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Comment Re:Are there *any* freedoms at all? (Score 1) 152

"Isn't it a bit heavy handed to treat AirBnB or someone renting out their pool as "selling access to public"?"

AirbNB is available worldwide. You have the entire world available to book your house/pool. So yes, I would say it's selling access the public. This isn't a neighborhood get-together. You're selling access to your home on a wide-ranging global website.

"Isn't a six year-old's lemonade stand selling drinks without safety standards?"

Six year-old lemonade stand is generally only serving the people who are walking around the neighborhood, not a world-wide audience. Is it against the rules? Yes. But this is seen in the neighborhood as a good way for kids to learn about entrepreneurship and customer service.

Plus, the potential liability for a lemonade stand is several magnitudes lower than the potential liability for selling pool access to the general public.

Comment Re:Are there *any* freedoms at all? (Score 5, Insightful) 152

That's a very anti-business view you have there.

The local health department can't shut down any restaurants in town because of unsafe food practices? Ok, I'm immediately going to distrust all restaurants in town and not spend money there.

The government can't mandate that construction companies build structures that won't collapse under normal use? Ok, I'm not going to step a foot inside the building regardless of what commercial wares they have for sale.

Distrust and fear cause people to close up their wallets.

Comment Re:Are there *any* freedoms at all? (Score 5, Insightful) 152

If you're selling access to the public, shouldn't it be taxed like any business is taxed? Regulated like any business is regulated? Have the same safety standards as any other business needs to have? Because that's what this is, a business transaction.

What, next you're going to tell me I should be able to serve food out of my home to the general public, but the health department shouldn't be allowed to make sure I'm keep food stored at the correct temperatures?

Comment Re: Pandemic is over (Score -1, Offtopic) 90

Because Trump currently owns the entire GOP. John McCain? Heâ(TM)s a piece of shit because Trump said so. All of the leading Republican candidates are using his tactics. You lose an election? Obviously fraud. Vote against the infrastructure bill? Claim credit when it benefits your people.

Lie, discredit democratic institutions, and spread conspiracy theories until people believe you and are willing to support an insurrection or Civil War based on your lies and deceit.

Get your supporters to distrust any media organization that doesnâ(TM)t report your preferred âoeviewpointâ.

Get rid of the right to abortion Federally with no safeguards, so pregnant women in states that have banned abortion have trouble getting medical care if their life is in danger, because they arenâ(TM)t dying just at this moment (and when it may be too late to save their life). Intentionally make laws vague on what constitutes a risk to a pregnant womanâ(TM)s life, causing doctors and hospitals to never provide care close to the line, because they donâ(TM)t want to be hit with massive fines, shut down, lose their medical license and therefore livelihood ( forcing them into poverty because there is no social safety net in America), or even life in prison.

This is all by design, or these people are incredibly ignorant and outright stupid.

Itâ(TM)s not the GOP anymore. Itâ(TM)s the Trump party.

From, a forever former supporter of âoeconservativeâ politics.

Get bent. Weâ(TM)ve seen this before in post WW1 Germany.

Comment Re: Kiss the 1st goodbye (Score 1) 282

The 1st Amendment prevents the government from punishing you for speech. Social media companies should not be forced to host speech they disagree with, just like Iâ(TM)m not allowed to go into your house and fly banners with speech that you disagree with.

Without Section 230, websites will become liable for any illegal content that is posted on their platforms by other individuals. The choice becomes not moderate at all, so all these websites get clogged with spam, porn, child pornography, and pro-Nazi speech. Or, since content moderation is extremely hard at scale, just turn off the comments section and not let users post anything.


Comment Re: Kiss the 1st goodbye (Score 1) 282

Sorry, the 1st Amendment says the government canâ(TM)t punish you for speech. These government officials are being banned from the social media platforms for violating the terms of service.

What censorship? These guys are on the news all the time. Every time they scream itâ(TM)s âoecensorshipâ, itâ(TM)s a news headline.

Itâ(TM)s not censorship. What the Republicans want is just a free audience and to force other companies to host speech they disagree with.

Donâ(TM)t like it? Make your own website.

Comment Re: This virus isn't going away (Score 1) 229

There will be a vaccine soon enough. Meanwhile, theyâ(TM)ll go back into lockdown for a bit, get it back under control (meaning ALL cases are under control, NZ effectively eliminated the virus) and go back to having sports with packed stadiums and crowded bars and other events like they were doing last month.

Compare that to the US. How many millions are going to be lost by not being able to have 40,000 person events? NZ gets to because they handled this well.

Unfortunately in the US the economy is not going to spring right back even once we have a vaccine. Job losses will be permanent for good while. People will get evicted and have to file for bankruptcy, meaning they wonâ(TM)t be able to get a mortgage for 7 years, and wonâ(TM)t be able to rent from anyone for years/decades (who wants to rent to someone who got evicted for non-payment?)

Expect a dramatic increase in homelessness, your house value to drop because your neighbors got foreclosed on, less people spending, and less jobs. Probably worse than the Great Recession.

Comment Re: Different technologies ... (Score 1) 102

The summary isnâ(TM)t saying theyâ(TM)re going to be making all the different approved vaccines and mandating they all be priced under $3. Theyâ(TM)ll probably be making one single vaccine once itâ(TM)s approved, one that has low costs for production (old technologies) that they can price under $3.

Comment Re: Most excellent move (Score 1) 150

Well, In the short term, different time zones will cause international students to simply not enroll. Who wants to attend a virtual seminar at 3am?

In the longer term, this just signals to international students that the United States does NOT want them. Since international students effectively subsidize higher education for Americans, this will just cause higher education costs for Americans to increase. Plus the loss of brilliant minds from abroad coming to the United States, since the messaging is definitely âoewe donâ(TM)t want you, youâ(TM)re not an American citizenâ

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