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Comment Re:Expect more of the same (Score 1) 383

So because it is worse elsewhere we shouldn't say anything ? An ad on a bus may be bigger and more distracting than an ad on a Kindle, but I have much less power over the bus company than over the device I bought myself.

And to answer your question: I can't drive or walk without seeing ads. And it does bother me.

Comment Re:It's an internship. (Score 1) 481

That's the reason half the population lives in towns, because most of them were forcibly moved to be become a ready source of labor.

You got it backward. People want to go to cities for any kind of job because life in the countryside sucks so much. The Chinese government is very careful about this and has basically set up an internal passport to control movement from countryside to city and province to province. People still move but they have less rights than real urban residents.

The democratic alternative is India, where people also go to the cities and also don't have much rights ...

Comment Re:speaking of which (Score 1) 318

50% losses is much too high. A normal network in a developed country would be around 20%, and that is including all water losses (i.e., undermetering, illegal water use, etc.). Only physical losses represent a real waste of resource and these should not be more than 10-15%.

I do not know the situation in the US, but if you really have 50% physical losses, you are worse than places like Indonesia or India.

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