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Comment Linux? There's a fast, easy solution for that (Score 2) 268

I run several flavors of Linux at home and work and am disappointed that Netflix doesn't work natively under Linux. Rather than fudging around with a virtual machine or trying to get things working under Wine, I walked into my local electronics store and paid $70 for a nice blu-ray, internet enabled player. A Smart TV box. I now watch Netflix, Amazon Prime, Youtube and more without taking a hit on my laptop performance.

Comment Re:Seperation of classes (Score 4, Insightful) 292

Because historically, extreme concentration of wealth in the hands of a few coincides with recession/depression and high levels of national debt. This is not hard to understand. Redistributing wealth to a smaller group of people means the larger group of people have less to spend. The smaller group owning the majority of the wealth will not spend their money the same way someone from the lower classes will.

The reason we had such a great economy in the 1950s was in part due to the low income inequality via high taxation on the rich. Capitalism worked beautifully then, lifting the standards of practically every American. One can argue the same is not true today.

Comment Extraneous human population (Score 5, Interesting) 244

As technology advances particularly with regard to robotics and AI, we're going to find that a large segment of the human population simply is not needed anymore. In today's political environment I'm simply not seeing the global community embracing strict population control as well as socialism in providing for those who no longer have jobs and are simply using up resources without providing anything in return.

What do you recommend be done with these billions of people in the coming decades?

Comment Get back to me when (Score 1) 491

US property managers, landlords, real estate holding companies, grocers, farmers, and other interests and providers decide to drastically cut costs of everything they manage, manfuacture or otherwise provide.

Until then, quit complaining about Americans with large wages and outrageous benefits. That is a gross stereotype which is simply not true for the vast majority of American workers (of those who actually have jobs, no thanks to outsourcing in India and elsewhere).

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