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Comment Re:Good buy jobs and cheap drugs (Score 1) 278

Not free with the commercial prison industrial complex, they charge you, pile on interest during your sentence, and even sue states that aren't sending enough prisoners their way. Sound familiar? It better, because now they can argue that the prisons have precedent if this thing passes to sue the states over profit margins. Anyone not calling into their reps and demanding a fight over threat of voting the incumbent out should be shot.

Submission + - Tech Pros Would Rather Move to a Different City Than Face a Longer Commute (

Nerval's Lobster writes: According to 2,000 tech professionals who answered a new Dice survey (Dice link, obv.), the prospect of a bad commute is so dreaded that, when asked what steps they'd take to earn a higher-paying job, 59 percent said they'd move to a different city rather than face a longer or worse commute (46 percent). The commute conundrum only intensifies in major cities. Washington, D.C.-based tech professionals said the congestion on their commute is too much (63 percent); in the New York City tristate area, 38 percent said their commute to work is too far. While nearly half of those surveyed (49 percent) said their commute to work is fine, many expressed specific issues with getting to the office every morning, such as too much traffic and congestion (40 percent) or too far a distance to travel (31 percent). All the more reason to work from home, frankly.

Submission + - Breakthrough optical rectenna turns light directly into usable electricity (

Taffykay writes: A new breakthrough from Georgia Tech is likely to revolutionize the renewable energy industry. The optical rectenna is composed of tiny carbon nanotubes and rectifiers that capture light and convert it directly into DC current. The nanotubes create an oscillating charge that moves through the rectifier, switching on and off at high speeds, thereby creating a small electrical current. Billions of rectennas together can generate a more substantial current, resulting in renewable energy that is both significantly cheaper than conventional solar and more efficient.

Comment Re: The US needs a serious spanking (Score 1) 202

Here's an unpopular opinion, but all those holes cut into the tax code that were supposed to "create jobs" are exactly what will bankrupt the USA because that's exactly what was happening - bank robbery. The treasury would easily be able to have upkept the infrastructure here if it weren't for the taxes and jobs vanishing to off shore locations. Global companies thought globally, which meant getting out of tax puzzle boxes, to keep their wealth away from the systems that enabled such wealth in the first place (unsustainable thought pattern), and now, the threat of not being able to meet obligations is looming while the politicians who pushed the ideology that enabled the tax holes are putting pressure on the last vestiges or modern public society the USA has left under the banner of "moochers taking what we can't afford to give".

All while conveniently sweeping under the rug the fact that all those "deferments" and "shelters" written into the code are now coming home to roost, picking the bones of the society that enabled them in the first place.

The rest of the world isn't laughing. It's looking on in horror at the train wreck in slow motion. Similar politics are trying to take hold in Canada, but I'm glad there are many who are fighting hard to reverse this trend.


Police Program Aims to Pinpoint Those Most Likely to Commit Crimes 244

An anonymous reader writes: Using profiling algorithms, police are tracking suspected criminals to prevent them from committing predicted crimes. We're one step from locking people up for what they might do. The New York Times reports: "The strategy, known as predictive policing, combines elements of traditional policing, like increased attention to crime “hot spots” and close monitoring of recent parolees. But it often also uses other data, including information about friendships, social media activity and drug use, to identify “hot people” and aid the authorities in forecasting crime."
United States

EU May Forbid the Transfer of Personal Data To the US 202

An anonymous reader writes: As the Snowden revelations have shown, personal data stored in the United States of America is not protected from the US government, be it through warrantless eavesdropping or national security letters. In light of this, the general attorney for the Court of Justice of the European Union has just issued an opinion requiring the US to be removed from the list of "safe harbors", where the transfer of personal data of European citizens is permitted. If the court follows his opinion, the change will have deep impact in the operations of large transnational Internet companies, between a US government that wants to keep on spying, and European authorities that will punish them if they let it happen.

Comment Image control (Score 1) 403

Those cynical don't all have hard reasons like the /. crowd. This is not about naivete, this is likely a psy ops to soften the just-coalescing opinions of those who are still fence sitters.

My bet is this is going to shift some of the media coverage on the topic towards painting them in positive light, which will have a cascading effect on the ones a little further from the fence.

My distrust of this agency is absolute, manipulation of the people they're supposedly protecting is not beyond their agenda when it comes to preserving them or those they favor.

So they broadcast a common abusive partner's reaction to growing a spine - feign indignant treatment and ignorance. Those closer to the fence are more likely to turn around, change their tune, start back into the dance of the damned, as it were. The agencies are the abuser in their relationship with the public they supposedly serve.

