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Comment Re:Passwords are property of the employer (Score 1) 599

whatever your interpretation of the law is, he is in jail. I think that is a good outcome. He did not say he forgot, he made damands and threatened people.
His crime, and the adoration of him by slashdoters as some kind of IP hero, only makes it more likely that others copying this will also be imprisoned. In the absense of some illegal activity on the part of the owners of the equipment which should be handled as a whistle blower, I am glad to see this happen.
This is the real Atlas Shrugged, some loopy IT worker makes trouble and is sent to jail by the people who actually have the power.

Comment Re:POLICE STATE OF THE FREE! (Score 2) 321

Many of the European connections to Christianity are mostly historical and nominal. The UK has a state religion (CoE) but very low church attendance. Germany has a Christian Democrat party that is mainly concerned with secular issues. Denmark and some scandinavian countries collect tax and give some of it to the national religion (Luthernism iirc) but you can opt out of any of your money going to the church. My relatives in France and Finland go to church for weddings and christenings because it is a social event but do not attend church otherwise.

There is an official status to Christianity, but in practice very few people take the conventional biblical story seriously. The only exception here in England is the Eastern European Catholics who are coming here now to find work. The local Catholic church now does masses in Polish.

Comment Re:i don't get it (Score 1) 201

This is the central point to why copyright exists.

The cost of production is spread over many individual sales (either as tickets or rentals or whatever).

Saying that the marginal cost is zero or that the person who stole the item would not have brought it does not address the big question "Do we want expensive movies, books that take years to write, music from people who do prefer studio work?" Then there is has to be a way for money to go back to the producers.

Saying "I'm ripping off the companies, not the artists" is just another lie.

Comment Re: ARM vs x86 (Score 1) 88

14nm is expensive to make. At least double patterning, relatively low yield, and only worth it if you want an expensive high performance part.
ARM chips are aleady being made in 14/20 so this is size is not a long term advantage for Intel.
A lot of chips are still made greater thon 60 because it's cheap. Some are even made at 160 to reduce mask cost by single patterning.
There is no doubt that Intel currently makes the highest performance parts with an equivalent power dissipation.

Comment Re: Sounds good to me (Score 1) 555

The coffee suit was partly about the temperature but mainly about the cup which was unstable when heated and the top was removed. The coffee was served with the top on and the sugar and milk in a separate container, therefore it was McDonalds policy that you should take the top off of a unstable cup which is over your lap.
Ergo, decision against McDonalds.

Comment Re:Further proof that the people pushing this agen (Score 1) 266

Fully blocking porn content is of course unworkable, and I think most people who have seriously investigated that know this.

This might work for keeping very young children from accidentally landing on a porn site, or at least minimizing it. I presume there will be a black list of the major sites.

That might be desirable even if it is very limited. If someone can work out how to get around the filter, they are probably able to survive seeing something.

What worries me much more than this is the public outcry that Google must stop people searching for child porn. Someone who was previously with the police group fighting child porn on the web has been appearing on TV trying to explain that most child porn is not searched by Google (he did not go into the technical detail on robots) and how sites like the ones used for music pirating are used instead (he might have mentioned vpn without explaining it).

Google has become so much a part of people's view of the web that they think the solution to finding child porn on the net must be to stop Google listing it.

There are some things that can be done that would make sense and help with very young children, but it seems that any chance of a considered debate and considering the cost benefit (not financial) has been overwhelmed by sound bites.

Comment Re:You can do it with just latitude / longitude (Score 1) 478

You could do latitude and longitude in four words and there would be a pattern to it. You would instantly know (assuming there was some sort of order in the words) approximately the location.

Approximately 1300000 minutes in a circle by as a rough guess. Two words out of 2000 common words would give the longitude and two more give the latitude.

Comment Re:like anything else.. (Score 1) 580

I said I can do the math, what I was not sure of was whether I understand what was behind it all.

The debate here does not change that, and you have not even touched on the argument between vector and quaternions yet and whether gimbal lock is a difficult or trivial problem.

For examples of this debate see http://www.gamedev.net/topic/25314-why-diana-grubers-wrong-about-quats/ and http://www.gamedev.net/page/resources/_/technical/math-and-physics/do-we-really-need-quaternions-r1199

Hint the real problem here is not working out a simplified 2D version with sin and cos and symbols, the real problem is coding this to handle how to display moving 3D objects (defined by arrays of floats) as seen by a virtual moving camera.

Saying the "same principle is used for 3D" is hand waving in the context of the subject of "is math hard"

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