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Comment Re:Noisy annoying environment (Score 4, Informative) 455

I have one child (almost 10 months old.)

When working from home, I work in the same general area of the house as where she and my wife are playing, watching TV, reading, and doing all that other stuff you do with a baby. I change most of her diapers while I'm there, and sometimes I take a meeting or do work with her sitting on my lap happily burbling away and grabbing at the keyboard.

And I'm still more productive than when stuck in my dismal, 1989 cubicle. (It really is that old; I found the manufacturer's sticker inside the cabinet.)

Some of it is workplace noise. Some of it is that I can wear t-shirt and jeans, or shorts if it's warm, and no socks or shoes. Some of it is that I'm just happier with my family than without them.

I'm trying to train my workplace that they don't need to see me more than once a week. I think I'm slowly getting there. My boss doesn't care so long as the work gets done, but higher up the food chain it gets stickier.

Comment Re:I pay employees partly in high quality scrap st (Score 1) 181

Wow. You are a total asshole.

If they can get enough money at the scrap yard for it to matter to their life, you are wasting their time by not taking the scrap yourself and giving them money.

Only the working poor would put up with this shit. Do you think poor people have nothing better to do with their time? With their gasoline than drive to the scrap yard?

Sell the scrap yourself and give them a raise. Maybe even pay them a living wage so they don't have to fuck around trying to make ends meet.

And I say again, ASSHOLE.

Comment Re:You guessed wrong. (Score 1) 181

Production of Bitcoin should be taxable just like anything else that you make. If you have a business making clothes, your taxable income is the difference between what you sell the clothes for and your cost of making them. In the case of mining Bitcoin, your expenses are primarily computer equipment, electricity and physical space to contain the computer equipment.

Getting paid in Bitcoin is either the same as getting paid in a foreign currency or the same as barter - an exchange of value.

IRS has procedures for barter.

Comment No Taxes? Huh? (Score 1) 181

I see a lot of posts saying that "bitcoin transactions aren't taxed" and "no payroll taxes if you're paid in bitcoin."


If I'm working in the US but my employer pays me in GBP, they should still be sending an appropriate amount for FICA, Medicare, and withholding to Washington, and I should be declaring the income on my 1040. A different currency doesn't make it tax free.

Does Bitcoin make it easier to evade taxes? Sure, maybe it does. Doesn't make it legal.

Comment Re:Stay the hell away from the F35 (Score 1) 484

That's actually how most things work, you know. If you buy 400 of something all at once, it's cheaper than buying 200 now and 200 later.

But it's also almost always cheaper to buy 200 total than to buy 400 total no matter how you order them. Just like everyone else, the military needs to figure out what they need when they place the order and they need to get it right or expect additional costs.

The people who agree with your argument to not cut the F22 think they know better than the military how many F22's the military needs. Seems kind of arrogant to me.

Comment Re:Check out the business section (Score 1) 570

There are actually a good number on Dell and Lenovo (didn't look at HP) that list Windows 7 as the installed OS. Even under Home for Dell. I only looked at Small Business on Lenovo's site.

If you ask me someone didn't try very hard.

The vendors don't care who buys from the Small Business section. They may assign you an account rep and mail you an invoice (both of which seem weird for a one-off purchase) but they'll happily sell you their stuff.

Comment Almost anywhere. (Score 1) 570

I've looked so far at and Both have many laptops available for immediate purchase running Windows 7.

At Dell, under Small Business they start around $350. Under Home/Consumer they are a bit more expensive.

At Lenovo, ThinkPad E-Series under small business all seem to list Windows 7.

So basically the whole question is bogus and merely an excuse to start up another Windows 8 bash-fest.

Either that or Sagan's Pie thinks "everywhere" is logically equivalent to "Best Buy" and "Walmart".

Comment Drinks are provided, mostly no food (Score 1) 172

Each floor in the building has an area with coffee (regular and decaf), a soda fountain with Coke products, a hot water dispenser, tea bags, sweeteners, cream, refrigerator and microwave.

No charge for drinks. Food is sometimes provided for meetings but aside from that typically not.

Many employees have candy jars or other snacks out for sharing.

It is always acceptable to be eating, though. At your desk, in a meeting, whatever. Bring your food if you need to eat.

Comment Re:Damn people read way too much into poll options (Score 1) 316

I don't think I'm a pedantic wanker, but I truly couldn't figure out which was the right answer for the common "pocket digital" camera with non-removable lens.

I know just barely enough about photography to think that "fixed lens" didn't sound right, and it clearly wasn't any of the others.

So I clicked on "results" instead of voting, and wondered what was wrong with whoever created this poll.

Comment Re:I'm old (Score 1) 330

I carried an actual pager for work until about five years ago.

The managers kept asking those of us on rotation if we wanted a cell phone instead. We uniformly said no - because with a phone, you're talking to someone immediately. With a pager, you can get up, piss, get a drink, and THEN call someone back.

Comment Car stereo theft... bad summary (Score 1) 311

According to the very article linked in the summary, car stereo theft is virtually nonexistent because aftermarket car stereos are virtually nonexistent. Auto manufacturers put in good enough radios that practically nobody replaces them, and the original equipment radios only fit in that make/model/year of car.

The cost of a radio has nothing to do with it. There's no market for a radio that only fits a couple years of (as an example) three models of Ford products. Thieves don't steal things that they can't sell.

In some cases, there isn't really even a separate radio to steal; it's deeply integrated into the car rather than being a discrete and easily aftermarket replacable component.

Comment Re:so... (Score 1) 342

For a couple months I was buying stuff I usually never buy, because i was shopping for my mother-in-law, because she was having an especially hard time getting around.

She's getting around better now for around a year, but I still get coupons for frozen meals and store-brand applesauce popping out at the registers.

I also get coupons that are for a different brand of something I bought a couple trips ago.

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