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Comment Getting Things Done with Basket (Score 1) 366

I run a little program on my Kubuntu laptop called Basket. It is no more than a container for every kind of information imaginable - text, images, links, you name it - but it has been incredible in helping me organize things. I tried everything from pen-and-paper to Lotus Organizer, and at one point started to build my own application just for keeping a diary and similar stuff. But Basket simply has it all.
In fact, it comes with a set of files that you can import and implement David Allen's Getting Things Done (see note above).
Highly recommended. And I have no affiliations with the developers.

Comment Re:Interesting, yet pointless (Score 1) 135

Actually, no, as a means of just sharing links to information it sucks, because you generally can't fit URLs and useful description into 140 characters--so you either have to skip describing the thing you're linking to, or you have to obfuscate the URL through a redirection service.

Oh come on. Twitter clients like Tweetdeck automatically shorten links that you paste into them.

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