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Comment Re:Refreshment of memory (Score 1) 1255

I see that you have produced 4 quotes, only 2 of which are actually relevant to the idea that women are better than men (a.k.a. sexism). Based purely on these quotes (though I'm meant to believe that "there's tons more") you claim to have accurately represented the entirety (or at least "the bulk") of feminism, and the many differing schools of thought and movements which make up "the feminist movement".

Why make such generalizations? If those quotes piss you off, why not hate the people who said them, or the people who agree with them? Why instead put words into the mouths of a huge group of people who don't hate men, nor think women are any better? Why equate feminism with misandry? My guess - and that's all it can be - is that you hate feminism for other, unrelated reasons. That when women are assertive, uncompromising, and demand respect and recognition, it feels threatening. It feels as though they must hate you and all other men, because otherwise they wouldn't be so disruptive and annoying. So you make assumptions about their motivations. Because it's much easier to dismiss people who simply irrationally hate you than people with legitimate points to consider and discuss.

Comment Re:Refreshment of memory (Score 1) 1255

You describe an extremely antiseptic environment, where nobody ever talks about anything not directly related to the code, and they only talk about it in a bland tech-manual style. That's not reality.

Reality is that people in the FOSS community enjoy FOSS, but they also enjoy community. Community often involves informal discussions, jokes, etc. and as you mention, interaction outside official channels. And that's all fantastic, and a big part of what keeps people engaged and excited about a project. Even something as simple as being informal and silly in the way you comment your code or explain your algorithm on the dev list can make the project more fun and satisfying, less like corporate work.

The problem is that the very community so many men enjoy is currently alienating for the vast majority of women. Because currently, some of those jokes, discussions and silliness are misogynistic. So while women technically can participate in the coding, the "reward" of getting to be part of a fun community and getting respect from peers is worthless or undesirable to them.

Comment Re:Refreshment of memory (Score 2, Interesting) 1255

That's an interesting point, but sometimes, you have to draw attention to a particular kind of "bullying" because most people don't even realize it's going on. Maybe they're not even doing it on purpose, they just never stopped to think. For example, if I'm American and so are all the other coders I know, we're not necessarily going to notice if we're doing things in a way that are inconvenient or annoying or offensive to people from other cultures or parts of the world.

Often, we don't fully get these things even when someone mentions it. We're just like "Huh." and move on to the things that actually affect us directly. It takes a pretty high-profile and involved community discourse to a) get enough attention drawn to the problem and b) work out as a community how we should respond to it.

Submission + - 70% Of Banks Say Their Employees Committed Fraud (

yahoi writes: The financial crisis appears to be exacerbating fraud by bank employees: a new survey found that 70 percent of financial institutions say that in the last 12 months they have experienced a case of data theft by one of their workers. Meanwhile, most banks don't want to talk about the insider threat problem and remain in denial, says a former Wachovia Bank executive who handled insider fraud incidents at the bank and has co-authored a new book called Insidious — How Trusted Employees Steal Millions and Why It's So Hard for Banks to Stop Them that investigates several real-world insider fraud cases at banks.

Submission + - G20 Protesters Arrested for Using Twitter ( 1

xappax writes: Two hackers set up a real-time "information clearinghouse" system during the recent protests of the G20 summit in Pittsburgh. The system used custom software combined with Twitter to allow them to receive and send instant updates on what was happening during the protests, such as food servings, changes in schedule, and police activity on the streets.
They have both been arrested for "criminal use of a communication facility", and one had his home in Queens raided by FBI anti-terrorism agents.
Is using Twitter to aggregate publicly available information a crime?


Submission + - Dear Lily- A letter to artists against filesharing (

Ronald Dumsfeld writes: Dan Bull makes the perfect musical argument aimed at famous artists who stand up on the label's side, and end up taking down their anti-filesharing blog for doing what she's saying is so wrong.

Dear Lily Allan,
Remember when you pretended, Lily, that you were truly independent, Lily? Faking like you made it all alone but you were legally with Regal, part of Parlophone — oh yes.


Submission + - The Green Guy with an Identity Crisis (

An anonymous reader writes: From an article at The Green Guy with an Identity Crisis — Google's little green mascot of the Android Operating System could be much healthier than he is. Trent Reznor of NIN's fame summed it up perfectly: "Android is cool, but nobody has an Android phone." I believe it's not too late. Google needs a new name for their Mobile OS. At the very least they need a significant TV and Web advertising campaign to explain the term Android and it's benefits. Manufactures also need some competence in the marketing department. The Little Green Guy deserves a better life. He deserves to have an identity.

Comment Re:Good. (Score 1) 630

There is a place for playing the "passive victims of police violence", and that strategy has worked at certain times in the past and sometimes still in the present. But I ask: did you see any significant coverage of passive victims of police violence in the corporate media? Because there were a lot of such victims. I mean a lot: uninvolved college kids just trying to get around their campus being beaten, sprayed with chem weapons, tackled and arrested, and they just took it. They wandered around helplessly, being abused by police, pleading for them to stop.

Where was that coverage? It's largely a myth that passive victims of police violence are mediagenic. We think of such things as the perfect story, the perfect thing to arouse public sympathy, mostly because we were raised on the powerful images of the civil rights movement. But it happens all the time these days and nobody hears about it, let alone cares.

People like you say that the reason is that we're not getting passively abused enough, but we've been doing this for decades now. At what point do we look at the old strategies and say "this isn't working anymore"? At what point do we straighten our backs and have enough self-respect to defend ourselves when attacked?

Comment Re:Good. (Score 1) 630

Oh, it happens. The ACLU or NLG brings lawsuits during/after many major protests like this. And sometimes they even win (years later). I've actually heard of more cases where people successfully sue for damages than where people successfully convict cops on criminal charges.

A cynic might say this is because criminal charges actually have a significant negative impact on the police department and would force them to change their policies, wheras civil damages are just a minor inconvenience.

Comment Re:Good. (Score 1) 630

...and then the courts say "Yes, what the police did was illegal. They must now pay $X in damages and say they're sorry." And so the police department gets some money from the city government, or dips into its "lawsuit slush fund" (public tax dollars, either way) and hands out the dough, a bullshit apology statement, and then turns around and buys more weapons for the next protest.

Large summits like the G20 have a security budget, and you can often see a significant amount of money factored in for "legal settlements and costs". This is money they set aside in advance for the fines and damages they know will have to pay for violating people's rights.

Comment Re:Good. (Score 1) 630

"Black bloc" anarchists originally developed as a response to police violence against peaceful demonstrations. Activists got tired of their people getting attacked all the time, and so they organized their own group of black-clad militants who were prepared to protect the crowd with barricades, shields, and physical force.

These so-called hooligans have been responsible for keeping less-organized protesters safe from brutal police many, many times. Of course, it doesn't work out that way, some groups of militant anarchists have had negative effects as well. But it's not as simple as just disassociating from anyone who has the courage to stand up against the cops.

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