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Comment Re:Obamacare exists because... (Score 1) 288

I can agree with Television and Cellphone even, but internet access is pretty much a required necessity these days. Even if you are flipping burgers as your sole income, if you ever expect to get out of that, internet access simply to help find jobs, raise your skills and communicate is so important these days that I would consider it more important than standard phone service even.

Comment Re:I could never defend a cyber squatter (Score 1) 381

This is true.

I have a domain, that if you simply go to: it comes up with a blank website, actually I think its a 404 error, but I don't check.

It hosts nothing but subdomains for my own projects.

Some multinational shouldn't be able to use the main page as the sole defining attribute of whether I get to use that domain or not.

Comment Re:If anyone can see it, it can be indexed (Score 4, Insightful) 468

Murdoch isn't paying Google to index their sites.

How could he sue them for simply refusing to do something they aren't required to do in the first place.

Equitable estoppel (spelling?) only counts for specified contracts.
You simply stop providing a free, no-obligation service when you want.

You can't even count a Google EULA in this matter as Google is the one indexing the content.

It would trivial for them to argue that the increased legal concerns have given them cause to drop them from the index.

If you did want to argue equitable estoppel, Google could make a complaint just as valid (read not very) as Murdoch could.
Murdoch has been allowing Google to index its sites all this time (they use robots.txt and haven't blocked Google), and by specifically refusing them now, while not limiting any other search engines is causing damage to Google's business.

Comment Re:bah humbug! (Score 1) 754

Ok I will give you some points.

I was confused on how parts (perhaps a majority I won't comment specifically) of the chiropractic community saw itself in general.

I would agree, for things other than back and some skeletal problems, chiropractics are not an answer.
I read your listed paper, and did some other research and I find it odd that they believe spinal adjustments would cure various ailments other than the obvious.

I still stand by my example, I had horrible back and leg problems, I listed what appeared to be the reasoning behind it (vertebrae out of alignment so it was putting pressure on the nerves around it causing pain - it seems sound to me) and I can't the deny the effect its had.

It does appear though that there is a developing group of chiropractors that are rejecting the mystical/metaphysical parts and simply focusing only on the muscularskeletal stuff.

Comment Re:bah humbug! (Score 1) 754

I'm sure you could provide horror stories of quack chiros and what not.

And while my story may be anecdotal, but where is your proof that its a bogus science. I could show you my x-rays before and after and they certainly did something, and I don't think "how wonderful I feel" is just the power of positive thinking. The basic explanation was, my vertebrae were out of alignment (one had a noticable about 1/4 inch jut out on the x-ray - I don't know what the scale is), putting stress on the nerves, by putting them back into alignment, that is no longer there. The repeated sessions is to keep it that position so your muscles, body whatever can eventually do it themselves.
I think it would require good knowledge to know what not to do, just as much as what may need to be done.

Comment Re:bah humbug! (Score 1, Interesting) 754

I don't agree,

I had back problems and leg problems for about 12 years, so bad I could barely walk longer than 5 or so minutes at a time and standing longer than 1 or minutes was excruciating. Sometimes if I just forced it anyway, my bottom half would start going numb and I would collapse, not that I was paralyzed just in too much pain to stand or walk.
I went to 9 doctors, a couple specialists, 4 foot doctors (I forget the specific name of them off the top of my head) and 12 physiotherapists.
I had the physical therapy, various braces, stretches to do several times a day every day, a couple different insoles for my feet. Nothing helped.
None of them ever referred to a chiropractor.

So I finally just figured I'd try it myself, after over a decade of nothing.
Went twice a week for 2 weeks than once a week for 2, then once a month for a bit. I'm at twice a year at the moment.
I was really sore and suffering the first few weeks, almost stopped it. But I figured I would see it through for at least a month.
After about a month, I felt some improvement from the soreness and aching of the initial treatment, so I decided to stick with it. Within 3 months I could walk several kilometers. I helped build a fence one weekend after about 5 months, on my feet the whole time carrying stuff, had no problems. Today, I can jog 8-10 kilometers without back problems (can't really do that on hard surfaces yet, a treadmill or grass is great though). I play golf again, and got back into soccer. I can do crunches and yoga without issue. 12 years of pain and not being able to do really physical activity and a chiropractor changed all that.

