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Comment Re:Why should it? (Score 1) 233

They just now started breaking the TOS? Or is PayPal just really really slow?
And what is it that they're doing that is a breach? Displaying the stolen documents? Isn't this what every journalist is supposed to do? Are all journalist organizations banned from PayPal, or just wikileaks?

And embedded media isn't a "free press". That's more of a propaganda department. Why do you think the military allows it?

That said I've been a happy customer for several years but I have to protest in some way, what other way would you suggest if not this? I'm also cancelling my visa-card and will pick another that don't hate freedom. ;-)
(yes, that was irony)

Comment Why should it? (Score 1) 233

They're based on the same technology, but other than that, what do they have to do with each other? You can run one without the other.
So the short answer would be "No".

I enjoy KDE and use it daily. I would use KOffice more if there was a better project management tool than KPlato included but alas, there isn't.
Time to donate some more Paypal money their way so that I can close that account. Btw, what alternatives are there to paypal? You know, companies that atleast pretend to support democracy.

Comment Education good. (Score 5, Insightful) 473

Seems like there's a long list of benefits in education. Not only will you be less religulous, but you will also not fear death as much and hopefully get a more fullfilling job.
Educating women is even better, they have fewer children and a better health. And they tend to see education as something important for their children.
Have a look at Hans Roslings excellent talk about the miracle in Pakistan for what education has done, and especially education of women.

Long live education, which should be free and availible.

Comment Re:Huh? (Score 1) 220

Sure, I talked to the person who handles MS at my company. There are many clients asking for Office365 with hosted files and BPOS are having trouble keeping up with demand I'm told.
It could all be bull, but I don't think so. Especially BPOS. I have som experience there and it seems to me like they're stalling, probably to get everything up and running.

Comment Re:Diesel? (Score 2, Interesting) 762

Diesel is NOT greener. The only reason it's thought of as greener is because of the lower carbon (CO2) emissions due to lower consumption. That part is greener. Diesel does however produce NOx, which reacts with water and produces Nitric Acid, which is very bad for the environment and hurts the respiratory organs. Diesel engines produce 24 times the NOx of petrol engines.

If you want to go "green" and still drive a car the best option at the moment is a CNG-car. CNG is Compressed Natural Gas. You can get it as a fossil fuel which is bad for the environment, but better than ANY of the other alternatives, or you can produce bio-methane from human waste which reduces the CO2 emissions with about 95%. A recent paper by scientists at Lund University pushes that up to 120%.

It's easy to convert a "normal" car to a CNG-car, although the ones built as CNG-cars have better efficiency.

These are the "greenest" cars you can get at the moment. Hybrids are nice, but they're not really green, and Diesel I'd classify as "red" (or whatever the opposite of green is).

Comment Re:This assumes... (Score 1) 930

Haven't you ever done a risk matrix?
Identify a risk, then grade (1-5) the likelyhood of it happening. Then grade(1-5) the impact if the identified risk occurs.
Likelyhood 1=no risk of occuring, 5=sure thing to happen
Impact 1=almost no impact, 5=everyone within 50km dies(or similar bad thing).
Multiply the two and you have a list of risks and everything above 15 (or 10) needs a plan on how to handle.
Obviously also those with extreme impact will have to have a plan (like poisoning the mexican gulf), even if the probability of it happening is very low.

For me I would have graded the probability of this low (1-2) and the impact about medium (3-4). I would not have spent any additional money on this since the net result is a 12 tops. However, if reports start to come in about these things happening a swift investigation is needed, and that's what they've done imho.

Are there any reports of this happening outside of the US? If the problem is with the cars then the problem should be global, right?

Comment Re:Amazing (Score 1) 768

The problem is that alternatives are not (yet) economical, and will never be until they get economies of scale (which is a chicken and egg problem), or until cheap oil runs out.

I drive a biomethane car (Opel/Vauxhall Zafira) which is perfect for me. Also, our government has put high taxes on non renewable energy so it's actually cheaper for me to drive this car than a petrol/diesel one.
And I don't have to pay road tax for the first few years.

Finding biomethane is a bit of a problem in some areas, but since 95% of my travel are on known roads it's not a big problem for me.

Any city that has to take care of human waste can produce biomethane, and the cost is already there so it's just a big bonus to do it.
Actually my city charges me to take care of my waste, refines it into biomethane and then sells it back to me.
Clever bastards.

Comment A few jokes on their behalf (Score 1) 840

Catholic priests are fucking immature assholes.

A priest, a rapist, and a pedophile walk into a bar, the bartender says "What'll you have, buddy?"

Six people were on a plane. A doctor, a lawyer a priest and 3 children. The pilot comes on the radio and says the plane is going to crash,and there are only three parachutes. The doctor yells out, " Save the children" The lawyer yells out "FUCK THE CHILDREN!" The priest yells out " IS THERE TIME?"

What's the difference between a rabbi and a priest?A rabbi cuts it off, and a priest sucks it off.

And a little song ot end it.

If you have more jokes like these I'd love to hear them...

Comment Re:No free lunch, but a range of benefits. (Score 2, Insightful) 314

Yes, because it's not like there's a large number of german companies that specialize in windows development and managing windows. That's only something that open source has.

Let's be a little honest about the benefits of OSS please. There are plenty, but saying that proprietary software is bad for the local economy is just misleading.

Comment Compability view (Score 1) 473

Will the new version of IE still have the compability view in it?
A web app that is being used at a clients site requires separate sessions and my fear is that the compability vew which is the one thing that has saved us in IE8 will actually disappear in future versions. Anyone have information about that?

Comment Re:Ding Dong (Score 1) 272

In fact, my company *just* announced an upgrade to IE7

The company I work for isn't there yet. Still IE6 on XP for us. And from what I hear there are no upgrade plans on the horizon. Eventually there will be I think, but for a company of this size it'll be atleast one year away from when they announce it.

Comment Allrighty then... (Score 1) 705

I wasn't going to watch twilight, but now I think I will download and watch it out of spite, just to make sure they lost money on it.
That's how they count, isn't it. Every downloaded file is lost money.
Perhaps if I download it enough times I can force them into bankrupcy?

Not sure if it's worth the pain of having to watch vampire-teen-angst though.

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