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Comment It sucked, that's why (Score 1) 602

It was not the business model, it was the show. I haved watched all of Caprica so far, and for a show about killer robots, it's very low on the killer robot quotient. I know Moore said it was about a collapsing society, but I came for the killer robots. BSG: Blood and Chrome, which will replace Caprica, should be much better for that. While some of Caprica was intriguing, such as V-World, other story lines were blah. Too much of painting a society (in essence Moore's view of our society), and not enough boom-boom If I want to watch that kind of show, I will watch the History Channel. I want to see robots with guns for hands again... got that SyFy

Comment It's the 80's again (Score 0) 944

Apple could have ruled the home PC market, but back in the 80's they made it such a pain in the ass to deal with them and make programs for the mac that they inadvertently strangled third party development. Android is not to iphone standards yet, it isn't, but it continuously gets closer and in many ways gets better. Apple wants to be a home entertainment company... okay... but take a lesson from game console manufacturers, third party software is life

Comment For non-Canadians (Score 3, Informative) 641

The National Post is Canada's newspaper equivalent to the US Fox TV news... We don't have an equivalent right-wing TV news. The Post has been bashing the notion of climate change (and other liberal facts they don't like) here for quite a while. I suspect this case won't really go anywhere, but it is interesting.

Comment Had almost enough of this (Score 1) 497

It would seem that every time I read an Apple story, it is about Apple fighting with someone to keep their eco-system pure or some sanctimonious blathering about what people want. Down the slashdot page there is a story about the iPhone and porn, or how they will keep your kids pure by withholding porn from the device. Okay... I get it, Apple products are closed entertainment devices. Not PC's (Apple's branding says so)... Fine, no flash, no firefox, no, no, no... Got it... will not buy an Apple product. Like most people, I like the look of some of their stuff, like most people, I won't buy any As for Adobe, Apple has said no flash from the beginning... so give it up. It's lousy on low powered stuff anyway and you better be gearing up for a new product because HTML5 is going to ultimately be the death of flash

Comment Re:the ipad isn't a computer (Score 1) 514

This is actually at the crux of most Mac-PC-Linux debates. And, no, the Mac is not a PC, at least not according to Apple's own branding (otherwise Mac vs PC ads make no sense). Simply, the Apple products are consumer products. They are geared to the non-technical user who neither wants nor needs the options. They are quite happy with the simplicity Apple gives them. This is not a slam, it is reality and by design. Linux, by extension, is not a consumer product. It is for technical people who want to do their own thang and do their own thang they do... Windows tries to walk both lines and suffers in many regards because of it. Technical people can get things far enough that they feel they should be able to go 100% into Windows innards but they can't and it frustrates them. When technical people encounter an Apple product, they either don't buy, or they hack into it much like they do with Windows products So.... like it or not, the iPad may be in terms of the article, a step backwards, but for many, it will be just right.

Comment Silly, but predictable (Score 3, Insightful) 294

As long as there is profit in suing for such things, a lot of companies will keep doing it. After a few decades of stealing from each other, software and hardware companies are waking up, looking around and realizing there is money to be made from suing each other for practices they have all engaged in... damn near all the patent infringement lawsuits I have read about seem on the surface, to be frivolous... it really is time for patent reform

Comment Not surprising (Score 1) 650

This is not the first time that open source has been accused of being a vector for illegal activity, also, it has been labeled as communist,1 Those are just two mild examples

Comment As a Canadian (Score 2, Informative) 271

I politely say, "that's nice". Please take a seat there by the Americans who have made the same demands. we'll see you after them. They've been waiting a few years, so you make want to bring a lunch and something to read. Really, the government is in a minority position (has been for a few years) and has plenty of real trouble to deal with... they also want to be elected with a majority some day so they are not apt to piss off the population too much.

Comment For a company that doesn't like (Score 1) 439

hacks and the like, such as jail-breaking etc, they are sure encouraging things that beg for it. One thing Apple should be learning is that their stuff is not as un-hackable etc as they would like to have people believe. Another thing they should be learning is that pissing people off is a poor business model.

Comment Computing Ecosystems are the crux of (Score 1) 371

all this really. That Apple wants to do this is not out of character as others are pointing out. Nor is this type of thing out of context for things like telecos, and other traditional purveyors of things such as music, movies etc. They are used to a take our stuff the way it is, like it or lump it. Now these companies have gone into areas where the savvy consumer doesn't have to, like it or lump it. On the computing side of the game, the hard core "I want it the way I want it" is served by Linux. Apple sells it as "have it our way", while Windows both to their folly and benefit has tried to walk both sides of the street with mixed results. They are all running into difficulty with their philosophies with all this new tech... Apple doesn't want you doing certain things... well, tough darts, jail breaking exists and they don't like it. I need not go into the RIAA philosophy of such things and the rocks they have smashed up on... MS, well, sure they have DRM, but there's a hack for that! Linux, well, those traditional industries call Linux communist for a reason (in their minds)... In their minds, convergence was never supposed to be like this... Let them patent it, who gives a flying f*ck... Like all attempts to try to curtail people from using tech for their own purposes, this is fail

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