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Comment Re:The failure of regulations! (Score 1) 90

Build a non-tax payer independent board to oversee compliance, that can not be influence, and that board will review all submitted emissions proposals. That board will be solely funded by companies by charging open audit fees for the emission reports and monitoring.

LOL. I highlighted the error in your plan.

Comment Rules for the powerful (Score 0) 87

It's been a trick since the beginning of time. Long, lengthy contracts that average people have no possible way of understanding rule the world. If the average person breaks a rule, they are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. And they always lose because the rules in place are protected by the courts. However, if average joe plays by the rules, and succeeds, then the rules don't apply anymore. It's considered the fault of the person (i.e. Fraud) to follow the rules. I understand fairness, but it shouldn't be a double standard on how to enforce the rules.

Comment Microsoft 2.0 (Score 3, Informative) 68

There is no denying that MS used their competitive advantage for profit in the 90's. They coerced vendors, killed competitors, and overall did shitty things to keep their power. It's 100% what you would expect any company to do. Except, at a certain point, it becomes illegal. Apple is entering that sphere.

Comment Re:Time sensitive (Score 1) 58

communicate within the scope of their job as a public servant

So where does this scope begin/end? Is a campaign message they want to send out to their base of supporters within the scope of their job? You could argue that it is since they would be talking about issues/topics related to their official job. If so, does it apply to their competitors also? Or do they get a strategic advantage of being able to block any opposing voice?

Comment The best coaches (Score 2) 93

Those against testing requirements have long said that standardized tests are unfair because many students from affluent families use tutors and coaches to bolster their scores.

It's true. The best coaching usually produces the best outcome. That coaching doesn't fall by the wayside. It's precisely what the universities are doing. Coaching. You don't learn anything in a university that hasn't already been done. You're being coached into thinking, rationally. It's no surprise those being coached turn out better than those who are not. If you want to make a difference in the inequality, spend your money on coaching availability. Don't diminish the education of the well coached. It doesn't work like that in sports and it certainly shouldn't work like that in education.

Comment Re: S (Score 1) 170

Poor Americans die earlier than the rest of us http://www.equality-of-opportu... [equality-o...tunity.org] and are just plain less happy than the rest of us https://www.pewresearch.org/so... [pewresearch.org] . This holds true even when comparing those living in poverty to those just outside of the poverty range. Just because we dont have third world poverty in this country doesnt mean that living in poverty is awesome.

Well no shit. Being poor isn't awesome. Where is the limit of taking other's money to make the impoverished lives more acceptable? Is it 10% more? 20% more? Do we make it so everyone is equal? Despite your contributions?

Comment Re: S (Score 1) 170

Maybe I didn't elaborate enough. Being poor actually entitles you to a pretty decent life. You get free food. You get free health care. Free education. Sometimes you get free housing. You don't have to work and can spend your entire day with your children and family. You don't pay any taxes (you actually get paid back more even if you do work). Heck, you might even get a free iPhone and plan. You can pay for McDonalds with your EBT card. Often times cheaper than cooking at home. Get sodas and snacks at the convenience store. All for the grand old price of doing nothing.

Compare that scenario to the guy working 40 hours a week making 50K per year with a family. Too much money to qualify for the free stuff. Gone every day and not enough money to buy any extra. It's highly likely that person is better off quitting their job. Tell me again how being poor is a horrible existence and wealth disparity is our big problem?

Comment Re: S (Score 2) 170

This is literally the long term health of our country declining on our way down to third world style inequality.

Wealth disparity isn't intrinsically a bad thing. It doesn't matter if there are 1% who can buy whatever they wish. What matters is the quality of life for the bottom half. You can complain about rich people all you want. But there 100% has never been a time where poor people are better off than they were before. At least in the USA. Being poor isn't a death sentence anymore. Heck, being poor might actually afford you a better life than someone on the verge of being poor (work, health care, food, housing, etc). Sure, it's difficult. But nowhere near as difficult as the past. Quality of life for everyone has gone up significantly.

Comment Let me break it down (Score 4, Interesting) 134

Joe Rogan represents classic masculinity. Despite what you may think of that, there are millions of people who appreciate a guy being a guy and talking about guy things. He's funny, somewhat articulate, and asks a lot of questions many people are thinking but don't verbalize. His involvement in MMA and UFC are what gives him credit to speak on "man terms". Right, wrong or indifferent, there are millions of men who feel this way and want to listen to someone say it out loud on a national scale. That's worth every penny of the contract.

Comment Re:who cares? (Score 1) 197

This is well said. Especially the dead end part. I just turned 48 and my salary hasn't changed much in a decade. Not that I'm poor or anything. But I know a heck of a lot more now than I did 10 years ago. The salaries are capped for guys like me. Unless you're one of the truly elite dudes working at Google or Microsoft, you're not going to get rich being in IT.

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