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Comment Musk's Motivation (Score 1) 359

Most of the neighsayers seem to think Elon Musk has rather mundane motivations regarding making a quick buck or stock price manipulation.

His rubrick for making all decisions is based on if it would shorten or lengthen the time it takes for humanity to get to Mars. Twitter is a real-time communication channel of the human hivemind. He considers the issue of bot populations to have deep philosophical importance to human hivemind information flows. Now he will get this question properly answered under the formal rules of Legal Jurisprudence and the answer entered into the formal public record.

Elon Musk is rich enough to afford either outcome, and he is still learning how to spend his newly aquired pocket money after recently asking the internet if the richest man in the world should pay himself. Seizing the memes of production is a revolutionary act.

Comment Re:Agile and Scrum Are Like Communism (Score 1) 270

Agile is fundamentally a consultancy methodology, with an effective sales pitch. The true goal is to offload project risk onto the client, especially one who doesn't actually know what they want. The negotiation goes a bit like this:

Our job is to help you figure out what it is that you want. You give us some ideas, you pay us for a month, we go away and build something then bring it back to ask if this what you indeed wanted, we get your feedback and you can keep paying us again for next month. You don't need to do the hard work of actually creating a spec, and you are free to change your mind about what you want at any time and at any stage during the project. We provide the continuous integration guarantee, meaning we will always have a shippable product, and when you eventually run out of money we will declare the project a success and ship you "something". You get to decide when the project is DONE and we get a monthly paycheck with no risk of project failure.

This of course is far better than the waterfall model, where the vendor insists that the client pays them for the privilege of spending several months with expensive architects arguing over a realistic and self-consistent spec, with no short-term visible progress to be reported upwards, with the vendor then having to quote a fixed price for the project, assuming all the risk of project failure, having to deal with un-billable client change requests not in the technical original spec, and then having the client argue that the original spec they spent so long discussing wasn't what they actually wanted after all.

So by selling management the illusion of control, the vendor avoids of the politics of not getting paid.

Comment Re:What makes bitcoins different than tulip bulbs? (Score 1) 97

It was quite literally a viral bubble:

"The multicolor effects of intricate lines and flame-like streaks on the petals were vivid and spectacular and made the bulbs that produced these even more exotic-looking plants highly sought-after. It is now known that this effect is due to the bulbs being infected with a type of tulip-specific mosaic virus, known as the "Tulip breaking virus", so called because it "breaks" the one petal color into two or more."

Comment Re:Are we crossing into Witch Hunt territory here? (Score -1, Troll) 346

The problem is - when the person "asking" is in a position of authority

So no sex for you until you have successfully solved the problem of implementing a communist utopia and eliminated all hierarchies, power structures including your own celebrity authority

Comment Developers are too deep into the code (Score 3, Insightful) 299

As a developer solo-managing a legacy codebase, it is still important to have various rounds of external QA.

The first issue is that the developer can be so far into the code that they can completely miss what is obvious or un-intuitive to a non-technical user. This may also involve legacy bugs or interactions with code they havn't written themselves.

The second issue is that the the spec itself may not have been fully defined, or what you have is the developer's interpretation of the spec, and this may require clarification or feedback once someone has seen the end result.

The third issue is that a developer will focus their attention on the things they consider most important. Sometimes the best way to achieve this is to just give a developer a list of minor bugs/features, which is a great way of focusing attention by clarifying the spec and letting a developer speed though a bunch of quick fixes which have a predefined spec (defining the spec is half the mental effort).

So in general a developer should be capable of doing a first round of internal QA on their own code, but a second pair of eyes is still occasionally needed, as the developer has a very peculiar set of perception filters.

Comment Re:Enable The Government To Use Its Own Encryption (Score 4, Interesting) 108

"enable the government to use its own encryption algorithms"

This would either imply one of two things (or both):

1. The Chinese Government wants to install encryption backdoors in its own systems, to prevent employees from keeping secrets from it.

2. The Chinese Government is worried that the US government has installed encryption backdoors in the standard algorithms and wants to enable its employees to keep secrets from the US government

Comment Re: "treason" "terrorism" (Score 4, Informative) 236

Article III, Section 3:

“Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court."

If Enemies is a subset of Everyone, then giving Aid and Comfort to Everyone is an act of Treason, at least until the US makes peace with Everyone. Specifically what Snowdon exposed was the difficulty the US Government has in distinguishing between Everyone and Enemy.

"Eddard Stark: What you suggest is treason.
Petyr 'Littlefinger' Baelish: Only if we lose."

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