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Comment Re:BASIC (Score 1) 709

10 INPUT "Who is poster?";A$ 20 IF A$="plover" PRINT $A;" is a jerk" else 30 30 PRINT A$;" is not a jerk"

There are literally millions of programmers that cut their teeth on little 16K machines with basic in ROM. It stopped nobody from going on to OO languages. Dykstra was wrong.

-- BMO

I've met countless people over the years who say they started programming in basic on 16k machines, and NEVER made it to OO languages. For some, they lost interest, but others simply weren't able to make the jump from spaghetti code to structured programming, much less OO.

Comment Re:Even more important: "None" (Score 1) 763

Computing in what my son calls "the olden days" was huge fun. Though not as productive as it is today. For certain values of "productive". Back in the old days you could write a graphing program with a couple of for loops and a plot command. Now there's all sorts of hoops you have to jump through to simply open up a window.

True. But what if you want to run TWO graphing programs at the same time?

Comment Re:The real news is (Score 1) 285

people will spend spend spend on selfish desires but are against spending the same on their own welfare all the while complaining the rich have too much money. I know people spend themselves into a ditch paying for new gadgets and monthly fees and then turn around and bitch about how much money other people have.

Consumerism at its worst, they "deserve" to have what they want regardless of ability.

Uh-oh...... Someone needs a hug.

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