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Comment Re:Of course it's tobacco. (Score 1) 2

Plant geneticist here. This isn't about profit. Tobacco is just easy and fast to work with. It's one of the lab rats of the plant world, originally chosen because it was a valuable crop, but now used because it's a well developed model organism. Given the similarity of photosynthesis in tobacco and other C3 plants, this approach will likely work in just about any plant including crop (food) plants. This is a very exciting finding as agriculture is a major contributor to GHG emissions. Anything that increase agricultural efficiency without externalized costs is a huge win for the planet.

Submission + - Scientists Have 'Hacked Photosynthesis' To Boost Crop Growth By 40 Percent ( 2

An anonymous reader writes: There's a big molecule, a protein, inside the leaves of most plants. It's called Rubisco, which is short for an actual chemical name that's very long and hard to remember. Rubisco has one job. It picks up carbon dioxide from the air, and it uses the carbon to make sugar molecules. It gets the energy to do this from the sun. This is photosynthesis, the process by which plants use sunlight to make food, a foundation of life on Earth. "But it has what we like to call one fatal flaw," Amanda Cavanagh, a biologist and post-doctoral researcher at the University of Illinois, says. Unfortunately, Rubisco isn't picky enough about what it grabs from the air. It also picks up oxygen. "When it does that, it makes a toxic compound, so the plant has to detoxify it."

Plants have a whole complicated chemical assembly line to carry out this detoxification, and the process uses up a lot of energy. This means the plant has less energy for making leaves, or food for us. Cavanagh and her colleagues in a research program called Realizing Increased Photosynthetic Efficiency (RIPE), which is based at the University of Illinois, have spent the last five years trying to fix Rubisco's problem. "We're sort of hacking photosynthesis," she says. They experimented with tobacco plants, just because tobacco is easy to work with. They inserted some new genes into these plants, which shut down the existing detoxification assembly line and set up a new one that's way more efficient. And they created super tobacco plants. "They grew faster, and they grew up to 40 percent bigger" than normal tobacco plants, Cavanagh says. These measurements were done both in greenhouses and open-air field plots.

Comment A fancy case for a laggy phone (Score 2) 44

Perhaps Google should focus on making phones that actually work without lag or locking up when you try to take pictures with the camera instead of fancy cases. That would be much more impressive.

Comment Re:No lab courses - no meaningful science educatio (Score 3, Informative) 106

Just to clarify. Lab experiences = building recombinant DNA constructs, making transgenic organisms, using $500k microscopes, taking advantage of staffed greenhouses and animal facilities. No amount of online simulation can come anywhere close to replicating time spent in a real research lab.

Comment No lab courses - no meaningful science education (Score 4, Insightful) 106

I teach Biology at a small prestigious liberal arts college. My students do their real learning in the laboratories associated with each course and in their independent research projects. Their research projects often run for more than a year and include full time summer research experiences - it is an apprenticeship. This is where they learn to be Biologists and where they get the value out of the college. No amount of book learning or seminar participation can prepare them for the challenges of actually doing science. Growing living organisms, troubleshooting experimental protocols, interpreting data, and having to write and talk about their results (which are rarely 'clean') gives them the skills to make discoveries which will drive technology forward.

Comment One step closer to Moldies (Score 3, Interesting) 34

"a human corporation called ISDN retaliates against the boppers by infecting them with a genetically modified organism called chipmold. The artificial disease succeeds in killing off the boppers, but when it infects the boppers' outer coating, a kind of smart plastic known as flickercladding, it creates a new race of intelligent symbiotes known as moldies " - from Rucy Rucker's Ware Tetrology series ( Notably, this set of three books was released free by the author (

Submission + - Plant temperature perception imaged using open source microscopy software

GAATTC writes: How plants sense temperature is not well understood. An automated microscopy system controlled by Micro-Manager open source microscope automation software has been used to capture the dynamics of plant high temperature gene expression responses. A surprising finding is that waves of gene expression sweep down the roots as they grow after exposure to high temperatures.

Comment Complexity - Obamacare vs Obama Campaign (Score 1) 501

When Obama was re-elected there was a whole string of articles in the press (and associated Slashdot discussions) of how good the technical team who built his campaign infrastructure was. I keep thinking that it is a shame that he did/could not hire the same people to make the health care marketplace work well. It's nearly as if the same contractors who produced ORCA for Mitt Romney got hired to bring about this fiasco. So educate me - is the health care marketplace system much more complicated than the election system? And if not was there a compelling reason to go with large contractors vs. the smart guys from the election team with a demonstrated track record?

Comment And yet people worry about GMO crops (Score 1) 245

It always amazes me that people worry so much about moving one or two genes around in plants in a thought out and carefully controlled manner yet they hardly worry about the introduction of whole functional genomes (i.e. invasive species) into ecosystems. Given the clear and deleterious impacts of introduced species (as opposed to those for GMOs which are debatable at best) you would think there would be large organizations of anti-introduced genome activists.

Comment Re:Consultant ~= prostitute with none of the benef (Score 2) 207

Trust me - benefits cost a lot more than $300 a month. The benefits that I pay for my $35k entry level employee add up to about $14k per year on top of the salary - and about half of that scales linearly with salary. Benefits include retirement (10% of salary), health insurance (>$300 a month even for an individual if you're providing decent insurance), contributions to social security and medicare, disability insurance, life insurance, unemployment insurance, and a couple of others that I am sure I'm forgetting right now. While you're obviously correct that you can buy 'benefit packages', the value of the benefits at a company that treats it's workers (even the entry level ones) well is significant. No doubt you can include these costs in consulting fees, but $300 a month it is not.

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