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Comment Re:Interesting (Score 1) 898

>I think these are in place. Last time I saw a flight map for a city, there were huge no fly circles around it. I'm not a pilot but I think that's been around for a while.

Except in very specific cases (most of them TFRs, with a few permanent restrictions, specifically IIRC, Washington D.C.) there are no restrictions about flying over cities. According to FAR 91.119, you must be 1000 feet above the highest obstacle within a horizontal radius of 2000 feet (obviously, except when conducting landing or take-off operations at a designated airport).
In addition, you need to be in contact within any the controlling agency while within controlled airspace.
For example, I can fly over Seattle, at or above about 2100 feet AGL, as long as I am below the overlying class B airspace, without talking to anyone or even filing a flight plan.

Comment Re:28mph over 280 miles is not good... (Score 1) 294

No, it will blow away most cars in terms of acceleration. Performance includes many other factors; top speed, handling, endurance, etc. The standard Lotus Exige beats the Tesla in all areas other than acceleration (for example, handling on the Tesla is crippled by tyres designed for low rolling resistance, rather than maximum grip which would reduce range further).

Comment Re:And I think that's the whole point (Score 1) 693

>IIRC in England they tried to run a doctor out of town because her job title said "paeditrician"

I was going to call BS on this because it didn't pass the sniff test; people could not possibly be that stupid. However, a quick Google search confirmed that there is a sustantial basis of truth in your statement. I would like to correct you in that this particular event took place in Wales rather than England, but part of the United Kingdom nevertheless. Shaking my head in shame and dismay...

Comment Re:Serious question, then: (Score 1) 746

I like Windows (XP). Having said that, let me expound further. I like Windows as a desktop operating system both at home and work because all of the software that I want to run is readily available.
I like to run OpenBSD for my bastion hosts (DNS, SMTP, etc.) at work because it's light-weight, secure and so, so seldom needs patching. IMHO, it has a very high ROI. I also have RedHat ES and *cough* Windows 2003|8 servers.

Over the years, I've used Solaris, HP-UX, various flavours of BSD, LINUX and Windows, and the simple truth is, that desite Open Source's huge strides forward in usability and simplicity, Windows is a simpler (note that I didn't say better) choice for the majority of workstation users.

Comment Re:Presumptive admission of guilt (Score 2, Insightful) 520

I've been in head on collision with a drunk driver at a combined speed of 110 MPH. The drunk driver simply swerved into my across my side of the road on a state highway in Idaho. Only one of us was wearing a seat belt (I'll let you guess which one).

It may be true in the rural areas of the US that the risk of an alchohol related accident is lower "at an hour when nobody is on the road", but in most urban areas this is never true.

Having sat in the county courthouse for a day waiting to testify at the trial of the now-drooling-brain-damaged-idiot that ran into me, and listening to the lame execuses that other drunk drivers gave, I can honestly say that I have zero tolerance for drunk driving. It's a great way to seriously mess up your life, and those of others who simply have the misfortune to be in your path.

It's stupid. Don't do it.

Comment Re:Customer information sharing (Score 2, Informative) 526

I believe that this applies to single cash transactions of > $10k, or multiple smaller transaction that equal or exceed 10k over a specified period of time. Also, only the following companies are required to report these transaction:

  - banks
  - securities companies
  - money services companies
  - casinos
  - gem/precious metal dealers
  - insurance companies

Notably, car dealers are not on this list...

See the federal Bank Secrecy Act -

Comment Re:tips here best for ya (Score 1) 695

I took a similar approach.

1. Wired a L14-30R into the main panel on a 30 amp breaker.
2. Made a male-male 10AWG extension cord.

The process in a power failure is:

1. Kill the main breaker to isolate the house from utility power.
2. Connect the generator to the main panel with the extension cord.
3. Fire up the generator.

When power comes back on:

1. Kill the generator.
2. Disconnect the extension cord.
3. Flip the main breaker on.

Obviously, there are some risks about having a male to male extension cord and potentially over-volting the panel if you fail to isolate from utility power, so a great deal of caution should be used. This was a "1-hour-to-implement solution", but if you have the time and money, a transfer switch (even just a manual one) is the way to go.

Comment Re:What are the plans after the tree is dismantele (Score 1) 248

The article is taking about performing a DoD compliant data destruction on this disks, rather than he has taken DoD disks and 'reused' them.

Good data destruction techniques are something that any company which values is IP or customer data will perform on a disk prior to disposal. Data desposed of in this manner cannot, in theory, be recovered.


Submission + - Good Citizen's Alphabet by Bertrand Russell

William Drenttel writes: "In 1953, the British philosopher Bertrand Russell wrote an alphabet book for children called The Good Citizen's Alphabet.

It's quirky and philosophical, but easy to read and surprisingly relevant today. In these political times, so polarized with heated rhetoric, Russell had the wisdom to realize that certain words require proper definition to be used correctly in political and social discourse; words such as, "asinine," "erroneous," even "nincompoop."

The complete book as slideshow with Bertrand Russell text is online at Design Observer: "

Submission + - Nature Inspires Aviation Innovation

syguy writes: "If imitation is the greatest form of flattery, then surely it's time nature headed to the patent office. From the earliest days of aviation, and well before that, we have looked to birds for inspiration in the design of flying machines. Continuing this eternal trend, USA Today reports on a new batch of bird and flying bug subtleties inspiring recent and new aviation innovations such as:
  • Winglets – from outstretched eagle wing tips
  • Rudderless aircraft – birds are rudderless yet stable and highly maneuverable
  • Morphing wings – birds constantly change their wing shapes during flight to optimize lift and drag
  • Noise reduction – owls have special fringe feathers on the trailing edges of their wings that help them silently stalk prey
As Terry Weisshaar, an aeronautics professor at Purdue University says, "Nature doesn't have a copyright," thankfully."

Submission + - Shawn Carpenter vs. Sandia Corporation

wvpoochi writes: A jury awarded Shawn Carpenter, a former cyber security specialist at Sandia National Laboratories, approximately $4.6 million in damages today. Sandia management maintains that when employees step beyond clear boundaries in a national security setting there should be consequences. Sandia is considering whether or not to appeal. Here is some background info:

Submission + - Teacher Framed by Porn Pop-Ups

Stanistani writes: "A Connecticut middle-school substitute teacher was convicted last month of exposing her seventh-grade students to pornography on a classroom computer, and faces up to 40 years in state prison. She claimed that spyware generated the obscene pop-ups. The investigating detectives never checked the system for spyware. MSNBC has the story"

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