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Comment Re: Why do toys deserve special protection? (Score 1) 126

You are leaving out the part that scalpers do nothing for trickle down. None of the extra money gets to the people actually making the gear so this is all lost as part of the churn. If you want stuff to work this way why not just price everything as high as it can go. This way only the super rich will buy anything, supply will not be a problem as there will be so few buying them. The companies will actually get the money for the development - probably less because of lack of scale but whatever.

Then all the lowely working class scum can get back to work and spend their spare time planning how to violently readjust the increasing disparity of wealth. Maybe this would be a good thing. Helping to reset a system so based on short term - at all costs - profit that you wonder if entire populations are now sociopathic monsters reminiscent of the propaganda from wars passed.

Comment MS stuff is also free (Score 4, Interesting) 165

As someone who works in NZ schools this is totally sensationalist. Windows 10 and intune management liscences have been paid for under the same kind of deal for years. It is good they are now doing the same thing for chrome os. There are a lot of chromebooks in use but there is also a lot of Windows and Mac too. The article and writeup are very bias as per usual.

Submission + - Microsoft can now remotely disable pirated games, if you're running them on Wind (

totalcaos writes: Privacy concerns as Windows 10 EULA gives Microsoft the ability to remotely disable or un-install counterfeit software and games. How Microsoft will go about detecting this is still unknown, but raises real concerns as according to this Microsoft will be able to tell whats installed on you computer!

Comment Re:Is it the phone or the stupid stuff installed o (Score 1) 484

I totally agree, the Windows Phone stuff is solid and really quick on dual core 1GB RAM devices when it takes four or five cores and 3GB of RAM to manage the same thing on Android in my experience. That said the platform is under constant attack by google continually blocking and changing APIs and sites to break stuff for it along with less support for apps for stuff like exercise watches and GPSs.

Roll on Windows Mobile 10 with unified apps which will hopefully fix a lot of this and make it a much more difficult target for Google to discriminate against like the petty trolls they are.

MS do NEED to hurry the fuck up though when it comes to distribution of updates, it can still take months for the shitty network vendors to let updates through.

Comment Re:Why does Microsoft even need a browser? (Score 1) 317

Many developers seem to get this but there seems to be a disconnect that lets the same evangelists end up using chrome or firefox specific extensions and claiming the same incompatibility with other browsers that they said was not ok when it was IE. A lot of web developers who screamed the loudest about the problem are now the cause of its latest iteration.

Comment Re:New name? (Score 1) 317

It will be just like Project Natal, huge hype, recognition and promise then they shaft all the free advertising and beige it up with a new name like Kinect. Spartan is a cool name with tie in with the Halo series, like Cortana it is on the cooler side of the brand but they will probably call it something stupid like Better At Net Goofing (Bang) or Microsoft Windows Internet Application for all Users that is Better than Internet Explorer.

Comment Re:How will the providers like this? (Score 1) 140

Thank you, just what I was thinking. Windows Phone did this kind of thing before and it worked great till the service providers had a cry and broke it all. Before your pictures from facebook and Onedrive and the local filesystem were all accessible under a hub, same with chat. Then facebook realised it was great and broke it not once but twice bringing it back down to the level of every other platform.

I wonder if they will throw a similar wrench in here or if they just broke out the tools to stuff it up for Windows Phone users like the douches they are.

Comment Only in a box (Score 3) 367

And that just relegated it to only ever being in a virtual machine, trapped in a cage where it belongs. Sorry MS, a key logger is a few steps too far even for a preview, sure monitor the hell out of it but a privacy destroying key logger is a few steps too far. It's a shame as it does look like a nice OS even caged.

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