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Comment Re:Were the two women okay with this? (Score 1) 267

Yeah, well - it was going to prison he did the first time he disappeared. Ironic, isn't it? Furthermore, I'm haven't a clue how it works in the US - but here in Sweden a marriage is a legal economic partnership which implies mutual economic liability (I'm going to be a bit surprised if it isn't roughly the same in the US). Entering a new partnership without declaring nor disolving the previous partnership would be viewed as a fraud in any other circumstance, so why not when the partnership is labeled "marriage"?

Comment How about an MC-board? Re:Lego (Score 1) 458

I have discovered that siblings get back at you when you get kids of your own.

All my kids will think of is LEGO, that's what they spend all their money on. Myself, I'm thinking of giving them an Arduino, a couple of motors, sensors and diodes and install Processing/Wiring on their computer - just to see what they'll come up with.

Comment Re:Try a (Score 1) 417

My 20 month old girl likes her OLPC very much (inherited from her siblings, they now have a normal computer with Ubuntu on it). She usually gets stuck in the search mode after a while though, so some supervision is needed.

Oh, we also have a spare 80's keyboard which we place in front of our laptops when she wants to join me or the wife while 'putering. Gives her something to do, and us a barrier between the real keyboard and her. This is needed, as she has well deserved her nickname "Godzylvia".

Comment Re:In before... (Score 1) 300

You also need to consider that every piece of software and every table of elevations and distances that engineers use when building such systems are not in metric. It is not just a matter of using a few conversions here and there; it's a matter rewriting software, referring to old designs, and many other factors. When my government is over $12,300,000,000,000 in debt, "getting on with the times" is the last thing on which I'd want it to waste more money.

Bullshit. That software is already sold outside the US, and thus it already supports SI units (unless it's written by the boss' nephew, which is one more reason to throw it out).

And really, do you think the conversion snafus don't cost anything?

Comment Re:I'm with stupid (Score 1) 197

In the civil cases it is not a question of guilt and crime in the formal sense - you're not a criminal because someone sued you (and the epithet 'criminal' sparked this thread, remember?).

In the cases of the speed tickets the ruling does still not come into effect until the appeal period has lapsed. Furthermore, there have been successful appeals to speed tickets too... ;)

Comment Re:Reverse engineered nVidia drivers? (Score 1) 196

Noveau is included in staging (which means that it comes with the kernel, but is not considered stable). Nv isn't a kernel driver at all, but merely an driver from nvidia. Though the noveau kernel and drivers are more fully featured than the nv offering, they still don't support 3D-acceleration very well.

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