I can only say about my experience, but they are more than a masseuse with a diploma and an ego. Mine was very courteous and listened to what I was willing and not willing let her work on and has helped me immensely. I wish you wouldn't stereotype.

Comment Evoluent Mouse all the way (Score 3, Informative) 460

Given the poll, I just wanted to show my favourite mouse:

It looks weird, its not good for gaming, but I used to have horrible hand, wrist and lower arm pain and soreness all the time. A couple weeks with this mouse and it had gone away completely and I haven't look back.

It takes only a few minutes to get used to and it is incredibly comfortable to use for long periods. I do wish it was a little smaller though, it feels a little big in my hand. One thing you want to be careful of though is to not to try to 'hold' the mouse, but rather just rest your hand around it. Trying to hold and keep a grip on it (which feels natural to do at first) can cause your hand to tire out and be sore.

Oh and the software drivers that come with it are/were (I haven't bothered upgrading in a couple years) utter crap, it had a memory leak causing problems, as well being somewhat flaky. But you don't have to use it, the mouse works fine just normally by plugging it in without the drivers.

They are little expensive for what is essentially just a sideways mouse, but nonetheless.

Comment Re:and yet NYC still has traffic jams (Score 1) 882

The problem with 20 lane highways, is that they have to converge somewhere.

Most people don't just go out and drive on the highway, they are going somewhere, usually the same area as the others traveling around them in the same direction.
We have this problem in my city, 4 lane freeway, which converges to 2 lanes with lights near the downtown area, and it is here that traffic grinds to a halt.
Sure the freeway part is nice, traffic is steady but not heavy, but if you go anywhere near the convergence point and it will take you about 1 hour to move 1 km during rush hour.
Its not bad outside those times, but you're still probably 2 or 3 green lights of traffic flow until you actually hit said green light.

Comment Re:Missing Option (Score 1) 548

I hate to reply to myself, but my arrow brackets messed up.

So please accept my apologies.

It should be:

The problem with this, at least here is they don't hang up and move on and they keep harassing you.

A typical charity telemarketer calls goes like this:

TM: "Hello may I speak to "
Me: "That's me what I can do for you"
TM: " (Some charity spiel) Can I put you down for $50"
Me: "No thanks I'm not interested"
TM: "I understand $50 is a lot for some people, I'll just put you down for $25"
Me: "No, I am not interested at all"
TM: "This is a trying time indeed, $10 then, that's easy enough"
(I usually hang up at this point, but sometimes ...)
Me: "No, I don't want to donate any amount please take me off your list"
(They usually hang up at this point now, but I've gotten a few "You're a horrible person comments", one Princess Di charity telemarketer said "You're going to hell for this - are you don't want to donate anything")

However, most of the business ones (please buy this product) hang up and are polite when I say I am not interested.

Credit card insurance and fraud insurance/watch people are just as pushy though, they always have the 30/60/90 day free trials and you can call and cancel at any time. I always say I'll forget to call and cancel so I'm not even going to bother, but they just keep trying to push.

Comment Re:Missing Option (Score 1) 548

The problem with this, at least here is they don't hang up and move on and they keep harassing you.

A typical charity telemarketer calls goes like this:

TM: "Hello may I speak to "
Me: "That's me what I can do for you"
TM: " Can I put you down for $50"
Me: "No thanks I'm not interested"
TM: "I understand $50 is a lot for some people, I'll just put you down for $25"
Me: "No, I am not interested at all"
TM: "This is a trying time indeed, $10 then, that's easy enough"

Me: "No, I don't want to donate any amount please take me off your list"

However, most of the business ones (please buy this product) hang up and are polite when I say I am not interested.

Credit card insurance and fraud insurance/watch people are just as pushy though, they always have the 30/60/90 day free trials and you can call and cancel at any time. I always say I'll forget to call and cancel so I'm not even going to bother, but they just keep trying to push.

Comment Re:Botnets? (Score 1) 222

For 3) there wouldn't need to be a direct relation to you, or even a keen interest in putting you behind bars. They only need a keen interest to not have themselves behind bars. If someone stabs somebody in your backyard, its not because they want to frame you, they just want to put as many layers between them and the crime.

You would use somebody's else internet connection or IP address, so it doesn't link to you, not so that it links to them specifically.

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