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Comment On the actual cash register PC (Score 1) 310

Actually, I just fixed a bug in the invoice printing routine.

I'm usually around the place for bigger events for general troubleshooting, which does include fixing bugs. In this particular case, I was subbing in for the real cash register personnel to give them a little break when I noticed a printing error on an invoice I just printed for a customer who wanted to pay his stuff.

I asked him whether he had 2 minutes? I'll fix that." He goes, he doesn't actually mind the error, but he'll wait two minutes.

So I dive into good old Turbo Pascal and fix the error, recompile, cancel the bad invoice and reprint: Voila, bug fixed.

For more relevance I do usually code at that place back to back with the cash register personnel, and they'll suggest improvements.

Comment Re:Won't come close to Apollo 13 (Score 1) 97

Are you trying to say that the major part of the art of film making that uses CG these days is positive, or not?

Anyway, I stand by my point. You should watch it before calling it names because you already know you're going to hate the CG in it.

I mean, I could also talk about the acting. If you'll go watch the movie before coming back to this thread, I won't be talking about Academy Awards until January 2014.

Comment Re:Reach the "nearby" ISS? From Hubble? Uh, No. (Score 1) 97

To be honest, they hardly needed the Hubble in that movie. They could just have done some standard satellite maintenance, like the Shuttle occasionally does, or did anyway. Not like it makes any sense that a real doctor was fixing sciency bits on the Hubble that furthered any medical purposes, either. "We can now spot AIDS with a telescope that's pointing away from Earth!"

I figure they just put the Hubble in for the audience. I guess real astronauts were only a small part of the target audience.

Comment SSH warns of changes, why not HTTPS (and others) (Score 2) 233

I always wondered why SSH made just a fuzz about storing a site's certificate and warn of changes, but didn't put such a great emphasis on verifying host names or certification chains, but almost every other channel will just happily and silently accept a modified certificate.

Replacing that "This certificate is self-signed!" pop-up with a "This certificate is new or changed, please verify this MD5 hash on a trusted website: XX-YY-ZZ!" would probably increase security by an order of magnitude.

Also do this for background operations, like operating system fixes, virus scanner updates and may even MD5 downloads.

Comment Suddenly old UPnP problem is hot - Media Servers? (Score 1) 138

I did actually install that Gibson thing to disable my UPnP in 2001 because I didn't see a use for accessing my Plug-and-Play hardware over the net - the very concept of plugging something into one machine and accessing it from another as if it had been plugged in there felt far too much like a security problem to me.

Seems these days this is just becoming a hot topic again because Media Servers seem to use UPnP for streaming music and movies to your TV, or speakers, or smartphone, or tablet - yes, right across the Internet.

And some WLAN routers now tout their built-in Media Server as a feature, and of course you want to allow access to them from the Internet because of smartphone tunes... ...and all apparently without proper security, or at least I was never prompted for login details.

Comment Lackadaisycats (Score 2) 321

In no particular order I'm currently reading:
1) XKCD (and yes, 1110 was amazing art even though it's mostly about arcane, subtle or smart references)
2) Dilbert (makes actual work seem a little less sad)
3) Lackadaisycats (guns, alcohol and cats)
4) Unsounded (thieves and their pesky offspring)
5) Gunnerkrigg Court (a school with mediums, shadows and robots)

Comment Re:I was actually disappointed by this. (Score 1) 193

Hehe, someone quoted the X-Wing calling a Red pilot and I'm going no wait, wasn't the X-Wing calling Gold Leader?

Then someone else said he'd started going west and I'd been exploring east, but was coming back through the tunnels and was wondering whether we'd meet, and we discovered we actually were just going through the same landcape.

Would be cool if you could see others exploring multi-player style, but too hard to code I suppose.


Submission + - German Leading Conservative Party CDU/CSU Wants SO (

Comment Re:Social media AdBlock list (Score 1) 206

Thanks for linking this. In fact some of the comments in the original Heise articles call Heise hypocrites, since their new feature will gladly lock social sites out of the information loop without blocking their own Ad partners.

Ghostery will fix that. However, I noted that it doesn't seem to block social sites, so it's a great addition.

Now if Ghostery would block social sites, we wouldn't need web masters to help out with the blocking.


Submission + - Heise's "Two Clicks For More Privacy" vs. Facebook (

FlameWise writes: Yesterday, German technology news site Heise changed their social Like-Buttons to a two-click format. This will effectively disable unintentional automatic tracking of all page visits by third-party social sites like Facebook, Twitter or Google+. Less than 24 hours later over 500 websites have asked about the technology. Facebook is now threatening to blacklist Heise.

German source:

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