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Comment Re:Eh, that's it? (Score 1) 619

Yeah man, I like my phones to be made of glass so that the slightest little bump can crack the thing into billions of pieces. Not to mention the thing getting covered in fingerprints. Face it, Apple products look really great when you're first opening the box, and never again. It's the Apple way!

Comment Re:Sensationalism? (Score 1) 126

Wow. The Valve bite-n-smile shills are out in force today.

Steam sucks, shill, because DRM sucks. There's no disclaimer on a product that says "BTW, this product will not work for XX hours a year on average because the DRM servers occasionally go down." Perhaps that should be a requirement.

Yeah they do, it's called the EULA.

Comment Re:"Beyond" the far side? Huh? (Score 1) 122

Regardless, the concentration of melanin in human skin does not have a demonstrable relationship with mental ability. If it did, there would be a profound trend in medical literature, as people would become dumber after summer sun exposures. This does not occur. Therefore, the color of the skin is meaningless for the ascribed metric.

Excuse me, have you ever seen Jersey Shore? Not to say you're wrong, I just had to throw that out there.

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