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Comment Re:Can't beat the Micro$oft Machine (Score 1) 59

Seriously, anyone who invests in this technology is an imbecile. This war has already been fought, and won, by Microsoft. I don't know one single person who uses QT for a serious, money making program. As a hobby, or educational exercise, it's fine. To put food on the table and my kids through college - give me .NET.

Well, there's this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C... And I can assure you, that is just the tip of the iceberg. Every company I've worked for in the last 10 years have used Qt for some product or another.

Comment Re:But... why? (Score 1) 430

Qt doesn't get out much beyond Win/Lin/Mac.

Qt isn't available for enough platforms because it only runs on Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS, Blackberry, Kindle, vXWorks, BSD, Solaris, Haiku, WebOS, OS/2, Tizen and AmigaOS? Anything that passes the "does it run on Amiga?" test is good enough for me.

You forgot qt in a browser: http://vps2.etotheipiplusone.com:30176/redmine/projects/emscripten-qt/wiki/Demos

Comment Re:Please, (Score 1) 372

Much like a chicken after the axe has fallen, the body is still temporarily alive but the brain is dead. Just give it a minute to catch up to reality.

The same could have easily been said of Apple in the 90s. I think we can all agree that chicken stitched a new and improved head back on.

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