusions about ownership.

Let's just say that steam did go belly up tomorrow, and they didn't have the time/money/resources to release a patch to allow you to play your games without their servers. What would we do?

Answer: Pirate the games, just like I used to do. If the RIAA comes knocking at my door, I still have my digital receipts proving I *did* in fact pay for the right to play the game.

Comment Re:Old people (Score 1) 170

"I was awake for the "tooth extraction" which translates to the most horrific medieval hammer and fscking chisel, and horrible horrible sounds and pressures you do not want to remember."

Try tooth extraction without anesthesia someday. Now that's an experience (yes, I know it firsthand).

I know what you mean, I will never, ever forget that god awful noise as they pry a tooth out of your head (it was akin to pulling a rusty nail out of a board)

Comment Re:Thread != Process (Score 1) 278

There is no reason FF couldn't use separate threads to handle the threading of separate tabs. As it is, if any tab locks up, then the whole set of tabs gets stuck. Whether you use a process to separate each tab or you simulate it with threads, the difference is merely architectural.

The shared memory and object resources is the bottleneck with threads, but there is no reason why a single process couldn't render separate tabs completely separately.

You sir, are incorrect. Multithreading has a shared memory space, and therefore is still vulnerable to the locking issue that firefox is prone to. When you spawn a separate process, you are acquiring a memory space that is separate and distinct. This makes it so that the process will only lock / kill itself. A process can multithread, a thread exists in the context of the process that spawned it.

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