Comment Re:Not on List (Score 1) 311

How about Insulin? The ones that don't cause problems due to their activity curves are not price controlled in the USA, and expensive elsewhere. Without coverage that has them in the formulary, the good ones can be nearly $300/bottle, and at around 2/month (more like 1.75), this is oppressive. It's for a disease that is *nearly* in the clearing stages for a cure, but until that time, the price gouging (no, you can't convince me otherwise) of this resource is inhumane at best for something that can kill so slowly and horribly.

Comment Re:The thing I don't understand with the ad busine (Score 1) 519

The argument of ROI decrease is a sound one, eventually the promised throughput will vanish.

Having said that, I wonder if the TV ad argument could be taken to a study, where you're looking at age and income groups that still watch TV, and the targeting of ads played on TV. My money would be on the extremes: Young of lower to middle income (automatic babysitter), and approaching retirement and beyond of lower to middle income (low-energy past time reminiscent of their younger years).

There's a lot better targeting on the web via ads, but what the industry seems to be missing (either in rise of new companies or "revitilization" efforts of old ones) is the intrusiveness of ads compared to the target page is directly proportional to the malcontent of the receiver. In this way, the "new" "hip" way to play sounds and be the thing on the page that speaks to you, literally! is the ad that drives users to AdBlock Plus. Any of the other techniques mentioned here are also a problem. The trick is mental shock, and how to avoid it. but it seems that this factor is something ad producers are trying to increase, rather than decrease, and they're losing the battle of psychology.

Comment Re:Perceived incompetence and lack of rationale. (Score 1) 227

There is a lot to be said for this train of thought. To someone who's knowledge is high enough, nearly anything in a given room can be used to advantage, be it exfiltration of data using a custom binary on a smart phone to read RFID cards, or psychological tricks and manipulation to get information that would normally be guarded (cousins of what evolved into phishing).

Using a popular example, admins like Edward Snowden are necessary to make the advanced systems run. With his knowledge, yes, he was always capable of doing what he eventually did, but he was essential, and was trusted. The breakdown occurred when the ethics of group didn't match the ethics of the one. He was highly skilled, and some would argue more ethical than the group he was serving, and this dichotomy drove him to use his skill and position against the group.

Corporations are similar, but lower stakes. A pivotal admin of security ops can easily wreck any organization who either handles finances or uses a distributed (work from home) workforce. They're not known for this potential because for the most part, it's a pay check and something fun in the career, but if one of these admins stumbled on message content that revealed top level institutionalized overt criminal activity? Now there may be an ethical dichotomy that they care about.

In the end, if the organization loses trust of people pivotal to their operations in such a way as to incur attempts at sabotage or espionage (regardless of success rate) as opposed to resignation? There is something deeply wrong in the human dimension of the structure, not the security dimension.

Comment Re:In short? (Score 3, Interesting) 318

Agreed about the professionalism. Eventually your figures will speak for themselves and you'll lose the position to someone who can perform even one and a half times as well as the luke-warm corpse. Working from home does provide opportunities to flex hours, but those hours should still be made up, and the projects still completed.

Given the popularity of the propensity away from this standard, employers are generally not willing to give just anyone a chance. It's their numbers that you impact as well. Basically, if you treat working from home as a free ticket to shirk work, then you are the very reason why the option has a bad reputation. The rest of us start feeling pressure against the option that we've had experience setting up and working before because someone in their past had a shameful work ethic.

It's a valid option as far as I'm concerned for IT work, but it takes the right culture, people, and infrastructure.

Comment Re:Doublethink (Score 1) 686

Safe Zones are no more than explicit response of organized free speech and labor to protect those who would try to use the same to harm those they don't like. Trigger Warnings are no more than content warnings seen on movies and TV taken to lecture level where the audience can thereby exercise informed consent to attend. Shouting lecturers down is yet another form of the whole free speech paradigm you hold so highly. Pulling fire alarms to end speeches is no different than a democratized version of taking a speaker off-air when their opinion is unpopular with the executives of a new network, it's also a crime to falsely pull one, but it's one hell of an uphill fight to find that person.

Examining our own biases is a good exercise to ensure the principles we're trying to talk about aren't marred by our own dislikes of other people using their rights in different ways than we do ourselves.

Which is exactly why this thread has 400+ comments in an age of Slashdot where typical stories get less than 100. It's a debate of principles and biases. Ultimately whether one agrees or not, there are going to be future events like this.

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