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Comment Re:Right On (Score 1) 312

I held my nose and voted for Obama.

Then you share in the blame.

What was my option here?

Anything other than D or R. ANYTHING.

You think whichever boob we put in office isn't going to have these policies?

Exactly, so why do you participate in the charade? The only vote that matters is a protest vote.

So I don't think anyone is "OK" with this

And yet you vote for policys you are not OK with. YOU are the idiot.

Comment Re:Why so much butthurt? (Score 5, Insightful) 399

The likelihood of saying the same or worse is pretty low for most normal people.

False. Her comment made light of a terrible situation, to be sure. But importantly, it did not advocate for any bad things to happen to anyone. Have most normal people done worse? Yes.

Most people supported the Iraq war. Most people support the War on Drug Users. Most people support "enhanced interrogation", aka torture. You can turn on Fox News any day of the week, and find people saying things far worse than what Sacco said. Why are they worse? Because they are seriously trying to implement policies that harm people. Get some perspective.

Comment Re:Is it really an issue (Score 1) 365

It's not a philosophical question. It's a practical question about the economics of space travel. Whatever philosophical warm fuzzies you get thinking about space travel mean nothing to investors. When you say that there is no objective value, you're right. When you say that that doesn't matter to anyone, you're wrong. It means a lot more than any sentimental value. That's the real world.

I'm with you really. I think it would be a great thing to start working on moon bases and multi-generational space craft today. It would also be great to stop dumping CO2 into the atmosphere, and stop breeding antibiotic resistant bacteria just so fat people can eat meat every day. But "great" doesn't pay the bills.

Comment Re:Evolution proves we *need* to go to space ... (Score 1) 365

If anything evolution ***proves*** we need to go to space.

"Need" implies some sort of value judgement. Evolution is a natural process. Don't anthropomorphize it.

I agree that if we want the species to continue, we will have to find other rocks to live on. But I don't think the answer to that "if" is necessarily "yes". No individual human necessarily has any interest in the survival of the species beyond his own lifespan. I don't think you're going to see investors making investments that will only pay off to future generations.

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