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Comment Re:Does anyone give a shit? (Score 1) 51

You laugh, but when an entire nation's legislation for their country gets trampled on by some tech firm simply because it's large and powerful, perhaps larger and more powerful than the country in which it was formed, that is a serious civil rights issue.
Yeah, yeah, I understand, Putin man bad, but at this point, any superpower can rally up enough vitriol against any country it doesn't like and make it's existence Hell until it complies to the norms outlined by the group rallied to oppose it.
This time, it's Russia, who has done some stupid stuff recently, but blatantly opposing it's national edicts, while not being a recognized sovereign state, merely a company that has gotten lucky and subsequently has more money than God, that's kinda disturbing to think about at an international scale.
By following this line of thinking, literally ANY country that doesn't comply with NATO or any similar organization formed in response can just go fuck itself and get sanctioned to hell, and even the civilian sector can just ignore it's laws. This is dangerous, and almost exactly what the "globalism" decries have been talking about.
And I'm starting to agree with them. Russia is bad, but not so bad that it has to lose ALL of it's autonomy.

Comment Re:I'm sorry (Score 1) 558

Those that support gun disarmament that actually have a clue are not going to contribute to this. They won't contribute to anything that will enable continued gun manufacture. In other words, they don't want guns to be safer, they want them to be gone.

Sorry, mate, but you're dreamin'.

Get rid of guns, and in 10 years, you're fighting the war against swords and knives. After that one, it's only 5 years before the war against knuckle dusters begins. Once that's ended, it's the ones with big muscles that'll have all the power.

You might as well have stopped at guns. Violence is a war that will never end as long as there is incentive for violence. Get rid of that, and every weapon ever made will be wide out of memory as well.

Comment Don't aid them. Let them fail. (Score 1) 558

Don't do it. If there's a market for this product, it will stand on it's own.

Any tool that is meant to protect you and your loved ones, but can't provide protection any longer after you're dead is a broken tool.

This is broken by design only to appease opponents who are either misguided or overzealous about a bad solution to a perceived problem, or are simply attempting to hinder your rights through obfuscation.

Don't do it.

Comment UPDATE! (Score 1) 936

There has been a recent update in this report. Officers have now stated that upon searching the woman's vehicle, they discovered an accordion. Authorities have not commented on additional charges being filed, however New Hampshire is a right to silence state, opening up the possibility of a life sentence for crimes committed with an obnoxious instrument.

Firefox 20 Will Finally Fix Private Browsing Mode 186

darthcamaro writes "Unlike every other major browser vendor, Mozilla today does not allow users to have their private mode browser window open at the same time as a regular browser window. That's now set to change. This is a flaw that has been in Bugzilla since 2008 and has been the subject of heated discussion for years."

Comment Big loss of customization. (Score 1) 1009

I tend to buy a higher end motherboard and a mid-range CPU. Unless they really go overboard on model options, I highly doubt this will be possible anymore with Intel chips being soldered to the board. For instance, if I wanted better performing or well-featured motherboard, then I would be forced to also purchase the more expensive CPU that is inextricably coupled with it instead of simply buying a less features CPU with just the amount of processing power I need.

The customer loses in this respect.

I'm also not used to swapping motherboard as often as Intel users, since AMD is much more sane in socket changes. I dislike installing motherboards.

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