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Comment Re:No (Score 1) 235

The thing inherently wrong with dynamic typing is a lack of compile-time safety, increased overhead at runtime during interpretation, and a history of quirky comparison bugs. What you mean is "dynamic typing is convenient at overcoming ambiguity", which is true, but not enough to persuade those of us in the strongly-typed camp.

Comment Re:It will be closed in a year anyway. (Score 2) 59

Throw money at R&D until something sticks. Arguably, their investment in Android has solidified their core search business on mobile, so that's not the write-off you suggest. But like a lot of relatively young companies, Google every so often tries to be edgy and then realizes that it's grown up and has shareholders now.

Comment Surprised? (Score 5, Insightful) 537

I'm a little surprised that (a) this surprises _anybody_, and (b) that there are plenty of Slashdotters who are convinced it's lies and propaganda. You're making the mistake that because Bin Laden subscribed to an ideology that was sexually repressive, he must also have been sexually repressed. This isn't the case. The sexual mores of the conservative (read: fundamentalist) Islamic world are pretty twisted; the reason burqas are mandated for women is because the men supposedly can't help themselves if shown a bit of ladyflesh, even a bare ankle. The onus for sexual purity is placed almost _entirely_ on women (which sounds a little like the US, come to think of it); it's no surprise, then, if Bin Laden is a total pervert. Honestly, I'd be surprised if there _wasn't_ porn in the compound.

Merck's Drug Propecia Linked To Sexual Dysfunction 235

zaxios writes "Merck — the pharmaceutical giant previously featured on Slashdot for drawing up a 'hit list' of doctors that criticized its drug Vioxx, and creating a fake medical journal to endorse its products — is embroiled in a new scandal. USA Today is reporting on two new studies that show Propecia, Merck's $250 million prescription medication for baldness, can make men irreversibly impotent. Lawsuits have been filed in the United States and Canada from men claiming to have permanently lost their sexual function after taking the drug. All this is reminiscent of Merck's difficulties with Vioxx, a once $2.5-billion-a-year drug, which was withdrawn from the market in 2004 after a study showed it doubled the risk of heart attack and stroke in users."

Comment -itis? (Score 1) 369

Am I the only one who gets irritated when people tack on -itis to a word to turn it into a malady? The suffix has a specific meaning, which is "inflammation"; hence, tonsilitis is an inflammation of the tonsils, endocarditis is an inflammation of the lining of the heart (endo = inner, card[iac] = heart), etc. So "consolitis" would be an inflammation of the console. Wonderful.

Comment Re:1st Amendment (Score 1) 329

The Fairness Doctrine does not say that a talk radio network must broadcast both right-wing and left-wing shows. It had nothing to do with allowing equal time, but simply required that anybody with a broadcast license give some recognition to opposing viewpoints, even if it's marginalized, ridiculed, and ignored. In other words, the Fairness Doctrine is Alan Colmes.

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